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An Act appropriating the public revenue. 1827 5 (1827)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsva0374 and id is 1 raw text is: In the fiftyacscond year of the Commonwealth.                         5
CIHAPTER.tt .--Au act appropriating the public revenue.
(Paused February 28th, 1898.)'
1. Be it elnceted by the Generat SAsseuibly, That the taxes, and General fluid
arrears .f taxes, due prior to the first (lay of October last, and not
otherwise appropriated, and all other brulaches of revenue, antd all
public monlnes not otherwise appropriated by law, which shall come
into the public treasury prior to the first day of October next, and
the surplus of all approiriations heretofore made, slhall constitute
a gpleral illd, atutl be appropriated as fiallows, tQ wit: To the Specific appropri.
:x  ases tit the General Assembly, one hundred anti tell thousand atitus.
dulars ; to the saaries and allowances of the ollicers of civil gov-
ernent, seventy live thousand dollars; to the connissioners of
tile revenue, and clerks for exatruning coinn ivs~ioners books, twen-
teight thousand dollars; to defray criminal charges, including
t ecx iense of guarding jails; furty-six thusand time h~undred
and firfy dollar's to pay the initerest pn three hund~lred and nine-
teenm thoa.sand dollars ol the seven per cent. debt, andl on two cer-
tilicates ot six per centt. debt, hel by the Literary Fund, twenty-
three thousand seven hundredl and .seventy-three dollar's ; to the
sin, ki,,g fulid, for the rede,,Itiot, of the old. six per c ent. ntilitary
debt, one thousand dollars ; to the colntinLrellnt expensesofl courts,
mdchuling allowances to ztturnics, shuerif]ih, clerks and .jailors,
twenty-seven thousand dollars ; for tlhe patynent of pensions al-
lowellby law, live thousand (lolh's ; as a civil conitiilgent fund,
- twelve tho~usandt dllars ; to militia establishment, huclultig ser-
vices ol' clerks of courts of enqutiry, ailjutanls, provosts martial,
and explresse.s, and for the purchatse of druuis, tifis, and il te pay
of musicians, where the fines uf the regiment are iunsutlici,.nt, andl
al:so including thle pay of the adjutant genraf aud. brigade inspec-
tors, twenty.seven thousandl dollars ; to tihe iinternaf charges of
the penitenitiary-hause, tihur thousand dollars ; to tihe hlelite'Itiary
ofellcrs' salaries, six thousand tive hundred and twenty dollars;:
f'or tihe transportatiou of criminals to tile penitentiary, six taou-
sand dhollars; to the public guard in thle city of Richmlond, sixteen 
thousand dollars; for slaves executed or transported, thirt  en
thousand dollars; to expenses of re presentation to Congress and.
State Senate, five hundred dollars; to publ~c wvarehouses, inclu-
tling ray o~ sperintendlents, one tl'ousan,. d,,llars; to civil prose-
cuitilns, including clerks, shuerilli mrd mla'shlals' fees, three hun-
tdred dollars ; to the expense of the  guard at the Lexington ase-
n lal, four thousand dollars ; for Li.  ollectioiu and transportation
of armls, one thousand two htundred dollars; as at military contin-
gent fund, including claims tar services during the last'wvar, one
Sthousand dlollars; to satisfy the b~dance of an appropriation for.
publishing the Maf. of Virginia,, three thousatnd six hundred and
eighty-five dollars ; to satislfy thle balance of' an appropriation for
•Coi letinig the western lunnrtec hitspital, six thousand dollars ; for
the support of the western lunatic hospital, five thousand dollars;
to dhe support of thle lunatic hospital at \Viilianmshurg, twelve
thousand dlollars; to satisify the bahatnce of last year's appropria-
tion for the saute, three thousand dlollars; for the trantsportation
and unintenance of lutnatics confined in tihe county jails, lil'teen
hundred dollars; for the tuaufatctory of arias, includ~ing balance
of last year's appropriation, live thousand two hundred and thirty-
four dollars; for the commutation of five years full pay granted.

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