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An Act concerning George Fravel. 1811 134 (1811)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsva0158 and id is 1 raw text is: 4I. THE TIRTY-SIXT[ YHtU O1 71i. COMMONIVAWUAT11.

in Hardy County stifry to John Atkinson, for tho ammint or the said taxes so over-
reFlneil, to;ohn linid for the years if'oresaid, with intere!ji, thereoan, to be pqjd oti
Atkinson.    o0'any mnies liet'i't'i
Commend~mcnt.     . This at. shall 1., in 'oree f'rini the -a.;iin thereof.
An Ael cotecruilt; ,ohu.,
[.Passed Jmal Iiary 17, 18 12
John Nugent per.  l E i    a elwhcd b!f lite (itre(l ' I 4,4$cbl, 'T'iat it shall he law-
rnitted to extend  . Bi  ll' Jofin  '-'n  O' (lii' eOuntvl' lsKnawha, Iio Joxte(de
ni dlam or wing in-                                      lKwlla       oetie
to the Kanawha a datin (rt' Wintlli to   lilt Kallav,ii Ii r't'i fon; his ]andi oil the norlh-
rv'er ; so a  ,ot cast si(e of tiu  aid iV1't', Op~O)silo to Cabin ervrc! sloals, for the
to ob,truct the  puripose Ot'u O i'eCtiiL a gvist 0)' other hnills : P i'ide'd, hoecre, tli.
=vigatiou;     hclbi'c thi snht dlaih or wil..g shall be cxtrd'd as alit'esaid. lavid
of w.hivch certain   '    uflill'. N1 Whi;n at ,lorris, Joli Jon's. 1 ol  Talahsfird, Samuel
ar'd to jti dge.  Shrewsbu , aya I,cmuo'd Morri.i,  ttlelntii, shall be, and they
ave hcit,.y hjipoi ted. (om issllit.t. to  iew anid examint IlIii
11!ace mihere 'Vhe saii iAm 03* ia:; iS il ledI to lie eicuttd, with
a1 ew lo i.jttl ril how fi' IL said dauit or A ilig can he extc'n-
iled into tile rivm, so as not to obstruct tile ntavigat ion   the same,
mitd ulmake report I]le'eof*' the court of' he colii) of Kanalha, to
lhe cuot, red oi' ,'C(.oli , I
Tfirdamnrwing,  2. niid Pvrided (IL.;o, flut if til ,aid To' lA Nugent shall ex-
ifextendcd e-  tend the said dain oi tilig, beyonl tilt litrmit's -csrilwd ill dhw re,
prerthe liits  pouit of Ilhv .;ait! ctnliissioners, it filial! bLv h\it for1. i113u jntsrut to
them, may he   pull dom ni aud destroy the saitte :  iild I lat, i lthe Said Nugent
pulled Iwn; S;ti il erter :my dani under t!,' atlorit) of I his lwt. -wh h siinll
and tho' crected o0,li'let. or he i.jurioi  to 111 IlI'iga.lioi ot the sIidl river, it Amll
conformably to                        nhivi    tn;        thcr'of to . tist 'O
their report, may he lawlel ' any cout. a     jttisdietiet
be prostrated as sitid da li to be biwostr'aled it as' It oit  a net, tii.Itslntiilg that tiho
a lLisanec, if in- ervetimt I herof ila.i' have beet in eeni'ormity 'o the report of tho
jutriols to the a. coil- l issior- lit hehiO a llined,
C    ,encement.  .3. 'This uet sHlnl be in 1or'ce from tihe F.assing thereof.
An Act coneernin  William . 11. Il'UIhtce.
[l'asscd January 15, 181.]
William 11. ,al-      it italhtei bi llte (,nTI .ls.emblij, That it shall be lay-
lae l,rmitted tod 1 itI for William B. Wallace, proprietor or Dixon's Walc-
sell part of the  tlollse, ini the town of' Falimouhit!l  h only/of S~afford, to se.ll
ground on which anlitoi~yo                                        ta~hd   os~
,Dixon's ware.  a   In Convey to ile pi'hit'' atiy oif't tli i'ound on which (h
house Stands.  said  arehotse stands : Provided ,,etlhelvSc, the said Williati
Pr.uviso.     B. Wallace shall be ohliged to finnish, at hhi own exp cne, suIn-
cient houses lt' 1he retetillion olTobacco.
commenccmelit.   . This aet siall le ill fCoret f'ioit le passiig he'ieof.
An Act conernin- (h'orgc Frard.
[Passed January 11, 1812.3
Certaiucriminal t  D  it cLtLCIt'd by the General AssemblY, 'Flint George Fravel,
charges allowed  •' who acted as Jailor in the Contly of ]1alt at tile time those
(Corge Frav9l, Negroes 1 Oro committed to j,il fox the murder of Talor and

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