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An Act concerning William Gaines. 1812 132 (1812)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsva0183 and id is 1 raw text is: (In) I           the tiirty.sevenith Year of the Coimnonwealth,
,n Act concerling Archibald Stuutrtjyus. aid -aincy Smart
(passed D ccember 29th. 1812.3
• l,;amb1e.   WXT!rEREAS it is represented to the General Assembly, by, Ar.
. .ehlball Stuart junior and Nancy Stuart, infants under the
age of twenty one years, thai, in the year one thousatnd eightlhun.
died and nine, two lavers belonging to tdiew, to wit, Clharlesa boy
anti Cyntias a girl, were carried, with the said Archibald and
Nanny, from this state to the Illinois torritory, by their father,
where he intended permatli',tly to reside ; but that lia his been
constrained to return to this slatp, bringing with hits the said
Archibald Rud Nancy, as -list their said slaves ;-.
Archibald tt.  1. Be it lthrefore enteied, Tlat the said Archibald Stusrt JIn.
artajr. and Nall. Rnti Nanity Stiiart slhl have full powefr and authority to retain
Ise to retain lit (he said slave.s Chlarl. andi Ca.'l hia, as theirproperty, within this
tin% state two  state, ini th saie liiwtlaer al if they huad nevr bien  arried Ilutre-
flvc, brolght  rt..1 . A nld all penalties and forfi'itures, inirrol by the bring-
with them from ing the said slaves back to this blwre, bhall be itud the saiute are
hurehy r.- nit led.
z. This act :,tll he ini furece froia the passiog thereof.
An Aec concernin, Wiliiam Grtines.
[Pased JanuAry 9d, 1313.]
A'iditor to ic  'D1E it eaded' by the Gcancrnl Ass cubly, Tlat it shall he law..
a wareant to W l .  'fil for the auditor 6f public accounts, and lie is hereby re-
G.ines for a;u't juhred, to !issie, in Cavour of William Gaines, a warrant on tie
of money recciv. treatury, fot thue sunu of loney whi id arose from  the sale of a
t~d from the sate
Of ;       nt!'ro aian nund0 Stetphen oi rch;oied ly the said Gaines from art
ini'abitant oftortlt Carolhio, vi.ii e.e the said u'gro was brought
in the year one Ilonsatid eight hiumdred and twelhe. and sold, ia
eonsequenc thereol, by the overseers of the poor of the county
Commencement.   , Tlh  act shall be in force from the passing thereof.
.On Act placing certain persons on the reisii Li8st.
(l'as ,ed January 19th, 1813.]
.)ir,1 Peery o  '   E it enatedul by the General Assnbly, rliat John Peery,
, a.d.LI coauaty.   now a resident of the county (or Cailaull, an old revolution-
ary sollir, (who was severely wounded and disabled by ho Rhi-
tish at the battle of Alapnanto in North Csarolia,) lull lae ida.
ced on the pension list, and receive unnually sixty dollars, to be
paid ais ther pcilsiony, are paid.
.%r c  Towae,  2. 'tld be itifurthe enacted, rhat Argelon Toone, all hd rove-
lutionary soldibr, who served d'hin  lie whole war, and whose
constitution h~s been destroyed by the said service, wyhibh hits re.
duced himself and faznily, consisting of a wifc, five daughterx and
a small son, to great distress, shall he ltlaeed oa the liension list,
and reeel'o aputnalij sixt7, dollard, I. be paid as other Vensi94ors

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