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An Act to authorize Samuel Clapham to erect a toll bridge over Goose creek in the county of Loudoun. 1818 122 (1818)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsva0290 and id is 1 raw text is: 1~~2       i  TiE MOIL'T -TI IUD YEAR 9F TAE C~gd~~          LTi.
felt and pay to the arty 'reved tie tolls demanled and t'ecevelt,
and five dollars, rc  Tler by Y'arrant before any justide of the
peace within 'this CommohWel;th; and, in case of hs inability to
pay, the said company shall be liable totie like lines1 rec6viruble
r altIr rrasl to and appropriated in like manner. A- id-any person or rersons
e   attempting  fircibly to pass the said bridge wit hout paying toll,
or refusing to pay the same after having Oassed, shall be lible th
the like fines, recoverable in the like manner, 'to the use of the
said compiny.
Collor tobe al.  14. When the said bridge is completed, the board of manogers
puna l.     shall appoint a.suitable person to collect iind account for the tolls;
Dividendsornet ism anti, after defraying all necessary and proper expenses, the said
at.        board of ianages sll, at the end of every six months, declare
tile dividend due to each shareholder, which shall be paid by the
.treasurer upon the order of the board of managers.
. am ofrek trans.  15.. Tle shares of stock in the said coamany shall be tran4.
,irIe ,lt  uw.  ferable, and transfers shall only be made in the manner which the
board of managers may prescribe.
nywhattilveiem. , 16. le it further enacted, That, if the said Jesse E. Couch and.
,,   his associates, their heirs or assigns, shal not begin the said bridge
within two years, or shall fitil 'to complete'it within seven years
fron the passage of this act, or after the completion thereof, shall
neglect to keep the same in proper condition for convenient pas.
sage, during the space of one year, they shall be deprived of the
benefit of this act.
nRuu, e.tin  t.r.t  17. Be it further enacted, That the said bridge shall be so con-
flarigaionm of the riv.
er.           structed that the navigation of the said river may not thereby be
injured or aiehcted; nor shall any stops or obstructions (other than
the necessary abutments and piers,) to the passage of fish, be
placed or fixed at or near the said bridge ; under the penalty of
Penitihfarhrrachof lifteen hundred dollars, to be recovered by action or intformation
INS regultatin.  in any court of record having jurisdiction, one half thereof to the
use of the 'informer, and tile other to the use of the Common-
Troopes.ublic ex.  18. And be it further enacted, That the said company shall in
P'ar o,., t to no case deiand or receive toll for the passage of troops in the
service of this Slate, or of the United States, or for any public
expresses or property whatever belonging to this State, or to the
United Stutes.                      a
Commencement.   19. This act shall be in force from the passing thereof.
CIIAPTEIW I.XV.-I.n act to uthorize Samuel Clahani to erect it. toll
bridge over (oose creek in the county of Loudoun.
tzassed M'arch 9th, 1819)
nridgauethowriv.  1. lie it enacted by the General Assembly, That it shall and
may be lawful for Samuel Claphain to erect a bridge over
Goose creek, in the county of Loudouu, near his mill oi his own
land ; anti it shall be lawful for the said Samuel Clapham, his
Rates of WISa,  heirs and assigns, to demand and receive the same toll and rates
for the passage of any person or thing, as is allowed by law  to
Enoch Francis for the passage of a bridge erected by him across
said creek, agreeably to an act of Assembly passed the twenty-
sixth day of December in the year seventeen hundred and nine-
renal  ,*lying  2. If tile collector of the tolls at tile said bridge, being a free
ll,    u°   mai, shall demand and receive greatir rates than are hereby al.
lowed, he shall fir every such ofi'stce, forfeit atnd pay to the party

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