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An Act to amend the several Acts of Assembly, prescribing the mode of ascertaining the Taxable Property within the Commonwealth, and of collecting the Public Revenue. 1813 6 (1813)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsva0185 and id is 1 raw text is: 8.           In #the t1iirtylejighth Year of the Commonwealth
On clerks of  4. zach clerk op the sveral county. eorporati nd superior
Corts,        courts of law and ebaneeryl eourt of appeals, and general court,
shall, on or before'the first day of February one thousafid eight
-.hundred and fifteen, pay into the treasury one and-one third pter
centum upon the amount of his fees charged for the year eighteen
hundred and fourteen : provided, that the amount of Itees .char-
ged, including allowances for public services, shall exceed one
thousand doliars ; and-provided also, that where the saume per.
son shall be clerk of the superior and county court, in any county
wilhin this commonwealth, he shall pay the per centuni afore-
said, if the fees charged on account of tne duties of both offices,
intludig allowanges for public services, shall exceed one thou-
sand dollarg.
on male free ne-  5. All male- fred negroes and mulattoes, abovethe age of six-
groes andnulat, teen years, shall be subject to a poll-tax of one dollar and fifty
toes.       *teya
cenis, to be collected !in the manner to be prescribed by law:
provided, that such free negroes and mulattoes as are bound out
apprentices shall be pxempted from the tax hereby imposed.
Dn notes or bil.g  6. From. and after the first day of May next, there shall he le-
payable or nego- vied and collected, for every piece of vellum, parchment or pa-
tiable, or which
mal be paid or per, upon which shell be written or printed any note or bill, made
negotiated at  payable or negotiable, or which may he paid or negotiated, at
bank ;   i    either of the public banks of Virginia, or at the braehes there-
Rates of tax.  ot, the followving rates, to wit : for each note or bill above twenty
and not exceeding one hundred dollars, four cents ; above one
and not exeeedingthwo hundred dollars, six cents ; above two and,
not e%(cie                                          iv  n
not et~eeding tivo hundred dollars, twelve cents; rabove five and
not exceding one- th~ousand dollars, twenty five cents ; above one
thousand and not execteding fifteen hundred dollars, tbirty seven
cents; above fifteen huntird dollars ard tot exceeding two thou-
sand dollars, filly cents; above two lhiou3and anti not exceeding
three thousand dollars, seventy five cents; above three thousand
and not exceeding toilr thousand dollars, one hundred cents ; a.-
bove four thiwsaud and not exceeding five thousand dollars, one
dollar and twenty five cents ; above five thousand and not excee-
ding seven thousand dollars, one dollar and seventy five cents;
.nd above seven thousand and not exceeding eight thousand dol-
lars, two hundred cents ; and for every twenty thousand dollars
above eight thousand, twenty fiveceqts additibnal.
Cemmencerment. 7., This act shall commence and be in force from and after the
passipy. thereof,
An -get to amend the several Acts of Assembly, prescrwig the qnmode
.of ascertaining tle TaxableIPropertV within the Comiohwetilh,
antd of collecting the Public RevenI.
tPassed Feb. 14, 1814]
Subjects-or tax- [,BE it etactet b! te General Sissembly, That theseveral com-
ationtobe inc  ujissioners of tle, revenue sheall    thy alereby Fe-
ded in their lists                             hD886nr aod  are.    re-ri
by tie ommis. quired, in making out the ailnual list of thetaxabh. proretymithy
sioners ofthe re -I this commonwealthi, to'lmike correct lists,I and set tie'same
venue,        down in 'Separate columns, prepared in tliitU.b6rsTfrjahopu-
Pose opposite to the harnes of the respeetive 'o0vIerw of all 'orli.

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