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An Act concerning William Morgan, jailor of Nelson county. 1827 117 (1827)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsva0380 and id is 1 raw text is: blu the fifty.second year of the Commonweafth.                        117
.ire paid : he shaji ako receive thirty dollars for his present relief, Suim for present
ant! the, Auditor of Public Accounts is hereby authorised and re. relief.
li,ired tu iSsol a Warrant utn the treasury for the same, to be paid
to the said U reen, or his representative, out o titny money therein
not otherwise alpiroplriated.
0. This act shall commence ad be ill force from the passing Commencement.
CIIAPITIIt 161.-An net concerning Peter Triplett.
(  Iassed Fehlruary I'th, Isle8.)
1. lie it entitd by, the General *Issembly, That Peter Triplett Petfi Triplett
,of the 'unnt ill  ao Cl',1e[ r,-ll an tltd, poor, tnd infirot soldier of the plowed un the
rewvoliti:l, % ilo aervtt  three years, and was wounded iu battle,penion :ibL.
shall btv llae'i eli't tiz, tensioin list, anid ieceivi sixty dollars an-
n ually, ,lmiu, i I he, and Il, paid as other  insioners are paid:
hc siitll alu iCelVe thirltv dollar  lor Iis pr,,seut relief, and ti- Sum for present
Auililtr ohif Pihlic Accounts. in  hereby authnrised, and required,
to issue :t Warranllt tn the treasury fru the sate, to be paid to him
or to his ikrt'seitaitive out of any inon ey therein, ut otherwise
2. I.hls act shall commence and be in turce tron  the passing Commencement.
CiAPTER.tt 161'.-Au act .cevrtteiug Jo*hu. Reynotl aud Volt '.  teylolds.
( Puased Febrtyua  4th, i,)
I. ie it enarted b1i then Gnera! Assembly, That the Auditor of John-nd Van H.
Public Accounit, be, anid he is hereby authorised to receive il Reyuaod released
satisfitctihn of a judglitittn  recovertd by the ComIllonwelth, inagitj t them, U i,-
the gent, ral court, n l0 ,,! %ixl e' th day ot Jl.lt: eighteen htundred what tertvoind
and tweqlly foul', agailnst J.h i  eytolds, ti(lomoney dule according collditiol?,
to the bond uf the Iweilly-sevulth day ohf 8elitetlubr eighteenl
hundl'ed- anti twently tnvt, given by Joii leynolds and Andrew
Don Ilall', to tiet' itt of the Comntllnwealthi, anti the deed of'
trust fIt tie titittietih day tt Scptember, eigitteen hundred and
twentv Iwo, taken too st-cure the sate t Provided, That Van 13.
rcylllils lirs. pay lite costs recove'ed a,.ainst li, in the Stue-
rir court of C ha tieel' v at  hich , inti i , il a suit brought, by him
awailst the UoitUUltnuwalth atd uthets, relative to the said deed
of Ii'n , and 4'i ctar  Ihe cs't., (f the s ii judgient in the
celel'al court. W\Vi lit,- siid lpayments shall be made to the satis-
Ftetiou tit Ike Auitohr, lit! is lit-reib, auithurised to g ive a full re-
lease oir arqu ittaliCe ilf the said iu( Igniient Or the gen leiral cotirt.
,2. This act shall CoImnIItLc4e  and lie in force I'oln the passing Cominietnellm:
tliAPT1'IE, 16.-An act concerning William Mot -An,jailor of Nelson county.
(Pt-.sedl January 18th, 18-28,)
1. lie it eilctied lt/ the Gene'al .Asspeflly, That the Auditor of Sum allowed Wil
Public Accounts be, and lie is hereby authurised and required to lian Morgal as
isue a warrant on the Treasurv, in lavour of William Morgan,4'i. fees, forikeep.
..    ..  -  . .   ..            ...    . , g  a  uc~gro in just.
jailor tf Nelson county, for fifty dollars, (the amount of his jail
lees, anti other charge;, tur keeping in said jail,) a negro SUIpOSed

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