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An Act appropriating the Public Revenue. 1816 3 (1816)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsva0244 and id is 1 raw text is: PART 1.
1on8isti o,     s of   c tI oa public and geei'al walure.
('[lAP. 1.
.3n1,tel Jiposhl le I 71) f.r the support qf gorernmenl.
l[Pa ici February 22d, 1817.]
t. Be it letl , by lhe ;eulAsrbttsembl, That tle publicaxes or 1817,
txes for flhe year one .lionshind eight hundrcd and SeVe0n,* to be the same
teen shall b (lie sanie, ill all respcets, as to blui n lmrlit (her-. ..s ibr 1816.
of and ile sIilqeets or taxation, miith the public taxes, im-
posed Cor ihte, year one thousand eiglat huldired and sixteen,
by an aet, enlihtitd, ' An let imposing taxes for the support
o gl~overnii   , vhieh passed the I wenty-sceond day of Feb-
riaiyv, O W thousand eight hundred and sixteen : exeept tilt E.xception in a.
no Iix sh;li he eliarged to any soldier, or the widow, of- vour o sldicrt
phian, or Other legal reieresentative or any soliliir', enliled  t1leir repre-
10 any p ay or hland bounty 6.oiii the government of the Unittd scttatives.
S(ttes, Io any nolarial or other seal required by the laws
o 1lhe I:ni(,d States (o autheniicate the evidence of' any
elam io such pay or land )ounty.
. 2. This ae shall contmenev and be in foree from and at- CommencCmCnt.
ter the passage thereof.
,.i oiet ppropuitlin, Ihe 'blic evenue.
LlPa Ssea  Ftirtiary Q1W, 1217.]
I. lie it enactedt'b!, the G(tneral ,Ilssenblyt ' That the taxes General frund.
and arrears of taxes not otherwige appropriated, (ie prior to
'the first dy  or (,,oher last, .11111 .1l other bralnehcs orl eve-
fuije, and ail othe r public monies, not olherwise appropriated
by law. wiuh shil conic into ile publie treasury prior (o the
first day of* Oetober next, and the surjilUs or all apiwopria-
tim, herel olore made, shall- (onsi lite a general fund, and
h apliopriated as flollows ; to lhe explnses or the (enei'al Spceific appro-
Assebiilv.Y, s  In  l as the said expenses shall aceording to pri:ations.
It'Xiting laws amount (i, ; to I hl salar'ies and allowances of
the olfleers ol' eivil ove lrnnlen , -.0 ileh Inonvy as tie sala.
ties and allowaniees to I lie Said ifil(ers shli l)y law an ouit
1o ; to the expenises o relwesentation to Congress and State
Svnat, live liudlle1 dollars  to clerks' and sherillh' fies,
three hundred dollas  t to the public services ofeire lilt eouirt
clerks, two thousand dolus's ; it I lie rel)airs of' inblie ware-
houses, aind allhwauae to eoininissioners and superintendants,
two thousand fie hundred dollars ; to commissioners of the

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