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An Act incorporating a company to establish a turnpike road from the north end of the Brook turnpike at Owen's tavern to Ground Squirrel bridge in Hanover. 1816 112 (1816)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsva0250 and id is 1 raw text is: IN rni, FORTY-'IRS'' YEAIR OF TiiE  0AI'ONMENvEALT1l.

CItAPT'EI;RI 52.-An Act intcoxi)u'ating the Happllanmock Toll Bridge Cor.
]'rrprletLs e I     U 1k d iP'ec'ted by ft, Geniieral .i|-.4sembl, '.lult John Glmray,
crp,,a.td by  lGaiielt .Alirll1'. t ' der W ilki'. Ilt.nry Th or1npson. Ilo-
tile ,ine  I(  l ti  1 K i,  W iainiliili Alsop,  1iiw'h'i h  Ioiwnitli, ( lie
lheImuk  oIj  Ellis. Iloit t  uilit, lallieli (i'irnin,al.ohrni T. I'.l ok l  ,J lili
Bridge (20:1p.  l'il   i hike  ild  iililli.lilit'. the l li  leot  oi l f tlie
Jay.,         foil iridgr' Itelis hiilimiltk rivi ~', oppite tiO I' ltow i t'
l   h'edt-rie i'l, tle i' Sllteesior's aind assigli4s, Shall be, anti
they an, helchy lrieatil a lody poliliil ani ioli.oat,. by tile
llue -stud sI it. i ' . Tie Btiiaitii '. '1olliridge (Joipa-
ni'. ildly the naii and sle all'onsaii, shall Itave peie al
suiciessi andi a eoloiol s,ial. tri l shall hi' AN~i to si ind
ie sueltli'll am! ho imlede(., wilid (ti itakt, in ili h bie.IaLw,
iiihes  iii  i', lilationis lop lilt, gotti  goveI'nriilil. of their  af*-
it'lir. :t  Shaill n l, he volilila'y  Itf  thl' laws anti  ,tiit i o ll of
Iibis~ Sla wt   w ill liTV  17Iilil   ,Ilvli.  avl  lbej ~,   It: ill an 'irdilln llt-t'
tit'   il 't liotitlit'll  or  t'ii. L   : liilrg.
'req'1.crat wid  '.. !,' It > 1i'thr riitit d, Tlit'ie shall lie a iI've iihiti aidl
fli'ltlos  tO  I l w I  d I v'o'ti's  ol' iti-,  -ad ei(  l III m  I to   i   a , il liIly  elveI telI
aritiualy h elcte d.   h t  ii dt'i' ,  Wino lil i ha   l t Ili  .llilleiptv lll
Und lil'r  iiittt  ia I  t tflilvs  i'  hoi id  etniilnili, aind l i dlio all
at'ls llt'('('ss'Jli  to  l ii'  i ui   lit i e lalitoi   l i m et 'ltils ol'tine said
bridge ; Subiijeel, loit, ever, to slil i 'lltgil   I'regualns as
iiay be ji1'ti'tt'iiiiv  li t baiul b'y leaSail.
&tk declareD   l) 1' i. tB l ht'Ht' i' ravll t'Ii lhal all  t tlnk in Ilie sail t'oln-.
to be personal  pility shall be, and th, same is hlcieby declared to he, le*-
estate.       sonal estate.
Prtprietors to  , h Idbe it.frinIher e 'l'[ati, inot oiihstanding     any
continue illtdvi- thiln  in tiis net oitailied, ti e [itplsis her'ebv etealed a ho-
dually resunsip-  in
We tor thle debts dy pliil  alid eodlliraw,  eini] lhtir successors aind assigns,
oi' the cnpli. siall ibe1, and r'eiain iriliviulally and pie'sonally responsible
fon' the payment of inny deibt al a'edy conirattled by them, or
wliic h imay inel'eariteerie coit'acitel ly (lie hiappahainock
toll inridge coiparny in the stie mtnine' as i1 Iis act had
trot beet linadt ; and any cied i ioi, o said comnpany Ililay
at his i'lt.i ll ei'o.e l| fir tie I'( e'.lol io' any debt duile to
Lim, either against the sill eoipiany it Ihti'oi'vti ' ml t iinle,
or against in e itleiben's of the said col auipaty ini tli'i ' iWtHOivi-
dual eliai'aeIirs.
Comninencemeit.  -4. '.'is act lwtl be it Ioi'en R e  hloio Tih 1 siting tlieifl'.
[ P u sl. :; e'i   J a n u a ryll .!   I  *I l ,j   :I S I  7' . 1
CIIA tI I  53r 1 sJ   'An Act incrpotating in   tlpa, to  establi.l  :t tiinpike
rroad trom  ilic nortth cil of the Ili  uk tilpik  at ( I'1 i's tuvern to {:otind
quiel tibridge  t it Ilnov, r.

Rofks for receis'.
iilg sub~ctrip
tit m  I e rl er ld
by whom to be
Op  lttiS.

1. it it elitaecnd by# the   encral Islli,:rbly., 'hat it suall
be lawful to     ofiten hooks   itn Ilie' cily  ill'  i, limoi, un-
(1'i' this e Iillntgen  i of' John      ider, ,Jaiiiet  M  {l'I org,
M osbLy .Alieppiar'd, Aarioln Blapi'ol. Willinan 11. Chl~nihe'lyle,
'liias I!. Piosse' sti    ari   Viusioti, o' a  majority of
themt ; atnd at Chlll'ien's P'. I iodslll's lavern' in tie coun ly oif

(112 )

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