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An Act establishing a Turnpike Road from the Head of Roanoke River over the Allegany Mountain. 1805 12 (1805)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsva0092 and id is 1 raw text is: CHAPTER XVI.
An ACT anthoising George Pigran, ju. to erct a :Public )Varctohre n hi Lantf
in th e ivin of Petcrsbing.
[Pas-sed 1)eember 31st, 1 b05.]
George, Pg.  Section 1. B E it enarted. by the Gcncral Assc'ribly, 'hat it shnll he lawfil for
ram. jull au.     1),\.1                                         i 1
tIortvld .. i.Geor e .eignai, jun. to'erect a lhblit warchouse on-his land,lying on a anew street
,ect ,00acco (not yet numed) kading from Old Street to High Struct, in the toxi n cl Ptrsbutg,
warciousein to be called and knoiin by the nare of Cross Stiect \:arehcuie.
IaSree.        2. There bhull bi allowed und paid annually to cve-h (,,ftlhc insplctors of Cros.
Salary    o  Street Warehouse, the sum  ott.ree hrditd aud thirty thece atd cne thid dlavs
for their salary : Provided ahwins, That if the quantiti, of t.Lco insrectecl at the
suid warehouse, shalt not be suificient, to py the u.ual chai gcs and the inbicetors'
salaries, the deliciencies shall hot Le paid by the public.
Duty on to.  See. 3. The duty on tobicco in.pectcd at the said Warehouse, slhall -be the same,
and cclicctcd, acctouted fer ul:'  id in likc niaimner, at is dizected Li.d Frc:.cril'd
by law lbr other tobacco inspcctions.
Sco   .   ,..  -~•'    I  ¢ o    lll 1 •|, jun.
M   i.l     See. 4. T  ...d Gcoe 1%cq..., jun.  ll erect at his on iiexpense, suflielt
WahsoUtc.  houses, built of brick or stone, aiid covered wvith slate or tile, fer the rcceptioi ,14'o-
bacco ; and so scon -2s the bame shlvdl be suifleient, tle c(aI t of the county of I)&;.-
widdic shall recommend Pt perswons to be conimissioned inmFctcrs thercof
Notes not re.  See. 5. No person shall be obliged to receive any notes or tobacco Inasued at the
ceivat, for warehouse hereby etablished, in di:-ehurge Uf any tobacco coatract hertcofore en.
prier d.,:s. tered into.
Co,menc.  Su'c. 6. This act shall commence and be in Force from and after tl-e passitnt, thereof.
An ACT cvt;lis/i,' n  a  'thrilq ,' RCadlOi f,'e thecad n:,laf Roanoke Rfrcoicr tc
Al/, o't/y M ,tnt! ;ina
d [Pnsztl I)eemhcr 31st, 1,.,,5.
Prearrk.I                 it is repn s; :cl to  pree  GcendaAs.eemblh, that the keel .
ill; in hl r r th,: luhlde x.d fe,,, fi!e lihest crossing of the South lFork of Roane:e
iglri e r  i,  he  ll l td fii.O ,' is  tI
river,  _r the Al-nv      o..Nt, i the county of Montgomery, is too great a
burth' ti on the lc oum ji g ti hiq ks s ;djacent thercto ; for remedy thereof,
Corn m.saion.  Section 1. le it cnatid lby the Guntirii A.'I'l, -ihat Joln Ingles, Andrcv
,.-s ap *t. Lcw i, D)auil  Trigg  ordan Clovd, Charles Faykr, Henry Edmiidsoii, Janic-i
Cr;,,: Joh. M'Caul., alor. and James Charlton, he, and they hereb)are aploit.
Ir powers  iC   isiii1, 1ilt), or.a  Ijority of theinc are hereby eipowerucd and dir'ct-
and dutis.  ed to let out to the loi cv.t bdd'r, the opening of a turnpike road, li(om the highest
cro,%iug of the South 1ork of Roanoke, across the Allegany .mountain to the house
eo Jouh Pcndlcton i  Montgomery county ; the said comnmissioncrs having ih-it giv-
ellntw.;) u thrs previ.l ; notice at -he courthouses of Montgomcry, Botetourt and
W\Vtle, if the time and place of letting such road.
RAIte of toll. Scc. 2. The rates of tollvge om the said rad shall not, in the first instance, t -
c t eed those MWhich fl!ow, at which rates the opening of the said road shall he set Ip,
to wit : For a horse carl) ig a ritkr, six and one tlvi th conts ; for a horse i ithout
a rider, three cents ; fr a ltiur ii heield can iage fbr the convetance of c(lolildilivs,
thirty seven and a half cents ; h;r a for nhcelcd carriage f r the conveyance of per.
mitti sc, fty. ive c t't ) ;  .' . two wit hcld Cl d  ge i r tile conve'avic( Of COiliflic.
di'JcS, 5 st' t.en I1litt ;  ', it tW4) oh- tled cLItmiag elbr the coivWVyIlce ofI I, r.'son,
tWity.fivc cvi  i   l .  ()ik ,lts a:ld a%:IsL, the ,aine toll  hall be prid as for horics.
All j)crsas, all hersi, dr  ioeni  ia s, and all thingi not enumnerat;d, shall psl.
toll live.
Manner of   Sce. 3. The said road h.tl be made with a .uwooth Convx surface, well e(vered
naipii.6th  with gitvdl or stoide, so ai to to-nivr tile It,,sinlg of'w igolls thtrcoll a4 colnvciliCt~t
NA.      as possible (%vithout hiv: pve(1) it lcvist twdI) - .ivc feet wide, with a suficicit
dra il onlech side, rluld co lcrvd drains throull the iamtc where ncet's:Zirl'.
Comn, Toi',no  St'tc. 4. I l~c 4,,mitniissmit,~, O WJa lit. tof them, shall take hon.,( With suilh%
,or tt o       v v uliit v fii the iih'krt 111 C, p;n :d.c to  .n-citc ;md their sitices-;o;s, in Ite
,dgria.r.  Icn1 ty or twv;mItV tholmu'ia:.l dobli's, wii4 ;I c  l itioii reciting the cowtract oithe ti.
dctdkcr or ulcrrakrs, ,a:t1 thait ht or th ,i h ll  'il l!truly and faitlulhlv pr.
ithill the 1.1%e within tai'    - t'm f i,.tc Latc thcrcof, kid afterwards keep tlv ,ildl
,01td ill good at l  d IllclcCt Rtp:r, a 1 i ll! d. igs perform the duits imposed hy
tli act ;  lich hol dh.ill be I ovvin i ,n tilt. coutv court of Montgoniery, and there
recor ded, auld may h.t iat ill ..it hy it lwj(ority (f the u  omissvrs, or at the i.
fial'  (    1111t,1 v   iijuteld.
Nyhe  l     St.i. 5. S .4  on us thU s1d r'.-d shill 1,e cempleted fron the lower end of' the
to l -may b43 phltaill'io  'oT ias loov  11,  t t h lhchu s 1 the said John lk ndleton, to be adjudg.
111m d,,  ed  tnd  approved 1)y  the  ,4id        (;tc., crs,  r  i  uaj.,rity  of thenm,  of which  they

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