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An Act concerning the town of Manchester. 1817 163 (1817)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsva0270 and id is 1 raw text is: IN TUn  FORTY-SECOND TEAR O Tnro3;cowxow   imTzr,            1 A3
2. It shall be the duty of the said trustees to qualify to their O,, ildive, or . f.
appointment within three days after notice of the sanue, by taking  .  tobi,,.
an oath or making affirmation, justly and impartially to exe-
cute theirduties as trustees of said town; and for failing to qua- 1,,n ty for 116:1,,1 ti
lify, shall be liable to a line often dollars ; which oath or afiirmn- liilfo
tion mny be taken before any justice of the Oea,:e of the county
of Madison; to provide anti return to the county court of Madi- Pmn orte vin,.n ,
sou a complete and correct plan of said town, to be recorded in Il. pro, Wel and re.
the clerk's office, the fee for which shall be one dollar and fifty curl,,d.
cents, to be paid by the said trustees out of the towiivinds; to Fartherdutiu cf( Ole
pay over to their successors in office the atuont of monies in their h''.
lauais unappropriated, and deliver to them all the books and pa-
pers relating to their ollice; to have the acts of assembly relatiog
to the said town, and their own rules. laws and regulations, Iran-
scribed in a book to be kept for that lurpose, which shall be open
at all times for inspection; to appoint a clerk for that ipupobe ; to To opli,,nt n t. rk
appoint a collector, who shall continue in ollce one yeal and nl ,,It V. I,tor.
longer, unless re-elected, whose duty it shall be to collect and ac-
count for the taxes levied by the said trubtee.s, and in all . pccts
to act as the ministerial officer of said town, alld shall be Con)pell-
ad to serve under a penalty of ten dollars. It shall be lawful for riur, miitli. rn,. Lo
the trustees and their successors in ofhce or a miaiorit of them, to *I. r t,n,
enforce obedience to, their laws, rules and regulatiios~hy ilnponiI  :
a line on the violators thereoi, not exceedimg live dulars fin any 4mli1
ofibnce ; and all fines and penalties prescribed by this acl, o1r by I,w A,i., fil,% 8nt4l
the laws, rules and regulations ofthe said trustce', shall he, recu- hc maw-rahh',
verable before any justice of the peace of the said county, with
full costs, upon the olhnder!s hIavii. reasonablo notice thereof;
Ir which such justice is hereby autlorised to give judgmnent, anmd
award execution, as in ordinary cases. Ail rc'overiei shall be in
the name of the trustees of said town for the time h.in,, to ie
applied to improving the said town ; and all notices shailt., sign-
c( by tile presitlit.
3. It shall be lawful for tile trustees of said town to obtain judg- nc, n  ,, i, .ir,,r
inent and award execution, upon giving tell days re'vilous notice trUitu ni mt tlwi-
before the county court of Madison, in their own namlies, agailA;t IUliic .t, im.
their predecessor. in office for any unappropriatcd ,tlta 0 .lllev, rpcirly.
which scich trustees may have in their hands and neglect or refuse
to pity over to them upon application.
4. The election of the trustees shall, after the first election, be Fy,|i,,n r ,ib,inr
tritcliashll be €.u-
conducted by tile collector of said town n the mannerti   that olec- au ltie.
lions of delegates to the assembly are conducted. ihe first dec-
tion shall be conducted in like manner, by hiontas B. Lewis of the
said town.
5. It shall anld may be lawful for the president to call a ineeling . I,,,  Le
of said trustees when tie shall think proper and, at the meetings enlit ,ltlt! lirn i.
of said trustees, the said president shall preside.
6. This nct shall be in force from the passing thereof.  Commeht.
(Passed Febrtuary 23d, 1818.)
CIHAPTEIt CX'IIl.-An Act couccrninig the town of Manchester.
1. BE it enacted by the General .ssetnbly, rhat the sheriff of Trost snir tile siuit
Chesterfie Id county stall, annually on the fIurth Monday in April, l,, u ,,{I,.
after having given to the 'free white male house keepers' of the dit'ii t riL
tdwn of banchcstcr ten days previous notice of the place of hold-

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