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An Act incorporating a company to make an artificial road, from Wellsburg in the county of Brooke, to the western boundary of Pennsylvania, on the way to the city of Pittsburg. 1816 122 (1816)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsva0251 and id is 1 raw text is: ( 122 ),

CHlAPTERt 58.-An Act incorporating a company to make an artific al road,
from Wellsburg in the coumty of Brooke, to the western hounu'ary of Penn-.
sylvania, onl the way to the city of Pittsburg.

Books for re.    1. lle itlenacled, That lookA shall lhe opened    in W.11s-
ceiving subscrip- bU  i  h  eony or'Brooke und          li    ireion t' col.
tions where and                                 u 'de   I e    P11        t'
by wbom to he J anies Mal'shl l,,gene 'il Jol n Coonel , John lromil, esquire,
openled.      .Jobl Drownt, (11 'ehl   ,) Moses COot.14'on, ,Iosopli Hise,
11illiani Dl'aii, Jaivol) IDecaup, Joi.olh'alu (_'ox. Johbi Prl-
tier, llewy P  ili r ond Josephi 1)11(1idge, 01. a u i o'ity
ofr (ein, fi- tihe pm-pw,,.. ir neeivin.  sub11. tipstiols lo lie
Amount of capi- a1l000t11ll lot Iv li.,ieauid dill~uis, ii, eitlhi  litdd sliare  of
tal.           lifi dolhrs vaieh ; i  hieh books shall he opvii.l'd andelliain
How loig to re. opein 11111 flit %s hole sin  slill he subsnseribcd; Prorided
main ope...    Ihat shall !napi williiu Iwo years I'voi the     lime woleu
Ca.eit'al meet-  this ali shll ,41 1il4o ope'aioll : -.11141 So soon -.is flit- whlole
inK,  11liC.  and  suil  shill lie  silbsev'ilild. a  g'li'liIIeit l ii, g  l  lie  siiseii-
were, wid  liuw' In(4-  sh,1l  hi e  (-,ilveli'il  hi tiA   I   , 'sfis :iIilse  ImiivI,  or  Illy  a
conmsitulud.   mi:joiity 1A,th,,'1, I o 6v held at wllsilla'rg. ald  h,.nieei'hwi
Ih' s'lid .mihsevllil andI hteiv heiir4 Illdl .ssi' lis shall Ibe a.nd
they irle hel''y dvelr'ed ;iind eoi.itlhd a body lolili, lind
Subscribers in- vOl'pirae, ly tl  iie ltiol sily!. (1, .l. Ti'h  WelhhUlug ald
colpoiaed by  Pit 1sill';. 'FT11iiiizk' Coulipial.'', and by I hal Imil salil havet
-the  nallic  oft  .
6; The  \Vli  .   pi til lli  slivev sill alld  ai S , t .1i11 il  ay  silte   illil bep  lill
burg and  Pitts.-  pleal , i(1  It  ililillead-l   ill lily  ('Olil'  of 111W  11'   e(lily. i0' lIle-
burg l'urnpike  ore alyijut lice oljudge whilin lik  eoiiiliollnwealth, .s the
Coililly.   e se  III  li.v Iv.
Directors to be  2, lie it fi'ther ruacled, Thlal lhe slise'iberg lresent at
chobenl.       st1s-h gelelial Ihieelili shall eleet live diireetors. Io shall
Their tenure of eolitintlc ill o '|ie Oult year, II )11!i n'l :ii all 1111 h-a, or Of ohel.
oflice.        gelltIfieling ofthe sivckholdl's le iwholl y Or      ili part
remoiioved, :111d their phie, onr plaev  slpplied, or Continued in
office, by it iilIJoi'iiy of tih, stolkhidiei's prlesent lit stich egen-
To elect a pre- 6'11 Iliet lig.  T li(, diheelois thlls 0iosell, o. a iIioriiy of
siden, t,-easurer the  l siall halvaie iowl i Io eli'et ai ptresideil(, Iirtatlirer and
and clerk.     Clerk ; to elli-ily wi  tiny   l      01' lies l°S(ill onl behalf' or
Ceneral powe'rs
of the directors. lite coialny Ai3  tlheaii g, Op 'iung and inlpl'ovin. lite 'oad
atrsi't'i, oP 1y' llI'. or, pauls then''oC, and for lleIi'ifring
-illy of liei, sexvi.e, or hiboui, uecessa'y therel o  to1 requi'e
from lls s1iseilli's, liI l   e-to lile. sueli iivllees of illO-
IIey Oil Ihe'i P resprethe shares, l.I lite wailts of tle eOllillny
maiy ih'ildiid, nunil the wli ole shiall bv paid ; to (!llt  Uiahy
it gutilel.il iethi.g tit' the sii1'i ie'S, alld. el ween such ain-
1ul1  i.efitgs    i general inectini, o' liCtligS, Uoili 1in.y e-
niei'geiiy i'ctldeinig (he saite iiu 'essary in their opinion ; to
sig   (lid Hett h all iiecllilifs iil ('illfracts ; land to t'ilSict
Ilemedy against all lie coleens and biusiness of' Ile said compliany ; and ifr
delsnquent sub- -Illy lclCPolli shall inlglect, o1' reflse to advalle ainy palt of
r his or lier stok lit sniu n ittle as tihe di,'c(,ol's shall require of
her' orhim, within one nionih ai'ei' tie same shall have
been adverli.ed   lt tile doonil' lie coilt'house in Wellsburg,
it shall and iaiy lie hivi'fl fiori the dii'eetois, or a inajolily
of tltli,- at publie itiietio in I lie coUrthouso yai'd, to sell and
dispose of' i, siare, or 'sliare. of such  subsci'iber For tilo
highest-llid best price they ean obtaiu, and to transfer (ho

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