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An Act for the relief of Sarah de Pass. 1808 77 (1808)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsva0113 and id is 1 raw text is: VM6MALTIi.            .7~r. )

,   1; .-Bii~elfhetfor~e enaocd, b'prlvileges'pt~okessed t be UTi of w
granted bythc contract made by! the Rxe0utiveto the iaid $ u-flor put,
to ,  .  .  •   .  .  .  -  .  springs
.,el (,Adams, of the sciteforthe saiL.reservoir,. and the surplus S. G Ad
water of fhe two spripgs igtocd !gthe pablic .square, shalli be
,and the same is hereoy to all inteits ;,apd purposes coufivmed to
,the .sa~il Sutwi|G. Adaim': P id.c d, £hat nothn  bereini 0h- 1'revso.
tainedi shal1be sao'coiistred, o's ot0authoiie tlheas~d Suiiiuel 0.
Adams to exclude the public from the use of the water in thea 8aid
* reservoir, in case of. fire at' the cajltol or bw acks, or to. exclude
tany  persn  r. pirsons frewmusngthvater fiom the fountai ,i mn
, hib.her, rithelrfamilies, to be taken therefrom in .witei vestels,
erfronihereservoir~in case of firstin. nn, hoube in theoiieighbo-
.hood thereof,; .Andprovided eals, .iat if the said; Samui . IA-
.*ams shall fail to comply with the stipulations of, his Oon tract a-
foresaidvwith the Executive, t'. shall, be:in, th'power ofthe: Le-
glilature, at any time upon.such ailure, to resume theprl ileges
. hereby granted,. Andprovided also,  That the commonwealth shitl
not by- any-thing in this act contained, be construed, to reliuquish.
its-property in. and dominion over the-whole or any part of the
public lots. inthe city of Richmond.
2. This -actahall commence and be in forcefrom  the. passing Commne
thereof.  .;      * * .   . . .. ,  ....

ate'  r


An'actfior the relief of Sarah De. Pass..
.    ..   -     fPassed February 2, 1809..
VVHEREAS Sarah De, Pass, who hath conc on a visit, from Preamble.
Charlcston in South-Carolina, to her mother and friends in
, the City of Richniond, bringing With her a female attendlant shve,
* naed Eliza, bth prcferrcd a petition to this present General As-
sembly, praying that she may be p.ermitted to remain with hersaid
friends until she can hear something decsive as to the fate. of her
husbind, now on ayoyage to the West Indies for hi'health, and
Sthft in so doing. sh. may be exempt from the fines, penalties and
oeitures.,lJmep~d by the several acts of Assembly, on the ii-
tr6uctio   f.sl vcsinto this commonwealth    ,
Be.i*) .Buit  eacted by thc General .Aembly, That it shall. and may myemaln
ie lawful for the said Sarah Dc Pass, so to remain, withoit incur- withet ncat.
ring slUi*fiies, penalies'or forfeitures, in consequenceof having ingpenity4 &t.
-brought into.thsscoWumonwealth the said slavs Eliza, and the same
are hereby remited and releasedto her.
2. This act sh.4 commence an, be inforce from and after the Corneu mcen,
pausing  thereof.'   .  * o ,.,  ,  .,

;An' act to rpeal t e  act entitled A z act concerning Clement
,Sh iac~lefov 06 a adninitratr f the estate of ye/n, Algood, ,de.
*. caced.:
l :s sd February 3,1809.•
IE it A~acied 6  Ghe. Gene   Asi em6   That anj jct' passed
,       ' nthe  enty second day of January, one tlbusaand eght
. liundred ud eighteiitltled' An act  coneerning Cleent' fhac-
ieford; as admiistratorof the estate of John Algood 4cceased,
b4  an.d.,the sam c~is hereby  repea-led. '- . .., '... .  . ':

Act repealed6.

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