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An Act concerning Bottom Steagall. 1803 47 (1803)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsva0078 and id is 1 raw text is: pa1vt of a barrr. of fugar witbout a licenfe, iall be and the fame is hereby fully
Sec. 2. This a& hfliall commence and be in force from and after the paffing meat
C 11 A 1 3T E R     LXXI.
A N ACT to .uinborlsthe raising a Uml of moner by way of Lo'ley, for improving the
rood I, ading aci ass the Shenandoah inoltain to b, ock's Gap  n the couiny of
Rockingbia m.
( P;Jfed January r3, i8o4. )
Sec 1.    it enactcd l, the Gc.rdal/ls.emb y' That it fliall and may 4e lawful Lotury utL
for Jamtes Dy, r, fuwtir,  -ery I-lull, John l-I-pki. s. Oliver MCoy, ,,f,,
Aaron Kee. D~miie,.Giito, f,'.nry Penninger, jun. Wilri M-cCoy, John Erwin,
John Cuuningh im ald-Peter Hull: gentlemen, or a t,.j-'.rity of thteni; to raife by
];'ttery or lorteries a furn of nioney not exrevding four thoulttl4 dollars, to be ap-
prripriated under the direCTon of cornmiflio.,rs: to be appoinuvid f.oin time to time
by the couity co.urt of Pen..llletn  towvards openiug and imprcving -the waggot
rad leading from tduIe 3.0yinof'r~an.:n in the county oi Pendleton, to Brock's
Gap in the 'county of Rockiruhasn, oi that part of  ,d ro.d vlin  b':twee  the
foot of the Shenandoah rmounai on the weft fitle near to 'l. j insi Dyers, and
the fdot of fid mountain on the caft fide in the counrt.y ot iocki.ghan.
Sec. 1. This aa fhall commence and be in force from anl after the paffing Commende
C H A P T' E     R   LXXiI.
Ali A C T conc.rtini   orton Seaell.-
r Pafe d January 14, 1804.1
Ec T1o4 1,      it enacted by tbc General lCssiby, That the.auditor of public ac- Wurraut to
CDUttts fliall be, ;;l l~: i: l,:rtby authorij'ed and required to re- be r.udlttd
auditj according t' liw, a warrant 1fl'ucd l to  ottom  c; gal,'th, fouuth day of De-
cember one touf.nid fevcn hundred a i.d cigi1y one, it being for the valuation of
a flave otitlawed by the court of Dinwiddie, who was killed ift confeqgience there-
df; Which wnrrant fhal be paid by the treafurcr of this co'mmenwealth, out of the
fund a, prepriated 1o.r flaves conminr.e I and executed.
Sec. 2. This aa !h.all cmmence and be in force' from and after the palling Commeico
tl-ereof.                                                                   neat
An ACT 1o ris by lotcrl .or i. e rics a sum ofmo,*iey far .jen&dng and improsvings a
road over the .orth Mountain at Dry -i :rGap, andfor  mp/a'Jit, g the stivei:
in the 7bwan .o1 i, rHwubur',.
( Paffed January r, i8o4. ).
.Sec. I.     it enatcted b.y the.neral .4ssemy, That George Huflon, Frederick
Spangler, George Ciinp, D',niel Saith,. Afher Watermaan, John Pince, L'ttcy ti:ho
.Edvin ,'Nichols, Samitel M,liller,' (of Agulta) jeremial Kyle, Jonathan Shipman,
.nd Henry I, Gambill, gentlimeh, bra majority of them ihall'be, and they are
iereby apuhorifgd to raife by lottery or lotteries the fum of fix thoufarddollars,
two thirds thereof to be applid towards opening and improving A waggon road.
over thle north mountain at the place called-Dry.river gap, Under the diretlions
of fuch commiflioners, as the county court of Reckingha   Aall, from time to time,
appoint, anti the reaniniing one t',,ird to be applied to wards improving the:freets
in the town of fIarrifonburg, under the 4ire,ti.r-s 9f the trulftee of the faid, town,
or their fucceffors.,

Sec, 2. This af. fihall commence and bc in force rrom the palling thereof.

Co am eace

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