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An Act concerning Thomas Brewster. 1811 138 (1811)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsva0165 and id is 1 raw text is: (138)'r Trij TMfITMY-SIITJT YBAR Olt Tr~if COA0'!oNWrATTt
temieln in this  ion, shall lhave rigularly 'eninneipnlled lie h usband, named SO.
phn, ilhom 9he purcihased of a eerfain .lenjinmin Ihirrett of the
said county, bI'e said Steplien sliall b1, nid he, is IcrCtby permitud'
to remain in this cominonwealth, ant to have and etjoy dl tie
rights & privileges %s hieli other f'ce persons ol'colour possess aid
en.joy within the same; any law to the contrary noti~ithstanding.
oimenccment.   2. This act shall be in Force froin the pitssing thereol.
in Act concerning Edward Scott.
Edward Scott, a '*  F ft eaced by the Gcneral .Issemilnl, Tlat Edwma Scott,
femen'e-     .) (Plbrwise called Ned Seolt) a free black fnhl who bns-
mitted to remain lately been emancipated by Mann Page, sliall be and he is hereby
in this state.  permitted to remain ii ithin this comuion wealth, and to iave un4
enjoy all the rights and privileges %ihieh oilier free persons or eRI
lone posoess and enjoy %I ithin the sate ; ant law to the contrair
notwit 11standing,
Conmcneement.   2. This act shall be in force from the passing flereof.
nl .dct concerning Tiontas Brewster,
[Prxssed January 21, 1812.]
Thomas nrew-    BE    it enacted by the General .3/6'wdbly,..Tjwt 'Thomas Brcew
ster, a frce man  . sIer, a free man of eulour, who has ltely heen enianeilw'd,
of colour lately  shall be, and he is hereby permitted to remain in this common-
permitted to re- we-,ldth, and to have and enjoy all tie rights and privileges which
Ynain this state,. oth er free persons of color possess and vnjo  within the sanle;
any law to the contrary notwithstanding.
Commencement.   2. Tls act shall be in thrce from the passing thereof.
An Ict concerning Eve, tile wife ef Robin .ustice, and their chidrep
Blowmnan (id .Peggy.

live, Bowman k
Pcggp, when C-
,nanctpa6cd, to
The permitted to
remain in this

[Pasgsd January 18, 1812.)
1   E. it enacted by! the General .,sseribly. ThM when Robin Jtt.%
.JJ thee (a free black man of the county of Aecoliaek) slizl
have regularly emancipated his wire Eve, and their two ehildren,
B3ovinan and Peggy, the said Eve, Bownman and Peggy, shall be,
anti they are hereby permittcd to renain and enjoy the benefit of
their freedom in this commonwealli, and shall be entitled to aR
the rights and privileges which other free persons of eolonr pos.
sess within the same ; any law to the contrary notwithsTanding.
'z. This act shall be in foree from tle passing thereof.

Ain Act concerningl IMly I)ean anti others.
,Passed Januury 6. 1812.3
' etity Ilean nad •  E it enacted ly 1he General Aisse nibly, That Betty Dean, Fran,
others, laei - I . key Dean, Joln Dean, Billy Dean, henry Dean, Daphney
inancipated b  Dean, Sapinuel Floyd, Frank Floyd and Miteliel Floyd, who have
Margaret any  lately beeli 4ifan'eipated by MIlargaret Rose and John N. Hose,
John N. Itose,
permiitted to re. shall- be, and they are hereby le'rmitted to remain in this cominon,
rmkin this state. wealth.
ltmmtncii .t. 2, rl-his aetiall.tomnence audJio in force frqm the passing
.itheao .       I

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