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An Act to provide for the more effectual punishment of certain offences. 1822 36 (1822)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsva0339 and id is 1 raw text is: 356                  A the fort y.evei year of            ,110 Oojr.dnWealt.
I           States, in the oianner prescribed by law for the sale and trans.
poI tation of slaves tinder tile sentence of deai.
Costs and charges  4. And lbe it frther enacted, That, the costs and charg-sat
to be dlefrayed as tenintg (lie ariTCst, conflinent, trial antd punishmient of ofibn-
huretorove. tiers under this act, shall be adjusted, certified and paid, in the
satne nanner as costs and charges of a sinilar nature are now,
by law, directed to be adjusted,  ertified and paid.  
Ilepealing clause  5. All acts and paris of acts coming within the purviewof
this act, shall be, and the sante aire hereby repeated.
Commencement.   6. This act shall commence and b6 in Force from and after the
first (lay of August next.
CIAPT R 33.-Au act to provide more effctually rotr (lie pmnishment or slaves,
fre negroes nod mulattoes, Fouul guilty or nssaulting anti beating, with hilentiolk
to kill, a white person, ani for other puruposes.
[Passed Febwuary 21st, 18,23.)
Ofrendertoho bu-  1. lie it enacted fly the General ,Mssenbl, That if any slave.
ashd with  free negro or mulatto, shall hereafter, willully and maliciously,
strilics, and  pet%-  r3,                    .     ..
tpel bashment assault tU| beat a white person, with ant intention, in so doing, to
m tile united kill such whitepersou ; every such slave, free negro, orn ulatto,
States 1     80 onfending, annd heing ther'eof' lawfullyv convicted, shall be ad-
jugled attdA deemed guilty of felony, ind shall be punished tlby
stripes at the discretion of'a jury where the party tried and col-
victed is a free negro or mulatto, or* the jll gillnt of the court,
where the party tried and convicted is a slave ; and shall more.
over be adjudged to be transported and banished forever froul the
United States ; anld such person shall be accordingly sold sunder
the authority of tle executive, in the s'nie imanner is is provided
And with death, hy law Ioint fie sale ofsl aves uldecr senttece or death. And if such
if [ie return,  convict, whether bod or free, Shall at any tillie after rettsn into
this cololllnonwrteIa th, lo shall le appretded, alld upn :olvictji n
Owner of slave to thereot; shall steler tleath without beoelit of clergy. AnI the
be paid his %alue. owner of any slave sold and transport ld miller this act, shall be
paid in tile same Iatilier as is provided by law flor slaves executed
under sentence of death.
Conunccetcut.  2. This act shall commence and be in force from and alft,.r the
first day of May next.
CHAPTER 31.-An act to provide r  the meore eftretual punishment of certain
(,il' lIie, S.
(Passed F ebruary 14th, 1823.]
Certain ilful  1. Be it enacted by the General .lsseunbly, That any person who
trespasses, deelar. shall knowingly and wilfully, without lawfil authority, cut down
ed to be misdo.  any tree growing on the land of another, or destroy or injure any
such tree, or any building, fence, or other improvement, or tie soil
or growing crop on tile land of another; or shall knowingly aud
vilily, without lawful authority, but not feloniously, take and
carry away, or destroy or injure any tree already cut, or any other
timber, or pro)erty, real or personal, belonging to another, or aly
court-ouse, church, meeting iouse, or other house used f'or pulic
worship, or'the grounds, enclosures, woods, or other appurtenances

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