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An Act incorporating a Company to establish a Turnpike Road from the Western termination of the Brook Turnpike to the Merry Oaks in the County of Hanover. 1814 96 (1814)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsva0206 and id is 1 raw text is: ( 96 )

IN TIE. 'i'ifTltTY-NINT11 Il*tI O '-0? a T OMUONWi.uALTI.

eontrolil such diel,vor I1y be , lOll su i'l Iti1, lmisres s -'
o0lieI ,ietrsoin, Si) Controtlfi'lg Such driveri', shlh IO StubjtIt to
Ehe said fie, to be recovered andt applied ms aforesaid,
ly what neglect  1!1 . 1jul be ilf'uvlher 'vincled, That if thu tnitl coplpay shnlt
or t.liire  the not be/uiu Ihc said work As ithin two Vears after filee Same -ilu
cmnp'umys iner
CA t111y bebr-by  'e rmd, or shail not complelte ih saidl road within 1five
fcited,       )'e tyer uherale'r il n mauuer herein be| 'e di'teptd, Iein shall
ilhe ilterest ofthe said voi au,ttl' in th stid road and tollh h-
l'ore'saill, b u'vleId and cruse.
Tolls to be sub.  '   le tolls herein allowtd sball bt su)joet to the con-
ject to the Con. Iroull of the Le islatture at fie end of twenty  val's after (h
froul of the L.e. t(,OulululeioII oh lh suid road, or (It anv lillelt'lr-p'e'i-
,l1ture :ilt the diid that they shall not be so rcduct'd as to ul , t. tllem less
Id o: ) yea rs.
rrovisu.      1lhaui fi'een per erutltm  1.' 1I Iu11ulli nett profh, on fill. s11 lie.-
tually expendueh in eompleila leu said road. to be ealculatcd
flrom the pp1'iois i cmllribution lv the si otkholtirs.
Repe.t t+ h      21~2. Atul fil I)ir'elor's at, hereby r'equircd to report to the
made by the Di- execulive (lit almount of tlht capital expended iu coupleting ills
rctors to Ille Said road, whnllevreu Ihiemaeio shall Ill!bfiuished.  P','iridCd IUL-
Execu tive.
Notolll to e dc- so, thai uotlhing herein contained sll authovise (lie said con-
ititii'ed of auy 11Uiy to deauutid Ioll i'rolu any publio Ilessel ger  i tlui any
public ikcssCi. iilil it0 01 of lei. Irools in thu bei'vice of this StUIWC2 o of the
ger,i froyn    ltd    Its
tr,' 1Sei    United States,
A-mmenlceinCl..  2.Z. '1.'hiW  Act sliall be in rorce 'own and after (he passage

(II.IC. XLI j.

,/in ,/h't illrpiorait1,, a ('omlpl iy to c'tabl,,i ft T(ii'npire
Road rout Ihr Wtelern lrruznaion of the llrook arn pllilc
to thw Olerry Oaks in tMe Connli of lion over.
[Passed December 3d, 1814.1
y. If [I,'U  -9 it is represented to the Coneitl Assemtlbly.
,'reamble. ,         litt tie e!stablishnla o' a Turnpike Road liat iio.t
p;.at~euIeab  wty 1011til the wrinilhtivi or' the Brook rurnpiko
Rowat to the Tve'larn oeel/pied ky \,ait I'iel C. U 0 iUsMonu1w, ait
tile phwe COlflnl(l/]y caied the M'lery Oaks ill tie Couldy )[
]autiver, would add to the accommdattion of travellcru  by at-
lording theni at ill tinI's a good road ;
Rooks t:, he o.  :1. Be it l'cforCCflLd, That it siall and may he latItl
p ie1   thde to open books at l:nove1 Court-louse ii/idm' lile direction of
dievi',me ot'Cm. ~'illill Pollard, Trhomalas Pollard, Milleetus Cartur, Turner
Chrii-an. Laney Jones and I'hil li) T CAT.'o ; at the Merry
oaks unider tlhe ditrecti, olNatihanu i Claiborne Lipseonilbe,
Isaac Winstot, Parson Ow(cus, k4-,ilinil hrand, )avid Olh-
i': wlal Carter B. P1'age ; a/d i/n the City or iHiechinoled uider
tile ditetion or samnuel Myers, viiliatiin Marsilll, M.11jainin
     altrp;'d, A[lexanderl' MIllae. WVilliam11 Selden, Christophrt
''/Towpkitls and/t Villhau ]hil-fo/, 3r1.; flor r'eceiving anldeltT
f&P rcrelrin.;'ub. J.- 45I.AYrij)tiollS to the 1n1umlit o1 tweluty-live thouisand lot.
rrIpt'ims il lhe larI'+ or Ihe said Iudertaking ; which sum shall be divided into
am.o, n       f ' iv'o. i mi, t lie sitres L ' filty djhhmls each, and tile subseriptlous
pO0 each,     b, mdleadtl i pcr;on. or by Ioi er o attorney itt Vi'ginia u rrent-

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