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An Act to amend and reduce into one the several Acts against malicious shooting, stabbing, maiming and disfiguring, and for other purposes. 1816 21 (1816)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsva0245 and id is 1 raw text is: IN TIIP FORTY-FIRST YVItlt OF THEiI ICOMMONWIALTH.

( 2i )

of seven hundred dollars, to be regulated by the Exceutive
o' this Conmonwealth.
2. Be it frtlher Cnitlted, That the nssiA(ant keeper and The assistant
tuir    .kys  the publie jail and peniflnliary shall receive 1,o. kceper and turn
their' srviees (lit, glint olo two hundled and filty dollars per keys.
alimnni: with it pei eillttge to le paid out fir tile ltett prolits
of the a(o)csaid inslil liol, not exceeding; annually the s1ot
or two h       iindr'd doliiars to eaeh, to be in like Inantler reglia-
tel hy ti he leetlive (it, this Coll) nlonweal li.
3. Be it rfit1Wlh cteetc. I'hiat the compensation. allowed No other fee or
by Ille provisionsol'lhis act, tothe keeper, assistaut keepe ohtm ent to be
and turuikeys o1 I mh Pluie.uil and penitentiary, shall le re- allowed.
ecived and taken in full lo'' their services as alorcsaid, with-
out aily other Jlee Or1 elnlollieill.
4. lie itfnrlther r tctd, That tie surgeon, who altends the Compensation to
invalids in tile public jail and  elniitiniary, anid lit Ipublic the surgeon.
guard in tflitl iy ot'llihbmond, shall liereafter  rc'ive for his
services and onedicine tile sun of seven hundred dollars per
tlltinti, to he paid as heretloore.
. 5. un be it enacted, 'T'hat it shall be the duty of tlc di- Hlouse for the
rectors of* tile penitenliarv to Vauuse the house inltlnded fl  keeper to be re-
lersulie                                  Coi~tpairedl, and made
file residence t tile keeper of lic penitentiary, al couner- his place ofresi-
ed with tite In'iinclpal huilding. Io he puit ii good lenatlable dence.
repot'i; anmd i the keepe, thereafier shall I'ail to reside there-
at, then dul-ing such .i re. lie shall not reeive any add1-
tional salary proVided by this act, but, shall, For such ilime
during Which lie shall so fail to reside lereat, reevivil the
same conmpensat ion  lich lie would have received, if' this
net had not bli-in made.
6. 'Tiis act shall be in force from the passage thereof.  Commencement.
llm clt to amend and reduce into one the se'eral Acts ot'ainst.
Uialicious shooling. stabbing, matiming and di.,jiguring,
idttd.j o other purposes.
[Passed February 20th, 1817.]
1. lie it enacted by the General dssemblty, That, wblosoe. runishment for
vetr shall unlawfilly cut ofrilie tong:e or disableie he tongue maiming ISllot-
by clipping, biting or wounding, put out an eye, slit, out oft' ing. stabbing o
or bile off' I he nose, ear or lip, or cut off or disabh, by cut- disfiguring.
ling, biting or wotnding any linmb or member or another,
or shoot or stab another, with intention, in comitting any
of the said acts, to maim, disfigure, disable or kill. every
such offender, his or her counsellors, aiders anll abtors,
shall be punished with conlfleniett in the.jail and penitenti-
ary for a term not less than one, nor more than seven years.
2. hnd be it flirther enacted, That whoever shall volunta- Also, for malii-
rily, maliciously, and of purpose, lcomiit aiy or th afore- ously commit.
          ting any such
said acts, with intention, in so doing, to maim, disfigure, dis- a wt.
able or kill, every such oflfeuder, his, or her aiders, counsel-

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