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An Act concerning Philip Woodson. 1806 36 (1806)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsva0101 and id is 1 raw text is: 5-I
An ACT conceragYohn        if Ifdliahnoniand . Eljah Franklin, Inspectors. of 'obrArco at
Piochatt's uarehouse.
[Paiscd January .stb, 1897.].
SAIi.tPI.. .  Section 1., TI  it enacted by the .Geieral .Assemhlv, rhat..John.' Williamson and Elijah
Fanklin.s n   Franllin, inspectors of tobacco at' Rckett5 warehouse in the city of Richmond, shalt. be. aid
they, are lIeriby iut hriscd'tOr'ieiai .thio twenty.five per centum on their salaries as hereto.
fore received by them.
To retain, &c.  Sec. 2. Am be..it- further enacted, 'That- the said .John'Williamson .nn'd Elijith Frahklin,
inspectors-as aforesaid, and theirsuccessors, shall be, and thee are hereby authorised to re-
ceive in future the allowance -tiforesaid, in common with the inspectors at other warehouses.
Cnmenuat; 'Se..3. Ihis,art.shall commence-adnbe in force fromwand afterlife passing thereof.
C'-1  A P T    E R    XC.
-An ACTF-to repedl-ai ldci, -enitles A1, A  ct for clearing and r airn  i/ic T, agcron.
road from the State road to or near the 7outh ofthe Little Zanaw/,h7 rier.
(Passed January .9th, 1807.]
..Section:. BE it enacted 6y the Oenerd. Assembly, T hat the act passed the eighteenth
day ofJaduary, one thousand seven hundrd and hinety.eight, eiitlel ,.An actfor clearing
atid repairing the'wa gon road trm the state road.to or near the mouth of ihe Little Kanaw-
ha river, shall be an d-the same is .hereby repealed.

Auditor to issue
warrant to P.'

:C HA   P TER i      XCI.
.   A cr      rui co:ac Phi/ip Hl-ood, on.
[Pcssed January 9th, 1807.]
Section i. B.E it enacted by the General Assembly, That four hundred dollars shall he
paid to Philip Woodson of the county of Goochland, to indemnify him for the loss.of his ne-
gro man slave named Lewis, while in the service of this comnunwealth ; and the auditor of
public accounts is hereby :Authorised and required to assue a -warrant or warrants on the
treasiry foi the samIe,.to the said Pliilip Wopdson in. person or by attorney, to be paid -out-of
any Money therein.: Provided, the said Philip Woodson do relinquish trnd convey td this
commonwe ilth, by deed ,in writing, all his right and title in and, to the said slave Lewis.
Sec. 2. This act iilill commence and be in force from and after the passing thereof.

An ACT r easin to Irif/iam Somerille the right of the Conrnomealth to a certait
Lot oJ Land in the 7o t'a of / xinzton.
,[Passed January :9th, 1807.]1
Commonweathb's  Section .1. BA it enacted by the General Assermbly, That all the right, title and interest
right toa lot ofWith thecommotnwealh bath or-may have in or to a certain lot of laud in the tow  f Lex.
land in 16etiiog. ington in the Pounty of Rockbridge, now in the pussession of William  Somerville, which
ton relinquisled wasIconveyed to him wyhile an alkn, and in consequence thoreof.has -become escheatable to.
to Win. Somr.    cv
VUle.       tlg comIp)gVealth, shall be and is hereby vested in him the said Somerville, who is now u.
citizen of this commonwealth, to he br him held and enjoyed, in the same manner as if he had
be.i a citi en thereof: Saving, however, to all and every person or person,% bodies politic and
corporate,(oderthan the commonwealth) any right, titte or interest, which he or they might or
would have had in the said lot of land, or any part thereof, if this act had never been mad*.
Commencement.  Sec. 2. This act shdll commence and be in force from the passing thereof.
C H A P T E-R         XCIII.
I.dn ACT gituig the assent qfthis State toan  ct  f Congress for layin  out and making
a Roadfrom the Potowimac river to the State of Ohlo,
(Passed January 12th, 187]
Preamble.      WHEREAS by an act of the Congress of the United States passed on the twetty-.ninth daV
of March one thousand eight hundred and six, entitled An act to regulate the laying out and
making a road from Cumberland in the state of Maryland to the state of Ohio, the lPresi.
dent of the United States was empowered to lay. out a road from the Potowmac to the Ohio
river, and to take measures for making the same, so soon as the consent of the legislatures
of the several states through which the said road should pass, could be obtained: And where-
as application -bath been made to this present General Assembly, by the President of the
United States, for its consent to the measures aforesaid:
L~fav. gvaated to  Section 1. BE it therefore enacted by the General Assembly, That the Prtsident of the
c4   at s 1 to United States be, and is hereby authorised to cause so much of the said road as will be with.
makie rod thvo' in this state, to bu cut out fron the place where the same may enter the territory of this state,
this state.  to such point or place on the Ohio river as now is, or hereafter may he agreed upon by
the President or Cmgress of the.United States, and to cause the said road to be marie,.regu,
lated and completed within the limits and according to the true intent and meaning of the
ibeTore'recited act of Congress, or any future act by them to be passed in relation thereto.
ers granted   Sec. ,. Be it further enacted, That such person'or persons as are or shall he appointed for
to uperwtendant the purposeof lhVing out and cinpledns, the said. road, under the authority of'the United
of said road.  States, shall h av full power -and authority to enter upon the lands through which the same
nay 'pass, anl upon any lands near or adjacent thereto, and therefrom to take, dig, cut and
carry away such inaterials of earth, stone, grgi:timber and sand, as may be necessary for
completing the said road.

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