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An Act concerning James Paxton. 1819 109 (1819)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsva0320 and id is 1 raw text is: In the forty-fourth year of the Commonwealth.                 109
nior, and his security, in a bond given for the delivery of pro-
perty, levied by force of an execution, which issued on a juIdg-
ment recovered against one Jacob B. Fowler, and several others,
his securities, wifl the said William Miller, junior, for a debt
owing to the Commonwealth, against the said William Miller,
junior, alone ; tie said Fowler, the principal debtor, having re-
moved lt of the Commonwealth, ani the other securities become
insolvent; and the said William MiEer hath amply secured the
payment of the residue of the said d(lbt, but the said Miller, to-
gether with his security in the said delivery bond, have prayed
for further time for such payment, which it is thought expedient
to grant
1. Be it theiej're enacted bi, the General I:ssembly, That the Flarther time at-
said William Miller, junior, aid his security in the sald delivery -''I William
bond, be allowed to pay the balance of the .udgient renderel er'r'' ay
agaiist them, by eq ual niieties, at oil and twoi ,ye,'s fi'oin the balncertc i judg.
passage of* this act ; anid that until d e fiu It be in, e ill such pay'- wellt.1pigiatilium.
Inment, all executi on and proceedings on the said judgment be, in
the incan time stayed and suspended.
2. This act shall lie iii lbrce fion1 and after the passing thereof. Commencement.
CtlAPTER CLVIII.-An act authorising flenry llill to asime the stir-
namie of' Newjnan.- 'assed I Febrary 22d, 1820.]
1. Re it ellath'd, That Ifen ry IHill of the cotity of' Oralge, Name of IHenry
shall Ile, and lie is lereby authorised a1idl tlnpowercl to aSsliite I fill of Oramge
the sUin atie of Newtint ii; by which I nan,  wheil so assumtoed, lie lt t in  tc I
shall be knowt and called, ;s his legal amd proper name.
2. This act shall be in force froin and after the pussi og thereoL cu. ,')nclIltt.,
CIAPTEM CIAX-An act, to amend an act, entitled,  an act concern-.
ing William Campbell -l[assed Febrttary 2'2nd, 1820.]
1. Be it enacted by the (eteral .issembty, That, instead of ll, Act amnunt.(, so
depreciation of' pay allowed Willinin CaiI teII, il the act passed as ', a1lh%at N:i.
Match the sixth eighteen hundred and nineteen, the puiitor o ia I :,!; jn of
I  I  +  I It  I  I  I •  I  I  al   I  l  , t :' :,  clut'lill  (
public aceontstis shiall be, ailnd he is hereby aittorisei airdequ - futll p111 [my filive
red to settle With the Said Campbell, or his representative, ile yt: i ,:1 iaptaili
commutation of fItill pay fior live yea's, in stead ofI half pay tot. in thia' ..tt. A Co
life, ot a  captain  in  the state,  or  cointiental hne, ti ethcr with i   lie  &C.
interest on tle same fioin the sixth (lay of March, eigiteen hun-
dred and nineteen ; anid to issue a warrait ott the treasury foi
the am ount, to be paid out of' any nioney therein not otherwise
2. This act shall be in tbrcc fiom the passing thereof.  Cutcitcett.nL
CIIAPTER CLQ.-An act concerning James Paxton.
[fPassed l,'hcruary 22nd, 1820.]
Whe,.eas it is rtepIresented to the (iellelal Assellibly, That Preamble,
James Paxton, cimmnuandant of the guard at the arsenal if) Lex-
intgli, in the coutty of' Rockbridge, was atpo tited under all act
passeml  the eighth of' Febutary eighleen hundred anild sixfeeli,
which act gives him such pay atd allowances as the tiroops o ' lhe
Uiiih' i States WVre thei allowei by •i  ; thatt the act ol'con,ess1
fixing  the military peace establishment, passed the tIrd o'

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