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An Act imposing taxes for the support of government. 1821 3 (1821)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsva0328 and id is 1 raw text is: PART 1.
Containing dI cts of a public and generl nature.
UtlIAPTIER I.-An act i iing laxes for (ite slpport t governien.
slacd I  Ihruary . , I I12'..]
I. lie it enacted b the Generat .lsseuldi, That tle public raxes for 1022.
faxes fir the yCear olle thllo.4,l4 eight hulldredl and twenty-two
shall be as Follows, III wit: oila llds, Flor' every hudilred dollars Onlnds;
value, agreeal  it, tile 1at t'or arranging the counties into dis-
tricts for the election of senators, alld for eualizing the land tax,
passed February tile eighteeinth, eighdteen hmtudred and seven-
teel), and the  act further tl aoentl aund explaill tile act, entitled,
'1an act for arrangin-g the colnties into districts for the electiol
o selators, and foiequalizing the land tax, passed March the
lirst, eighteen hutndred an I niiineteeni, nine cents ; for aill houses
and lots in towns, two tdollars al twenty-live cents, for every
hunrled dollars vearly rent Or valie thereof ; for every slaveShives;
above tile lge (if' lvwe  years, (except such as have been, or may
Iliw exetipteid, i culiseqtenlce of age tit idiruity, by the rellec-
tive coutity or corpuratio  cotlls,) lity-thlre cents ; for every lilrvs, asscs,
s tallion, or jack-ass, Iwice tle prII ce at which such stallion or 11i1cs, &c.
jack-ass covers it mare by the sitsn ; Iur all other horses, asses,
lnoules, illmres, and colts, t hirteen all otle hall' cents each ; for OrilicI.)ry liceatse,
cVl oirdinary licel.se, or licens to keep a hos:e (i' private -it (rliceClstokCVp
tertjiilim et., seven  dhollar:s  for  evcI'V  hutlldred  dollhars  .y'early  renit,  :l  ;ltmi i titu
olr value thereof : l'Prtided, that tor nIo such license a less sutti
fliin eighteen dollars shall be paid: .dud proiled also, that
where aily house of' iVate eiitertaiiiment shall be of less valuc
than seven lhii ill red lolla is, bit one foiurth o1f the Sllim aloresaid
shall he charged 1101r keepi,  the samiie: and provded furthr,
that no tax siall le levied on :t house of private entertainment,
unless tihe saile be situated within a town, bo'ough, or city, or
withiu eight hundred yards actual distance trolu sollic plublic
roiail or higli wa ; for every tw o wheeled iing Calriae, nlit ex- Carmiges
cedig (with ilie harness belonging thereto,) oiie hundired ilollars
value, fifty cents ; and flor every like carriage and harness, above
the valueolf oie hudileil  dolars, onie per centlioi oil the excess
of the value of socih carriage. lld lrinless above one hlideil d l -
lars, in addition theieto; for every phiaeton and stage Waiggoll
not exceedilg, (with the halliliess belonging thereto,) two hundred
dollars valll, twoi diollars aiid lifty cilits; foir every carryall or
Jersey waggon not exceeding in valie one hundreil dollars, fifty
cents ; and for Ilike ca11 ia- e.15 exceedlin  one lithi  l 1)dolars ill
value, two dollars ; and for every like carriage and iaruness above
the value of two hlndred dollars, one pter centui oil tile exceis
lf thie value of such carriage above two huldtell dltlllars, in ad-
dition thereto ; fr every riding carriage, not exceeding  two hun-
dred dollars, together with tile harnies. thereol, two dollars ; for
verv rh ing carriage, not exceedin, (with the harness belonging
heto,' thi 'ee hiilred  ohlllIars vaiue, live lhllari; and for suci

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