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An Act authorising Joseph Crockett to erect a Toll-Bridge across Reed Creek in the County of Wythe. 1812 79 (1812)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsva0177 and id is 1 raw text is: Ietoe iry-aeventli     a' e   the Cotm     onwealth.         (T9)
;ti  .         i     .  ~   '                  -
giving the holder or holders of such share or shares, their exe-,
*-etitorsabo, dminnstrtol's teniys previous- noti'e o 1 uti, moti-
an; and wbere ho.'sushcal'leti's'sll ho less tlhaii tWcntyrdol-
lars; by warrant Wore- a juitic-e of the pe ..
2. .Be itfnrthe'enueted, 'tIl 'Cvery.sb'-Acrbier shall be Piitlo-  Biockholders
rsed to vote, 5y himself; his aient or iiroxy,. hpplii.ntcd uadek' Jism.ay, vote. by
hand and seal, attested by two m itnesses, at all elcthns nlade proxy.
by virtue of this act, and shall have as mhnnly votes. as lie hibld§ Number of votes
aharevp, as far as ten'shares, and ono vote.fd' every live shares ,toweduImre
Wilett bhe nkay hold over ten, au far.as ffty oflr shbares, and one,
vote for every twenty shares which he may hold over'sixty shares.
And every sto~kholder may. at:pleauro sell4itioansfer his Stbbk .3nda of trans-
in the .company, or any part. llherf, -bsig.a whole sharo or feriagsiares.
'whole shares; thetransfer beiln made, in the book-Alof the-cr. :
pany, in the presence and with the approbati'n Oftlt  proprieor•
or is -attorney ;. the purchaser. thereupon to Ud entitaId to all the.
rights whieh'the original proprietor enjoyei.  .
3. lie itfurtlier enaelcd, T.hat, as soonas tenthousand sharc',  ,irst geilerat
shall he dubscribed for, the persons herebysppoifitt) to receive- m.t.g 'ien ati.
the subscriptions, or any four of them, tlxill &M t'eibg of th1e . o b  coa-
subserilkers in the City of Richmond; giving fii e day, revidi..
uotiee thereof in any one oFthle newspapers aforesaid J. andthe.
subserliers assembled in consequence of such notice shall- chau e,
by ballot I'omamong their body, by a majority of votes thltu re-
presented, either, in person or. by proxy, fifteen diret totR, eitit ,ften director.%'
Zeus of this'eominonwealth, who shall serve until tie fi'st tucs- to be chnsel.
day in January, anne dornini one - thousand eight hur.dl awd To ,sem n,ti
fourteen.; on hich day, and on the same day in each succeeding tile Ist Tuesdty
year, the stockholders shall; by a majoiity of votes rtpreseutcd in Jan. 1,14.
as aforesaid, huse fifteen direers, citizens o0 &1his' eotnmon- Directors to be
wealth, who shallserve for one year thereafter, and until new annually chosel.
diiectors are chosen. And, in ease -of refusal to atiml,'deatl, re- Vacancies ln ing
signation or renoval out of. this eoin monwealth, of any director, thie Directors,
before the expiration of the term Vor whieh lie was ehosen, t'e how to be MIAt.e.
romaining, directors, or any nine of theim, may elect by ballot
fromnamong the stockholders, being citizens of this comnioa-
wealth, another person to act as-director in his place during the
remainder of the year. 1ho directors chosen as aforesald, or Presid'ent tob
any nine of them, shall, at (lie fiest meeting held by them  iftir cected, by the
any general election, (which shall be held as soon as mauy b there. dticdt,,rs, ont ot
after,) elect, by. u nmajority of the, memllbers thn t'Drsnt, lron|a their own body.
their own;.body,: by ballot, a person to act as president, who shaill jH terni of ser-
servo for -e year,. and until the appointment of a.new president vice.
after the dext sucediug eection ; and in ease of the rcfigal to
act, deatl4 resignation.or rcmnval out of this cornmonwealtha el' V, aflcf Pi'Ci
44.  .114             c il] nonw C l th oviie   'a 'Presi,
the person so eJ.osen prpsiden, before the expiration of tile teru! .l teat how to be
for which he was chosen, thmc.direetor:. may, immaediat y there- tilledi.
upon, in the mannor aIrbresaid, ehlse from their owli body aumo-
ther person to act as president during the remainder or th-. said
term; antin eve.y caso whwre one or lite daetors shall Jo b Ationher director
chosen (0 ioLet as president, tilt) vacanoy thereby u eated slall he to. be chsen' to
supplied, as in case of refusal to :ct, death, resignation oi removal o-ppi i e pace
out of the tmmniuonwealth. Atid in-easo of sickness, neptessary or th.directoree
absence or i nibiliy o, the presidentlo attend to the duites of I kctcd presdent.
office', the tI irector, or. a.majority of them, shall appoint, by Mal- [It wlet casela•
oflo  ,    . th  iol, or a-ar  y                      .o  presidenitpro ten-
lot, one of then'i wn. body to not as president, po -teilpqre, during po,., is to be Ari-

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