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An Act appropriating the public revenue. 1828 5 (1828)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsva0387 and id is 1 raw text is: In the g.-Mird.year qf the Commonwealth.
bited ;. tni every license to a broker, sixty dollars;, tn every li. On broken.
celse to sell silver or'plat,-d ware,, or jewelry, not of the mnu- Venders of silver
factuore of. the- vender, twenty dollars: Provided always8, rLhat Pro.v.so.
persons who only repair watches, and vend such articl&s as are
n.clssrilly in that line of bu.iness, shall not lbe deemed and taken
within tile Ineanillg OI this act, as venders of silver and plated
ware, and jewelry, who are reqaired to pay a tax and obtain a
lic,.nse ; on every venildue-master, a tax of sixty dollars.  On vendue-um-
3 lie itJfurh;r ei,'ated, Tlhat hereafter the notes of the Bank ter  o  . a
or tie Valhll, and of the North Western Hank of Virginia. shall Banks to be re-
be receivble by the Bank oif Virginia and Farmers' ilitnlk of Vir- ceivable at Bank
ginia, in painint of I he taes of the Comtonwealth, in the sanle o Virginia and.
mimnr that they have been heretohlore receivable by the Tres. prmrs'of taxes.
4. This act shall be in force from anti after the passing thereof. Commcncement.
CIIAITER 2.-An act appropriating the public revenue.
(Pas  February 118th, 1899.)
I. lie it enacted by (liae General JJmeobLy, That taxes and ar- C.eneral fund.
rears of titxvs due prior to tie first day of October last, and not
other%% ise appropriated, anti all other branches of revenue, and all
public monies not otherwise aplpropriated by law, which shall
comite into the public Treasury, prior to the first diy of October
next, aid the surplus of all appropriations heretofore lade, shall
constitute a genei al fund, and be appropriated as followsl to wit:
T. the expen~ses id the Oineral A.aseibly. one hundred and twelve Specific appropri.
thousand dohlis ; to Ili. sdaries and all(wances of the officers ofaa.
civil govertmient, seventy six thousand dollars; to the cominis-
sioners of the revenue, anti clerks For exatmining conmissioners'
boks, twenty-eight thousand dollars ; to defray crininal charges,
includilg ti;' expense of guarding jails, forty three thousand 3ol.
lairs ; to pay the interest on three hundred and nineteen thousand
dollars of ihe seven per cent. debt, and on two certificates of six
per cent. dobt, held by the Literary Fund, twenty three thousand
seven hundred amid seventy -three dollars; to the Sinking Fund, for
tile redemption of tile old six per cent. military debt, one thou-
sand dollars ; to colitilg,,nt expenses of courts, including allow.
ances to clerks, attornies, sherifls and jnilors, twmenty.six tiousand
dollars; to the payment o' pe nsions allowed by law, four thousand
dollars; as I civil continient fund, ten thuu;and dollars ; to mi-
litia. establishnent, including services of clerks if' courts of en.
quiry, adjutants, provosts martial, and expresses, and for thme'pur.
chase of' drums, fifes, and the pay of' musicials, where tile lines
of the regiment are inisuflicient, and also including the pay of
adjutant gieral and brigade inspectors, fifteen thousand dollars;
to the internal charges of the penitentiary.house, four thousand
dolla,'s ; to the penitemtiary nfticers' salaries, six thousand six hun-
dred and fil'y dollars ; to the transportation (if criminals to the
pe~it-ntiary, six thousand dollars; to the public guard ilt the city
of' Richiund, fifteen thousand five hundred dollars; for slaves
executed an  transported, ten thousand dollars; to expense of
representation to Congress, the State Senate, and the State Con-
vention, two thousan( dollars ; to public warehouses, including
the pay of superintendents, one thousand dollars; to civil prose-

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