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An Act authorising the removal of slaves from the county of Alexandria in the district of Columbia into this Commonwealth. 1803 63 (1803)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsva0080 and id is 1 raw text is: r   63  J
day : Provided, that they fh l not aijour  F.,r a lner priod, than three days,
xceptr  n the    H~pr i a ion. f rh.e pr!riner, .and thn for.not mor :than ten dais
T;*lm th0 ,hy  j o aJl ourfment, at which time fuch pel i1s fliall be had as if the
court had gvoceededto~  thecexamiation of the fazl, at their lirft fitting.
S.c, S. 18;c it wtkr na. d, that before any pcrfxi charged vith, treafor. or. fe-
locy llh-i bu- tried b.efore a diltri t court, h.! or it (hall be crzamined in th4 man.
tier prefcribed by law, by the cuurt of the county or carparati,)r, wherin the of.
fince was commirted.
,iec. 6. It? it fitr/ber enafle,l, that aft.r the verliia of twelve men, no judment
on any 'ndict:nunt or in'rniati,) f tor flo.iy, or any oibaer offence whatf)ever,
l,;l te ftayed or rev. rfe:J, for any fip -f1 t  or imp.rfet, in any fich
indiclixnt or information 11 a^- th e felony or onfencen therein chr:tred  to  have
tI Xii cOmMitej or done, be plaioly and in fuliance fet ftrth wi:h c;-n:e;it cer.
taituy, 10i a to e n'b!e the court to give j '.i 1. l.nt thvercup,, ac. arJin, to th- ye.
ry righ1 of the caule) any former law, cuitom or ulge to the contrary nutwith.
Sec. !. ITohing in this aq contained flall b .fo con(trued ai to apply to any
indiChn'-nt or inkriuation already tiled and now d', niiig. or in any mwainer to
rPpeal he ad cldirecting th c nn) 'e of l'uing out and prnf ,cutiug writs of habeas cor
V,r ti a,! 'hr 'lti-,g what p-ifmntrs Ihdull b: ro bail.
Sec. 8. All ads and paris ofads widiu tht: parv-.v oi this ac, are hereby re.
bic 9't his act thall commence and be in force from and after the firfi day of
April next.
CIi AJP     T J.I    X.VI.

Criminal not to
be trie., in dl'.
tla court till
ea. nincd in in
trlor couru.
Judgment after
wrdt no, to
ba flayed fat'
dcfe& in inlii
mert if ofTfzce
is plainly fate
This g     ntq
apply toe: tala
aepealing lauro

An A C ' a: t.'.vrisin2 an addi:v  to be built to the Lnitic Huspital in IWilliamsb:rg.
(Paf.cd januiry 20, 18 4.)
SL    ic .    F.it ena.hd b thc General .4lffmbq, that the court of dire&rs of Adidon to be
the ,Luinatic !ofpi'ain the city of Williamsburg, flall be an I they  Aditn
r: heby auth rt - and Tequie.i to caute to be ere&b I and buih a, adliti n to
th.,t.:fent .-pitalil .th. laid ity, or a fipirace building, at their difcredti , for
tle accommodaion,.f the pati;nr, the keeper and matron, of the faid 1tofpital.
Awit .: uit')r ot'pnblt, accoautz i. hereby authmrifd and reqlirel to iffui to  Hcw the ex-
the order of thv coiurt ,t dj rt , a warr-mt or warrants on the rreafury, for any p'- hall be
him m,.,t excc:eding fo'ir huttered and lity poun is, in addition to the fum appro.
lImateA. for. thiv U170 f the fridJ horl il, tohe paid out of any m ney in the treafu-
Iv, not oth  irle apprpri uic,I. and to he applied by the ftaid court, towards the
Sr.W,,im cf lid builing, :. Prevlet, ~ihjt.it  hl not be lawful for the fid direc-  ror.
top to c,  pvd in thec redi r) of the f.id hui ling, tuurC than the funm herein be.
fi,,-e r-ti~tuned; nur lill the commonwealth, ta any event, be liable for any
Tim act (ff.!l commenwe an he-.in force from and after the palling thereof.
An .CI  ait:.korising the. ro,.,19! jt ,v's.,om t1he county of diexandria in the district
of Co!:tia irt3 this Comn(, nweaf.
(Pai'd january 21 It. 1804.)
Scdion  . i  E i en, W d by IG Gene-rat Al  .   .hat it hAil.and ma y beawfilI
r             A                 W edi  wahy.  be
tpc'  tht, o,                                       thre an..Iv~of this comi uwelh ol  r~s;oumtv-ofiAlex. rcuived f6m
11ria in .th   d   of    u    ..la ndw~thinthis, Itate, w ho has ,car- Ahxanddi'
,ied or may hereafter carry or fend, any flave or flhvs.into thT county of .-lexan- ot tohis
. ria,.in ilw (ittrit tiouefaidh auu.whhs not there fold fnPc m flaye o~flaes, to r ti
move him, her or them back again into Virginia, without incurring 4y psaalty
therclur, nor thall fuclh flave or flaves he entitled to treedoni on that account.

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