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An Act to amend the act entitled an act incorporating a company for the purpose of improving the navigation of Roanoke river and its branches. 1816 73 (1816)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsva0249 and id is 1 raw text is: t onslstflg of Acts of   a jrivale atd local nialtre.
CIAP, T!TR 41.-A Act to aRnend the act, entitiled, tn adt incorpdrating a
cmpany for the purpom.e of imnprovino the navigation of Roanoke river and
itabranches., '
WHEREAS it is represented to the General Assembly, L'rcanlbe.
that the state of 'North Carolina, by. acts which have pass'i.
their legislature, in the year.; one thousand eight hundred
alid t~lve, one thousand eight hundt'ed and fifteen, and one
thousand vight hundred and sixteen, have incorporated a
conpany to improve the navigation of that slate so fat, as
respects the river Roanoke and its waters ; that the cominpa-
ny incorporated by the stale of North Carolina Cur that
purpose have secured their charter accordin.g to the condi-
tions inposed upon them by the aet or ineorporation gt'antcd
by the Ge e'al Assembly of North Cai'olinu, and have elect
cd their president and directors for. one year ; it is indis.
pensably necessary that the state of Virginia should aid this
object, and assist an undertaking so extensively and intiniatC-
ly connected vith the prosperity and interest ofl tis state ;
1. lie it further Cniaeuled, That, flr the purpose or aiding
and assisting the cotmpany so a4 aforesaid incorlorated, that
the president and dirctovs of the said company are autlo- lRoanoke I
rized'to hire slaves of the citizens of this Commonwealth, gutiol Ce
-whothev held by thern in trust For life, or absolutely, for uIny hire slaves
term that may be agreed upon by the president and directors lizens of
of the said company, or their duly authorized agent or a. and toseli.
gents, and tihe holder or ownev of' such slaves : PIovided, back into
that such slves be employed, when hired by the said conhpa- state, will
iny, in and about their necessary work, in improving the iii- any penal
vigatiun of the said river Roanoke. And the president and 't'  ' '
direetors ot the said company shall and may return the said
slaves to their holders or owners, when the term of se-vice
shall expire, For which they may have been hired, and the
holders or owners shall have indl power and authority to re-
ceive such slaves so hired, without incurring any or the pen-
altics imposed upo|| holders or. ovners ofslaves fut earying
out or bringing into the state any-slave or slaves once ear-
ried out ; ithy law to the contrary notwitisttinding;, but, iW
all eases of -Aaves held upon trust or For life only, the said
pi'esident and directors, o1' their duly authorized agents, .s
the ease may be, shall give bond with security to the per-
sons so holding For life, ox in trust, that they will retl'rn the
shve or slaves to the persons, or their legal repl'esentativesp
of whom they were hired at tile expivatioii of their tern.
2.).The said president and directors Cor' the timnm  being of
the said company, are hereby authorized and empnowered to
recover, il any court of-, recordithis Commonwealth, by Summury
Diotion, ten days urevious . notiec, thereof having been fitst 21 giv e
given, their requisitions, (ith costs of' suit, including one Stodlinue
dollartor serving the nolie,;) ofjany delinquent stockholder
of the said company residing iat-tho state of Viirsmiu, who

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