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An Act incorporating a Company to establish a Turnpike Road from the Ford of Goose Creek in Fauquier County, to intersect the Fauquier and Alexandria Turnpike Road near Hay-Market in Prince William County. 1812 62 (1812)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsva0175 and id is 1 raw text is: s~dnt nd  ine- as ftheis'eomrnoeenlth ~a' oroteito Stti-fs tmloneysilt
....O .       ..    .  ..u..' say fo  Wel. tr :  nd  .od ctn  .h   tfr~
th nad  bepay
. -       _i-id 1e  if   d.d lhcr :izated, That the president at.diretors
be Bet up at eacit  of the  id   mpau  sh0l caus e to be rited and affix  o ev e
toji satte. -i - tgi. alist hofthe ats o toeils .ihiel fom tjnte-to tijDitty
   :  :i-::be lawfully d~ijanded, for tho incomation of tavcll~trs tising0  th
President  nd ij  slid road; diand that it shall 50 lawful for the- said president-and
rectors may deo directors, if they consid r the inter6st oftheeompany. afid general
ImteOr.-ease pany good require it, to rafr, dmiq,. and-let any sed ion. or parpt, OR
part, or the     rqi
whole, ofte  the wtoloeof thb said road, with their to6s and ptivileges, for a
road.-       time not execeding two years, on satisfactory sequrity, to any per-
n'e ecelssee to  son, dr persons iil their judmetitproper for the trust, .who shalt
bave the same    . I    •1            ,                             I
auto i    theoater enjoy and have similar power and authority topunisI
they possessed, oO.uoes against this act, as are hereby granted to the .ompaoy,
for and during their tenure of such section or part tjrereG.
€oreek .ment.  1 'S. This act shall bo in fqree from the plissing therof,
C.+AP, XL;
-  1 Act ineorporati+ it Coiitvny- to establish a Trnime Rad
fror 11w PorA of Goose 1 Creek in.Vszqu  ounty, to ntkiked
the Ftiquier and 'Al wiexnri: nT1wrn i9 Road   car' J Pay..-1_-
-e in Prince fffliat County.-
.Passed robruar+y 8th, 1813.3
Doo-W              Ro t.   ) E  i. zacted by the General assembly, That it shall be
oo   . r  __ee-  C,,
lig subscript'- (,.   _ lawful to open books, at-Harrisonburg in the. county or
ons, at what pla. loekingham, under the management of Archibald -Rutherford.
*esand by   William  Bryan, John Coontz, Joseph Fouehett, and JoepI
whlom, to  bp.              d     + .     .              ..
opened,     M~auzey; at Woodstock in the county, of Shenandoah, uidor the
management (if William Carson, John Evans,:Janes Chipley,
John Lee, Isaac Overall anid Spencer Calmes ; at Front Royal
in the county ofFrederick, under the managenent of Jared
Villi 11s, Jatmes M.. Marshall, Thomas Buck,-. Elijah Way and
James Moore ; at Gibson's store, under the management of WVill
]!am Gibson, Nimrod Farrow, llryan Foley,  John Ashby, Joln
Tutt, zBenjamin Dawson, and William P. Richardson; .,at Oak
Hill, under the management of James Morgan, Thomas mar,-
shall, Augustine Smith and Thomas Adamg ; and at ,Salem in
the county of Fauquier, ntkier the management of Chandler Pey-,,
ton, Richard Rixey, William'U. Hamptob, Thomas O'Banuao
LudwchU Rector and Thomas Rector ; and at Chapman's -mil in
-the county of Prince William, under the mInagement of George
Chapman, Thomls Turner, John P. Smith,- Washington.,
Washington vind James Gunnel ;, for receivimn. and- entcrl n
.Ant of eapi. subseriptions tolthe amount efeighty thou-sind d-olri, to:be di-.
vided into sltares of twenty five dollars each, for the purposeoe-
Ostrow bli.02S. making a turnpike road; from .te fOd ofGoo-se creekibel0w'
.      -     th meuth of anas ois Gap, in' Fauquier.  ori~t, to interse til
,-:o..    the Fauqnicr and Aiexandria Turnpikerad-uo  Hay-Marke.
in lri lo Wihliani county                 '            '
*~ ~ ~  ~~~s *ie eeI  .T tso so on as thur hundred  40rsaesn~ybd tepr.
imeeing, wi,,'   sous hereby ;appointed to tAke and rii v e4b1 s iptionk oriauy,
,nd wherej to. -tihrke6othem, by adVertising -the skm4 in a Wi4ethet6 ; d U
b~c ei e.

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