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An Act concerning William McClintic and others. 1812 126 (1812)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsva0178 and id is 1 raw text is: (.120)       In the thirty',sevcnthr Year of the Commonweal,|;;
Jn -ct concerning BdOjamin- Brown,.tii ainisfrator of Henry
Brown, deccasrl, ',frmer Shft'if of (abellv&onlity.
[Passcd January 61h, 1813.)
Arrearages or  T).E it enacted by te General Asecibly, That it shall be law-
taaes, due in C:-  11 fil for, thu present sherifiof the county, of Caball, or his
bell Comity, lbr successor in office, to colleet and make distress for all arrearages
1ectot and ac. of taxes du in the said cotnty for the year, one tiiousafid eight,
counted ir with hundrrd anti ten, and tecount for te sname'vitlrBenjamin Drown,
tl d      .ia  dtrator Iainistrwor of Il nry B-owu, deceased, who anted as'sherlffof
ofthery Brown.  sid. county ii fIlie iIresaid yoar.
Commencement.   2. 'This tot sliull ti in toreo from the passbh  thereof.
in Act concerning .ante.s Varian ad 'others.
[Passed February 22d, 1813.]
'Preamble.    XTTPEREAS it is represented to the General Assembly tats
hy virtue of a warrant directed to JTames eurnm, a constable
in the county of Nottoway, commalulingKhim to summon a posse,
if necessary, add to apprehend, ant] convey before ajustice of the
pe-ee, Jose;dz Watson and others, charged with tie offenee o
ouse breaking in the said county, file said BbrumWith suniry
other persons, did apprehend ti said Watson'and'otfiers Obarge.
as aioresaid, in the county of Prine-Edard 'and 'carried tlient
hoc'orc a tiintato of, the said county of Nottoway as thatirt6 re-
quired; thLttieihro the said Jamies fdrtim,' nor tie pcrs6ns'by
vhosu aid he was enabled to execute the said wirinf, have hith
crto received any cordpensatiin there;b't' ;-  .
James Bsrwn a  i. Ve it tl.efore enitlbII, Tliat'thc id'dreald  me'iti'iaII
constable of'NoL Ie tlo nt is hereby entitled t'rediVe 'frdi thOpublid 'ITc0aifry
toway Cotty al. tie aunt of twety nine dollara'  itifth  Auditorof public aiee6dtitf
lowed ~5 29 for
apprehending&c. saloroby required to issue a waivaz for th.d'anme to be- paid out
certain persows otany  onies thotein.
charged with   0. An. 'bc it -fuartier crac1id; 'rhit' SygniMMdo'e  erbert
huuse hreakin. I .
Sygnal Aoore  I'(rowde', Edmu d DupiOyTarn'e Jackson, Jennings Robertson,
others, ww were lfeiry It. (Cjok, Polaski B. 1l34l, Bassett Watson, Peter Elling-
summoned to as. ton, Peter I. Bland, Joseph 1. Fouikes 4Iao Morriss and Willi-
si~t him nlwcd 11  an
e  alch.od     l Vnghau, the peaions sumnnoued as'ul aresid, sizali be res.
pectively entitled to receive froui'the Trseusury the wur of three
dollars, nul tho auditor in hervlly rqtaii'ed to issuis warrantifor,
the satine to be paid out of any indnIb therein.
rnencemenit.  s. This net shall bS:iu force froia tit6passifig hetoio
An Act concerning 1Viliiau  1dCliriic and1'olheis.'
[Vasied Vebruary Oth, 1813.3
Siflyam 1.'Clin.  E E it eucted- by'll ic Gcaral  asbnzfl , TihOt Wi!littwi 16,
tic deputy sheir - D Clintic, deputy sheriff of Bath county, shall he alldwc'dyeioY
dff OF B*Ol.tqfo itw i eighty five doilars: and thirty three ceit for his ietves
ed $ 85 S3 for    o   ihyfv
conveying to pat and expeases in carrying, to the jail of Uath county, five negroes,
retain negroes and in convoying front Bath to Betetourt county, the 5aid fMO.

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