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An Act appropriating the Public Revenue. 1818 4 (1818)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsva0284 and id is 1 raw text is: IN ' IM FORTY-TIIIID YFAt OF ThI COMMONWALTII.
Superior Courts of Law or Chancery, one dollar and fifty'cctw
for each appeal from the Superior Courts of Law or Chancerpoin
the Court of Appeals -and for cacti supersedeas or writ of error
issuing from tle Court of AppeMs, two dollars and fifty cents;
for each writ, or declaration inejectment, or subpoena, instituting
a suit in a County or Corporation Court, one dollar. Provied,
the said taxes on law process, shall, by the respective clerks, be
On certifitatei under taxed in the bill of costs ;'for each certificate under the seal of
s ru    any Superior Court of Law, one dollar; except those spec*ally
exempted fi'om taxation ; for each certificate under the seal of any
On trmnrri ofsar- other Court, two dollars: for every transfer of a surveyor's cer-
r,       tifiate for land, in the Register's Office one dollar and fifty
,r- notarial ,ni, cents; for every attestation. protestation In I other instruments
anid e-r tificate undr
we! of the conuson of publication by a Notary Public, under his seal of office, one
Weath.        dollar and fifty cents; fo'r each certificate under fite Seal of tile
Commonwealth, two dollars. There shall be levied, collected
and paid, 'on the several licenses herein-after mentioned, to be
granted in the manner prescribe(] by law, the following taxes, to
On merehas' lcen. wit: on every license to sell merchandize of foreign growth or
manufacture biv wholesale and retail, sixty dollars; b-v retail only,
P rovo.      twenty dollars : Provided, that nothing in this act contained shal
be construed so as to prevent any farmer or planter fiom selin_
salt, tea, molasses, sugar, coffiee, spices, iron or steel to his-neigh-
hours, when such articles are purchased as a relurn load, For his
or her produce, or other property, taken to market; on every
On li ,ses to hSaw. license to a hawker or pedlar of dry goods, forty dollars; on every
tken, or Irdl~srs; to                     •       
bbior, o'rnb;ic license to a pedlar trading in tin or pewter, t-: enty dollars; on
so ,anrioeur every license to any exhibitor of any public show, fifteen dollars
orlotterT Schel,,  in every county, city, borough or corporation, where the same shall
be exhibited ; on every license to ativ person to make sale of any,
lottery tickets, of any lottery, other than such as may be autho-
rized by the laws of tbis Commonwealth or by the President and
Directors of the Literary Funl, three hundred dollars.
4Mretuee   ent.  2. This act shall commence and be in force from the passage
CUttAPiTER l--A act, appropPiating be ['tblic Revenue.
[Passed March lDOh, 1819.1
acrat a      1. BE it enacted by the Generpl rsemibly, That the taxes, and
stittd.      arrears of taxes not otherwise -appropriated, due prior to the
first day of October last, and all other branches of revenue, and
all other public monies. not otherwise appropriated by lass. which
shall come into the Public Treasury prior to the first day of
October next, and the surplus of all appropriations heretofore
made, shall constitute a general fund, and be appropriated as
Scetific appropria. follows :--To the expenses of the General Assembly, one huid,'ed
two%.         and five thousand dollars: to the salaries and allowances of
the officers of the civil government, including allowances to
sherifis' and attornies for attending circuit courts, and to
marshals for attending the superior courts of chancery, eig'ity
seven thousand dollars; to comnmissioners of the revenue. tweaty
six thousand dollars; to clerks of county courts for examin ug
and certifying commissioners' books, five thousand five hund ed
dollars; to defray criminal charges, including services of jailors
attending circuit c O6.rts and guards in te country, thirty thousand
dollars; to the public services of circuit court clerks, three

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