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An Act placing Richard Nicken on the pension list, and for his present relief. 1819 101 (1819)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsva0318 and id is 1 raw text is: It the forty-fourth year of the Commonyvealth.                       101
. Aid he it fl't'thcr e,uted, That Peter Ap person of the coon- AndPcte6 Apper-
I y i Spot Itsy I van ia, a.Iso a [I ol I still ier of t Ie revo lII ti oi, shal I be, Si.
;il lie is hereby placed oil tile pension list, and receive sixty
d o I; s a illintl al Ii  his life, and paid as other pensioners are
3. This act shall colnnielice and be ill force lronm the pas.ing Cominncncement.
ClIIAP'I'I'll (XXX\.-An act placing Richar'd Nickell on il penionll list,
Lud t'Co' his p'il-cs'i't rlief.-LPiasud ,lantlary 4th, 1820.]
1. lie it eneed hy the G 'eral 'lAsse lblit, That liclard Nicken Amountoflpension.
a free lllli of  ohl', rTidinig in tlit coulliy of Lancast er, who en-
listed Ioi th'ee yearsi ill tlleservice of* the State, during tile revo-
ltiollarv wair, aid is liow pviol and ilidill, shall be placed (ill the
]lt'lsioll list, :ii ci rove'iv  sixt v dollars anliiiualy di'in  his lilfe,
a nli  shall  also  receive  Illv  dll rs  Iofb  his  preselit  relief,  an d  the  A low nce brpr.
a  dll it l r   i s   . a i i lil o r i s e d   aii l   r/ ui   rl   t o  i s s u e  a  w r r a n t  on   t li e   t r e -   s t  r e clie .
Sll.)' to him, oi' his I'teoeslitalive', 'or tile saein, to be pai(L out of
alliy loiesli!  thei'vill notl other'wise approprlilialted.
L2. This act sihill coimeiniilce aind lie ill force fronm the passiln iComncineut.
I hiereol
CHlAT'ERlI CXXXI-An act placinig Moses Estis anid William Cr:tvcs on
tii  peisioln Iist.-L l'asscd  .1: almi'Y gli1 1820.]
1. i' it etti'led b-i the Geteral .,IssetbII, That Moses Estis ofPcuikiu allowed
the com itfy' of' ,piiti syl l  ania, an old infirn i'n evlutioulary soldier, .los,.3 l.stis,
shall he plact'd oil lt; lilsion list, aindl receive sixty dollars an-
litially dirin Ihis lif,, aId paid as other pensioners are paid.
12. Il be it fi/i' el en act(ed, That  illiai in GIavs of the And Wini. ('raves.
coluity of Charlotte, alo all old iiiim i'evolutioniary soldier, shall
Ie Ildaceil Oil th' pll'ion list, and receive sixty dollars anitually
duliulg his Iilt', and pail as other liisiolili's ale l)aid.
3. Jnd be it fitther enalted, That the said 1\ illinlo (h-ayes AIIowance forprc
be alii,iled, iid lie i  iht y authioiisoilht receive tile sunl of sixty sn trclid'.
dollar..; !io his preseit relief; and the auditor of' public accounts
is rel  'red to i ssli a warrint nil the ti'ca:it'y to hiimi, or his ipre-
Seliia;v'e, for thie salit.
4. Tiis act shall colellnCe aid he iii force from the passing Contmncnc cnici.
CII.IPTIUI CXXXVI.-Au act placing Peter llaiiley and Isaac RJlliioll
on the pe~nseilonl list.-LPassed J anuary 8th, 1820.1
1. lBe it enarltd by tie ('evet''l .,lssenifly, That, Peter Rlaine', l'ehnsi  alhoA ed
orf tile countv of E-sex, (ihlio was wounded, and   isabh ! I duril- l  .tci Il:ii,..
the revollitiornt'y war,) is hcreby placeil omi the piensioil list, alid
shall receive animitally sixty dollars diurilg his life, and be paid
as oflli, Pellisiiile's ate paud.
2. ,Ioid be it fuith/et etacted, That Isaac llion, of tlie Conm1ity aid Isaac iilion,
o 'I'aimwell, an old revolulioliam'y soldier, shall be also placeitd on
the pension list, alld receive aiiiiiially, sixty dollasi' ilu'ilig his
life, and lle paid as othe' e'nsiers' are pallid, and S1i:il lie also
allowed the s no  of sixt dlolla's, ft' his present relief'; ainl tie Allowance For
auditor of public accomits is hicihby authorised    ila  rired to lit I't ilt.

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