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An Act appropriating the Public Revenue. 1814 8 (1814)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsva0201 and id is 1 raw text is: (s )           1~ TJW T1tIRT-IWTU YEAR o7 TLX CQoITOKWZAtTfld
On male free n.  &. All male rce egroes and .mulattoes above the age or
groes and mulat- sixteen years, and tader the age of fbrty-flve, shall he suit-
tocs.       jeer to a poll te. of' two dollars and fifty ecents, to be collected
in the nner to he prescribed by law: provided, that -such
free negroes and mulattoes as are bound out appr :tiees shall
be exempted front the tax hereby imposed.
On notes or bins  G. From and after th9 first day ot'May next, ther shall be le-
payable, or nego- vied and collected, for every piece of vellum, nrchxezbt or
tiable, or Which paper', upon which shall he written or printed any note or hill,
May lie pia or
nepotiated a.  made payable or negotiable, or which may be paid, or negotist-
bank.        ted, at cillter of' the public Banks or Virgida, .or at the
Branches thereof, the following rates, to wit: for easel note,
or bill above (weuty and not exceeding one huandred dollars,
four cents ; above one antd not exceeding two hmulred dollars,
six cents; above two and not exceeding live hundred dollars,
twelve cents ; above five and not execeding one thousand dol-
lars, t-venty-five cents; above ote thousand, and not exceed-
ing fifteen hlinnda'ed dollars, thirty-seven cents ; above fifteen
hundred dollars, and not exceeding two thousand dollars, fifty-
cents : above two thousand, and not exceeding three thousand
dollars, seventy-live cents ; above three thousand, and nut ex-
ceeding four thousand dollars, onei hundred cents ; above four
thousand aud not exceeding live thousand dollars, ouro dollar
and tweenty-live cents ; nbove live tbusand, and not exceeding
seven thousand dollars, one dollar asil seventy, live cents: and
above seven thousand, and not exeeeding eight isousand dol-
lars, two hutndred cents ; and for every thousand dollars a-
bove eight thliusaid, twenty-live cents tdiditional.
Vommecmumt,    7. This act sial commence and be in Force from and after
the passage thereol.
.lui Jet, Jlpropriating the public Rccnue,
[Passed, January 6th, 1.315.]
Geteral fund.  .*     it enweled bl the General lnssembt, Tat the taxe!
.  B   audarrearages o' taxes, not otherwise appropriate-
due. prior to the year one thousand eight hundred and fteen
and all other branches of revenue, and all other public monie
not otherwise appropriated by law, which shall come into 
treastiry-pror to the first day ol January one thousand eg
hundred and sixteen, and the surplus of all appropriation
heretofore nisde, shall constitute a general fund, and be appr
Specific avp- prinated as follows; for the payment of interest on tlp sever
descriptios opithlie debt and on such loans as are or May .
authorised fy Kiw'during the present session of the Goner
Assembly, one undeed and seventy-five thousand dollard. ;r
the expenses of the (e;eral Ass nbly, so much an the a.,
expenses shall, according to existing Iaws, amount to;
oQfiers ot' ciil government, so nuelt money, as the sala
and allowanees to said officers shall by law amount to ; for
expenses of representution to Congress and the State Sena
three hundred dollors ; for clerks And sheriffs' fees, flverhu
dred dollars ;for public services of circuit court elorkstwent
Welk huMdred dlm's; for repairs  f puble wp'JIOzuw:

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