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An Act incorporating a company to establish a Turnpike Road from Fredericksburg to the Bowling Green in Caroline County. 1815 141 (1815)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsva0227 and id is 1 raw text is: 1   1 TIM, VOTTI1 YEAR OP TIIB w OALT116
21. ''lie tolls hercin allo'ed shall be subject to the con-
trol or Aie 14gishlnre at the on of' five years after the
eoleliefion or lhC said road, or at any limic tler arler :  pro-
aidi'd, that they shlall not be so rcd iced as to matke them less
thanfiftn per centum pee' annum ,ett proits on lhe sum
actually expendcd in conpllcing the said road, to le P'alen-
jaled from the periods of Contrilution by li(- stockholders.
2:z. And ite Direhtws ne hereby requiired to report to
the Exeelutive the tliamoulil or the e(illilal ex li-1ed in eoni-
ple iiit  I lhe said road, wlettit'   lilt- tal' slili  he  Ihiihled.
Provided 08.o, that iot iinig hi'reihl 'oilliied Ahtall nlliihorki
tihe said  eoilillaily  tt di4  ' aild  loll tioll l  llV   liI  ll ei $riler.
.,. Ifhlis Act shall be ii lbt'e  Ir roi  tle passin   thereo .

( Illi ).

Tollq in be un-
der coitrol ofthe
Legiidaure I but
)ot Ito Ib, redl-
CULd lo a.5 to rive
;, pioftl, of' lessl
thi 1 pir cel-
Ileport to be
u1idc by the Ii-
recor to the
,ecchm  ive.
COliUMl  UCcnI1t.

 C tLAP. 1XI I.
+ ql Met . naillpoi'rorinl '. rI eoll'i [lta  (Vt,,h a Tu'npikc
],'m i frot i,'cdciA'sui.;s' to h 11w lonlitl,  rt'ItC  i  0ro.
litle Uo0 'dy.
11  E it eliteted laj itl Ni'.f hd .f'i I i      lifall lhe Books for receiv.
h   u V1,11  l o  lotli , al.  Imc  e lillcl i  2,,   lpd', lhe  ing  subscripti.
ullaii a' 1'lel ii1 o' lobei'a i loll, Jonto  ie e t'ver, lRnii' t S1a- 4  t  onil wherC aid
wd ,  (;                                               b y  w h o n   t o   b e
ard, iCarte' L,. f(ceu  m   ;lttl.  111 in.,,Imk Ahlxander, @,m
Jlames l'ioe, Willi:in  Ib'li'nrd ant I Nh'lmood Farlsh ; at
Jlt'10in ]]taile's il Ctolitl .'ni:tv,  i'the lliw i elliellt
of leorge lhlltner, fi ly lat t,;li 1, nlrutirvne Rt Iaille. ,Jlh'l
'Faliallti rro. W{illhil (. li  Imill'ord .1111 Jill l vii5 sailllli], lilhl.
.n. at li:' twlin  g (h'ecn ill sald 'otiit ier Ihlie idw t ,wian,-
ilment or 'harles I  lis, lolhn Tell'n  , jlln I. X tooll'olk,
JTohn Iloolies, Wilson AlIen, and Arii,isteal If ollnit's, Fior re-
t't'iv nog altI eit'iiig stik iil 1o  Ih' alilill  o I'oi 't  Amount of capi-
I hoilsand (dollais , or Il, d r patio 11   il' liia thi  I a  'I'u ill r kC  tild  taL
I''oln Freleri'ksburg to the  Iwins hig Ir een, in  ra'oline
eoil', whiehl sun shall Ili lividt'il inl(o eight hunlrcd -liares Number of
ol'111y lolhi' caeli, anid the suikei'ipt ioiis be itdc in p'erson, sliares.
or by power olrat iitney, in Vh'iia eiu'rlCy.
2. Till, suhseriiptioul books slial reiitn Open until tle, first ]TOW long to con.
day of DIe(etilel onle t housand eigli ht hundred and sixicnlq, 'it jile,,prn.
which tie ilne thei e hll be a general Illeet ll or thi' suihs'eri- General iT)ecting
liers at John ILttlil's, in said county', or at ally earlier 1t' subscribers,
               wVhen .and where;
Period ir required ; to consl it tile vhiel, a la, 'ority or'the  pnd ow Consiri.
suhseriber., citlher in person or by proxy Prollerly 'atulhor- tuted.
iseli, shallhe w teessary ; wnil ira sutflieient inumber ofsub-
set'ibrs to onstitiute i necting do not  ttetd (ll that day.
1liosc il ho  lhoi attend hall hatre jmiver to adjourn 1'rzom iday

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