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An Act imposing taxes for the support of government. 1817 3 (1817)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsva0265 and id is 1 raw text is: PART I.
A n/lct id posing taxes for the siplport of goeernent.
I F:s e in  jr , y  ISlI , 
1. DE it enacted bq the Ceral .fs::cmlil, That the public taxes ,.  e ;
lOr the year onel t saM eight hu.h'ed tial eighteel !,hall he :is
follows; to wit :--on lands, fr tvery  I lheoi  dolla's Value, 1lgvIee- oi l:.,,t
ably to the equalii.i.i, law of sCtce i hundtted aott eight -Iwo,
seve ty-he centi ; Ir' iIl hoMses anl Its in town, three dollars
for every hunled dollars yearly reit or, value thereof; for every  I ,s;
slave abme the age of twelve year;, (eacept such as have been or
may he e\Ctttpted, in ciosequc,,e of age or inirllity, by the
tmpctiv'e coul  y .  m ce,'pO'atton courts,) sevety cels ; 'ur ovet'y ih.,., ns , mule,
stallion or jat k ass, twite the pi ice at which such stallion tr jack  rja,
asS covei's a jn;t;' by the s-a:,ot ; fo' all l]er th 'ses, ae ,
Iniles! ialt c., and cofts, eighteei ecnts ea,h .inr every ordinary i'y O ,y ol ,. !m .,
]jcvit,,e or (Ii .ll',tse o  !ep  a  lotse of' p'ivte el .tertahyjvl l. 1. se..vtn
do!.ars o ev ery Ihtolred dollar.- yearly reit or value thereof; i'.
be ascertained in the mranier pre'.c' b yd  v law : Fricl id,  fitt
for no such ficease les.s tban eighteet dullArs whall be paid : Jid
p'ovided, (tiui, wh iere anty Imuse of'privale cottitnt shall
be of les; vtaue that) seven hunthed dohll;,'s hut oac-lforth of
the su o alb'resaid shall be char.,ed Fr tat cise ti keep the samt
'aUiPt'di'd. tls,, that tilt tax shall ii levied  l  htou.e of  iN'tale
Senfei'taiticnu t thui'ss the siae Le shitiaei withitl at hot. ImtUtigi
or city. tit' %\ ithil eight hundred 'ards, actual distatee, frot stte
pubc ritArd ir hhightay ; fIs. evry two U h0 levd r'idig ca''iiigi O.caW;t
not exceeding (iogether with the,'lairic- behigihtg tlh-'rveto) oae
uttmii'id dollars alue, filly ceit., a :td lot Ar  eir. like cal'iage atl
,tarti,ss abov'e lhe valtue of  (}tie  ittitidiei  (Idlla',;  otie per Cettonl.l
Wt the excess of the Value of sich ch riaqe heymoid tie hundred
itlha's. in addition  therelt.  l't every  Iltiit'toiiait  staige-ww 'goti,
.tot exceeding (tnxaether vitl tie hat ilets beloi;itiga eireto) two
huiN'e dithlai' Vah., two llars and  ll':y c(it td antd Frt' every
like cariage and havuess abse the value ;I' h i tited tu ll rhl
one per centu illn ilhte excess if tile v alue of such carriage
bevoid two hunIdred dolhars, in ,diditio thereto ; For et.;'L OiIer
rilung carria,'t, tot exceeding (t  t er with the hia'lut s Wuehon,-
ing ltreto) thee hundrel dollars aue, live dollars; end fbi'
ISch otter carriage; (togilier with, their harness) as exceed three
ht tdrel dulha its  (mha  e pet cm ci  the excess of the 'atte of
* each carriame beyontd thre' hundtred dollrs, in tithiu tteteto fur n l,, -;,I
teach writ o declaatiti ilt eijectlten , instituting i, ,-ill a superi(r'
Cou tt 0'O law, and for each SUblouna ii  a suplrior court or chancery,
.10e d(ll a ntd fiMy ceents ; Ibe each writ or err'r supt- ,tc !se atd
naheas eCTii'pus c ar ast  * fim ing record oft' appeal itt appeal I to a
sup ,vht, court of' aw or chancerjy, A  Gw',; each writ of ertiorai,
i,,iting from the giieiail curt, ur the superior courts or law. or

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