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An Act incorporating a company to establish a Turnpike Road from the Town of Manchester to the Town of Petersburg. 1815 122 (1815)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsva0224 and id is 1 raw text is: (C~             IN THlE TDUTITHTH ThA U -o1'  CO JNONifg4LTV*.
in iet incot'lwparalin  a, eampani to establish 'a Itnnpike
Road from tlfe Town of Olanchesler to tle Town   
[Passed February 13th, 1816.]
rook tor reciv.  bE it ehacted bit the General .38selbl, That it shill and
ing subs ript.  '2  may be lawful to oiw'i books in Manchester, under
ons Whicre and     t
by whom to be the direction of'.a[lies Brawder, J.ameis Clarke, Jesse Ilix,
opened.      William lal, lRobelrt Grahiant and Edward W. Trelit, or
any three o(iient ; at the hall'-way house in Chesterfield
eounylyindret the direction of Richard Gregory, James How-
letl,.Valentine Winf'tre  sen'r.,George Cox, and Braneh
Cheat ham, or any I lree o them ; and in Petersburg, tinder
the direction or William  Clarke, Archer' Baugh, William
]lowden, 'Villiaun Pcentis, and Nathaniql Ir'iend, oirany three
#0mount of capi- of thei, olr reeeiv~ng and( enterilu, subscriptions to the a-
iflouint of one hundred thousand dollars, to establish a Tlurun.
pike road triom the'[lvit olrlalntehester to the Town or-Pe-
tersburg; which sunt shall be divided into one thoumind shares
Number of     orone hIidrcd dollars each, and the subscriptions be
shares.      made in person or by power of attorney ill Virginia cur-
Now longtocon.  The subscription books shall remain opet until thi first
tinue open.  day of January one thtousaiml eight hundred and seventeen, at
enerbal meting whiel timle there shadl be a general new'tin- of the subseri-
of subscriber,
when and wherc; bees at Manchester in the coutliy of Chestertield, or at any
and how consti- earlier period if re(tired, to constitute which, a tumjority of
tuted.       the subseribers, either in person or by proxy properly author.
ised, shall lie neessary ; a,)d ifta suiieiert number of sub-
scribers to constilute a ineeting do not attend on that day,
those who do attetd shall have poVer to adjourn from day
today, until a neeting shall be formed ; of which meeting
one. month's notice shall he given, in one of lthe news-papers
pavitied in the eity or Richmond, by the managers above nam-
Subscriberi to  2.1lf it shall appear to this meeting, on examination of the
be tncorporaied, books, that one half of the said capital %um aboveuientioned
by the name of
-The Manches- shall have been subscribld, then the said subscribers, their
ter ad' Peters.' heirsand assigns from the time of said meetingsh, sll le and
bung Turnpike they are hereby declared incorporated into a company by the
Company.    anto of the Manchester and Petersburg Turnpike Company,
and may sei and lie sued as such.
Seven lirector3  3. The subscribers at their general meeting above directed
t) beChowe J.  shall elect seven directors who shall continue in Office one
Their tent'e of year, but may at a general mecting or the subscribers be
office.                                       0

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