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An Act appropriating the Public Revenue. 1815 5 (1815)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsva0221 and id is 1 raw text is: j7; TZlE i'lhttTIETJ1 hAlt OF TII? .COMMIONIALT..


.W12 .Cl appropriatlli the Public Itenenue.
(Pamsed February 24th, 181 .
B   ' it enacted byl the Geneol lssembly,  That thaXs, Geoceru Fund,
and arrears ,f taxes, not otherwise appropiated,
due pIo' to the 1st dy or Octolr last, ad ll otht, bmau-
chces of lVelflht., pmid ulllot lier pihliL flloies, not otheIV se,
1ppropi'iaitd by law, which shall colne into the Ti',a lr..
prior to the first day of Otober n I. anld the Nirplius ofall
:1prpriatioIs heretot01r. niade, Shall (olstitt to a general
'uld, and he plprol)1ip ti ItS s l' 6lows : to tie pylielli o1 in- spccflc rippro,
terest oil thu several tleserimaios or publie de, h. and or Pliatioi1.
the p'iuei;+aI and iOtWest of suieh sunii op sims as have Iccii
or lmlay be liepcaftei mijvanedll, on -atcomnlt, o ol the Current C;-
tnlccs of (he Conim ;\ivmllt. by the !a',iiii's' Bank of
;,irioa ; A, the .,qpenccs or' (he (+ioerai Assemhly, so inuch
as the said expCmLweIs sha  acoui  to e  lg lats aiIOmlint
10 ; 1o thor oiiI'i ii .iii govetrn ti| , No inuch  Oays
thlit saiaies andm1','tiee+, nto the aid ofliees Mill hy low
amount to ; lo t he  i A  'ne; o[' i'epl',ccitoation to (m'onw-rcms
and State Sentalle, oiiu, hIudred aiI fily dollars ; Io tI'h-l
rnd iShe'it,' lCees, {il'uca Ininuh'ed d larhs ; to 01C [114  iht + t-
vices of Cj.'vnit couit Ch'ilk, hl-o thousand bev'ut h1uuuuhi''.4
dollars ; to the vepairs of p lic warellou ses, aI all aIow'-
ves to Conisij<isioners aii iuipeviiteudants, foul, tuisao
dollars ; to Cniimissiounnts'  tho i-Cvenno, ni, WIt  -fhve thi..
sandi  arolla,- to Ihe ltirers ofie thi nilha, mel iinlhi. the
A(dutaita (eneral, Quartei jiliade (Clceral, Irig¢ade ii piel-
lo's, Adiutatts, Cijimili, Cleiks and Provosts   Ia'lial
live thoiisa di dollars ; to lhu payleolit of charges ol ille iii-
litia tin ftind, uwii the mwipihpt oF ilhigade and Reginitatal
ordt-l'S, live huiicd dollrhis ; to dihf,'iy (riliinai litl ,
ineludini guards inhe  oiitiy, lIwerity-ive thousand dol-
Jars ; to theiqwnle or reuol ith  eihuinfils to the Peilitenti-
Uil v  , hoiiand one holliull milli lily doillrs ; to dihr'v
the internal ersol't he Pcitutwincluding salaries Ur
oliee'ls, twenty seven thouitind dohllu  ; to iay ofll slavcs exv
ltel or transported, nine thosan)   live iiundred dollars ; aa
JOlilIty oil wolf iealp, two hlnhal'cd dollars ; a., a0 colihllfnen
fund, flfteen thiotusanid dollars ; to the mainitenance of the I4li-
liatie [[ospital.  thomusand dolari ; to pensioners,  h i thou-
siiil llars; to the Pllhe laiuuiractory of A'is, ltiudery
and boring Mill, including ginin carliaCs, repairs ofaril, aid
the salaries of Ihe ulleiis of' thle arnn, one hliuidred thol.
and dollars ; to the expense of' eollehting  and distiuibhi(ig
the public arms, three thoulilu dollars ; or eretting and pre-
serving the publi asenalis, uiliholised by law, twenty thou-
sand dollirs ; amid For repairs of the holuse uccupied by the

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