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An Act further to amend the Penal Laws of this Commonwealth. 1804 6 (1804)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsva0084 and id is 1 raw text is: S- .... trend oeasone  ircuit becessary-a ' P-otherdeasncrtin lessluehToii rrsu v inspeo
shallbeoetitled tot           s -thannhndd          sfois     IV
:Omcow.e     Sec.' ,( 2. _And be It ftrther enaed, That eay, offceraho hall- remo46e n fohis' cou'i.
mmcd~~~~~~~  tadtebudofhis regiment, or shall1 have iceased todpjrfote dutieshis of
ha eig  ee o  ihtmnhshall be considered as: havag resigvcd his flia'thie vacancy
Cdj. ;    thereybyoccasiowedshiall bei es sum  thexrcasets lcs I s o fficer  alli M Ploy-
-edabioad ii the servie oftthi sttes,  ofthe Uinhcd State
Aflo~ic  666e. 3. 'And be it further e naelicd, 'rlattheajutnt oealrgintshaqll hereaf.
atijatsi terbe'allowed for his services a suminot exceedinig six doilrs fur cach day he shall at-
o kf
01en';:t tend Lthe regimnital:and battal ion musters, and(training of tleiciiCCcs of th- sId ei
a aiti, ro. :ment ; and that theeClerksof the several courts of  iqIirvl
vostmartials. for their services,.a sum not exceeding eight dollars Ibr each day they shall iitte-nd the
said courts, and fouredollars ibr e ch iit o   .ffines the shall nak oiut ai rcqir'cl 't
law ; tlhe1)rovost martialshall also l)e alloed foi his services, a suM ;not .e:ceedi r
three dollars, for each day- he shall attend the courits of enquh iy, and nO more.
'Se. 4. And be ittfrtictr cnacted, That it sh-all be the duty or the clerks of the sevv-
.ral courts of enquiry, to transmit to the auditoi-ofpublic avccxountls,acertified copy of
the sheriff's receiptdor.each list ofmilitia fin es put into his hnds Itr collection, together
with a copy of such list ;and such certifiedcopy of the sherilfps receipt shall be evidence
.-on a motion against him forsuchfines.
officus of Ca.  Sec. A5ndbe zt farther enacted, iThat the commandingofficer of every troop-of
vai,ry & artilI cavalry, and company of artillery, shallhcreafter make lhisreport of delinqu entsto the
ler,tO hom-,
to ,1,  ke ecommanding: officerof the battalion in which such delinquent shallreside.,
See.-6. So Much ofthe fourteenth section of the act, entitled, A  act, to amend
ilepeall g
Rue.ehu  adredu ceintoo     e e eerlacsof the General Assemby for regu- in  he   ilti
-ofhiscommonwealth, as empowers the exeuoive to issue conimions forimore tha
one troop of cavalry to each regiment, is hereby remled.
Commence.   See, 7. This.act shall commence and be i  r c fr   an atterth first day- of A,.
- raent,   pril: next.  - .. .        i.                   : :- .  .   -:     . - -
'A -   P, T1,      V.
ln ACTfuirther o amend the -Penal Laws of thiSCommonwealth.
[Passed January 29th, 1805.]
PArt of the  Section 11. BE it enacted by the General Asselby, . That the thirty-fouirth section of
act 1792 re-
Pclead  - an act, passed-onthe thirteenth day.of Novemboer,-intheyearone thousandsevenhun-
dredland ninety-two, entitled, -An actdirecting the method of proceeding against frce .:
persois charged With certain crimes, declarilng the mde of proceedingHon indietanutS,
informations and piroiecutions on pcnal3statut.esand for preveniing,'vexatious aldm-
licious prosecutions, andmoderating anerceinents, shall be and the  chcrebyr:i
repealed .                    .  .        :  -        . .:   ...  ::.i :-, : :  - : . . .
0O1ffences .not  Sc-  Al        us
*f.enceg -tnot  Se. 2.All      suits, blindictments, orinformations, whichhall behd,
punisableby bro - .    ctIon;-.
Reah   u. brought, suedi, or exhibited, upon a .i penalmlaW: wei'e the puishmet to be inflicted.
fienent in upon the offienderon conviction, shall-n ifl)er bedeathi ni, imprisonment:inthe jail
pete nha and-emtentiaryhouseshall be had, brought, uedj,:eh:btedl, or -oved :thione-
thin  wati                         b                                   ~o  i   o   nes
tfime to be yar nextafterthe offence committed, and not after;except where alongeror shorter
prosec.  :time for the commencement of such suit, orprosecutitonis, orsliall be fixedby law.
.perjury, &F.  Sec 3 Every indictment,:or informationifor prjury, sub6rnation of peijury, oSuch,71
when Pros. forgeries orpublications thereof, as may notbepinisliable by death, oriniprisonmeInti)
...ted.   the jailor penitentiary house, shallbe exhibited or movedWih-in three years next. af
ter' the-time of c6mmitting the offence, andnot after. -.
og teIng,   Sec4- If any erson shallsteal anybog, shoat, or pig such person shlallbeadjud,-.
how punish. cdto be-guilty of pettv larceny, and shallhave the sametrialand punishment, as, in o
ed' i.  ther cases of petty larceny.
Connterfrit.  Sec. 5.  e ithfurt/er:enactqd,, Ifany person shall Falselyi make, forge or counterfeit,
in. nytes bror cause or procure to be falsely made, forgedorcounterfeited,orwillingly - act or as
Virginia   stin                fo1bill
bank, how  sIt  the flse making, frging or counterlting, any bilor note ofthe Bank ofVir-.
pnished.  ginia, with intention to defraud either the corporation of the-President, Directors and
Company Of the Bank of Virginia, or any person whiatsoever;o hx lps  rtneo
ofi~ t  as o  xcaneor halcause or. procure to b  asd  tneed, o  rrd
0fflrto ,pass 0o exch 'ntge  orshmi allb          ase   -rei-
to bepaSsed or exchained, any such bil onote ofthe lBafiklof tirgiinia, knIwing the.
same-1t belfalse, forgedor counterfeited, then everysuch Ilersoil, biwg'hefeoil -
ly convicted, shall be punihdwt cieetin the ail n         eitentiarhosa
!Y eoii nptedor...
hard labor, ifr no6iless llaiten, Anormore than twenty years.
Who may beUe.f.i ll Prosiecuti~is f or ouqences under this act, the ..president, caher arid -
w      ,iesses tother officers ofthe aid Batik'ofVirgiia, oreitheri of -its ofices ofdiscount and depositi
prove such-
coterfeits,-and all stockholders, shall be deemed andadmitte(das competent witnesses.
Setig ir  ec   .Ad b tfr e       nc , htaladeeyprson anid'persons, who shall
toa oue  a ay im, iterinth zi lirte da, mlcrwl, naful       niwillingly, burnf
a to.wo w or set ire;to any house or Muses whatsoever, in  olvi, or skallad, abet, assist, Counlsel,
puised  hreorcomumand      erson rprbnstocj$ttiy          6  ,;ai   ad es, bxg thercz

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