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An Act to amend an act, entitled, an act against embezzling of records, and for other purposes 1819 19 (1819)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsva0311 and id is 1 raw text is: In the forty-fourth year (f the Commonwealth.                             19
IIAPITF,   XXI.- n aet to amend all act, ,ntilled, -'an :let to reduce
into one act the several acts, and parts of'act., for establishing a peni-
tcntiary.hou.;e, and for the punishment of crimes.
[Passed Febriiary 24th, 1820.)
1. Bie it enacted, by/ the G'eneral /lssenibly, '['hat file forty-sixth lep.eal of 46th
s'Ctionl 0f, tile act, entitlcd,  aIi atC, to reduce in to Onle act, ftil see (if 11,11itell-
tiary law.
several acts and pal'ts of acts, for establishing a penitentiary. .ode of 1819,
house, and foro the punishment of crimes,'' shall be, and tie same 1st vol. c. 171. 1.
is hereby repealcd.                                                  627.
2. This act shall commence and be in force from and after the Commcnccment.
passing thereol.
CllAp''.l't XXIL.-An act to amend an act, enitled, an act against em-
bezzlint; of records, nd ilfor otler i)' rpoes.
[Pasled Flruary 2.4th, 1820.]
I. le it euacted by the    henr,'t .Jss'mbly/, 'That if any record I'mifishmcnt for
or parcel (of tile ,same, or ally writ, etiirli, p[llikl, pi'iert  'Iawt- (nihiilfing :VIy
ranlt of atforney, in ally colirt of recird wilhiin thi  I .inioll-
wealth, Ile stoltil, oi ie villiliglv andil frauillleitly takei away,
withdrawn, or avoided, by ally cler-k, ilr l) ally other pursciii,
such stealer, taker away, Withldrawrr 't. l'voidtl, r, tit' 'l. ocis,
counsellirs anil abettors, beini tllereof ililield aid d(   'iV t-
ed, by their own conlessimn or by    inquesl to he lakien of ,i-wliil
in1'shall be ailjudged for hilons. Sllch           or felins, if' he, if 4,nder Ibe
she, ir they he a slave or slaves, shall sulti'' ieath ; 611t if' such ;lal, oe if I, fVUCe
felon oir fefolns, be free, he, she, or fiy shall hie selileln l to Iloi person.
prisonimiet ini the piblic jail aind p'iiteoiaiy-h tute, fir a termn
niot less thali live years, nior. iliolet thani  t, ii years.
7. lie it ft-Ihter eiac(ted, That, if ally olli-e OF public ti ust ill Piihezzlment or
this CoiiiiilOoiweaLlth, or any ollicer ol l irect oi of iniy bank, char- Iira;,duh,,t hicack
tered by this Comlilllllwealth, shall enbezzle (itl fraudlulentlv t 'o  of ist li omy
p i..[ublic otlict-t,, or
velt to his use, or shall kniwiii dy siltllr aiiy other lesol  (l' Juitr- any off ,ic or
5iill til eiiezzle or frihdlhille V Cillvert to Ills or their use ally dhli ' a balnk
stllii if lioney, !llilk-iiote, bill, check, iontl, it oflher seturity, ,i hartc11 by ihi
facility, plaecl  il ider his  car',  in' ioi: in miiuililt,  ly)  virtue  of  his  oltcl,,e.m Iltinv.
ollice or p lace aforesaid, the per.mill so  ii iiiuiwI , his aidiei's, abet- ilow iunliudle.
tors and couii liloseiil 5, illOii coiivictiili tll u,,i' shall he adjudlged
guilty of h'lon,, and(1 be sentence! to in0i1i siinielil, ili the public
jail anwlI leitetiiary house for a teill ilt less than three years,
lolr litllle than tell years.
3. Ti s act shallI lie in force' frin ti  pas ing thlelreof.      Cnmncncnt.
C I AT'TI I XMIII.-.ln act to amn1id an ac, citi led, 1 all act to redllce
into olne I lie acts noiw ill force to liprveilt lie (lestrictim  of' )sters,
oilih this Coinmonmuealihu, pIais, u the 12thi of Feb. 1819.
[Paliseld  'tubriuiiy  l7t11, 182: 0.)
I. Be it enacted i the Gniral .'ssembl!!, That the thiln!, p;, ()fact ofl',.
oiillth, fil'th and sixth sections of the act, entilled, , an act t) re- r-,ul, 181!1,(w'
duce ilitti one act, the acts, now in force to pirevent the destrluc. so, I, c 3,2,
A. 5 aild re i-
lion of oysters wit!in this Cllnio nwealth,' passedi I February the pe d.
twelftlh one tliousanid eight limidre4 and liiieteenl, aire hereby re-
<2. Be it further iw11eted, That it shall not lie lawful fll- ally lmitaton of
pel oli or lllnslls tlo carry oiysti'rs out of' this (olilollnwealth ill Int,,,, in t- ifs
boauiits or v'lss lf it larger calpacity than lifteen tons burthell ;  if  ia, lli
and Iialwrm t o , iil,
and it' anly owner~, ma,'ster or skipper of a vessel shall higeaftu~r, l~glibitedi.

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