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An Act for the more effectually preventing obstructions to the passage of Fish in James River and its navigable branches. 1802 9 (1802)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsva0069 and id is 1 raw text is: C HAPT  'R            VIII
An ACT, io compel the attendance of -uitnesses before a single yunice of the
.   Peace.
[Paffed January 22, 1803.3
-Sec. i.'E it enacted y the General Alembly, That when any perfon who fliai! be fui-
D .tn'oned as a witners to attend -belore'an'JuRili'te fitie peace,' ii any Countj
or Corporation within this Commonwealth, to give evidence in any matter depending
befoic uch Juflice, lhall tail to attend accordingly, not having a rcafonablc excufe for
fhch failure, fuch witndfs thallbe fided if the J.uttice by 'whom t-e ftmmidnt wassirue.,
two dollars for the ule of the party for whom fuch witnefs was fummoned, and the wit-
nefs fo failing,. (hall farther be liable to the a6tion bf the pariy for all damages. uftained
by his or her non-attendance ; but iffufficieit caufe of his or her inability to attend, be
Ihewn t the raid Jullicc at the time he or flie ought to have appeared, or at, any time
within one month alter, (the laid witns being firft feeved with a copy of the otder iu-
poling fuch fine) then no fine thall be incurred by uch failure,
Sec.2. Andbc i/'faeer henared, That every witers fumm6ned andwhoflIall.attend
to give evidence asatorefaid, and beingan inhabitant of the fame County, t fhallibe paid
by the perfon or perfons at whole. fuzi thi luminions iffued, twenty-five cenits for every
days attendance.upon fucli fu rnions, and every perlon relzding in and fummoned out of
another County, Iball have the ('aid allowance PE twenty-fie cents pe'r dai for 4ttehhance
and three ceats -permile for travyling to thdeplanc of attendance, and the fame foireturn,,
ing, betides firriAges, to be charged to the perfon or perfons at Mlife: rcjuefl f'uchl wit.
nefs was fummolied, which fur ibaQ be taxed-in ih~ebill of cofis 6f fuch fuit, aid finally
recovered againi t the party who'nay bi- cafl in Inch £tit: Providcd ibrvert f, fhat tho
attendance of not more than one witnels to each particular fatftt'hit'l he fo taxed. Such
witneffes flhall be ptivileged fromar t f in all cAf.s except trefbbifeiotyiindhreidhes ot
the peace, in the famc manner as witniffes attending the Courts of this Commonwealth
Sec. 3. This a6i fball be in force frotn and after the firfi day of May ne.:t.

Wimnefes compelleA
to taend before a
ingie J ultice.
Fcrfetture for non-
Corpenfhtioad fe at
Only one witn,e, tOo
each, a.
Wi.ncius free from
Commer aement,

jAn ACTfor mcrc cffectually pr'e.venting obstructions to the passage of Fish in
yames Riyer and its naigable branches.
[Parsed January 24, 1So3.]
8ec. i.    E ;I cnact.d b,)  Generid A/,t.I, Trhat itflail not be lawful foi anyperfcn
, - orpetfons t6 eret-or  x; or caufe tohe cre6ted or tixud, on jmcs River, (,r
ahy ofts navigable branches, any lard, hed'e, Weir, trap, feiie, drag , or othei fi.-ppa, e
or contrivance whatfoever, by whiLh the fhce pafsage qf Filh in the faid river ano its na-
vigable branches .f0101 be 61hiru d- a;..fve only for tli prpjof'o iWater gru1 miU, or
for the purpofe'of workir g f,)me hachine o' cnnc', uluto the 'public, .ii whi h cafes
the fame proccedings Wf:lrbt: had as aro'Sireaed id and by ai'a6l, rifituil, 1   to
reduce into one, the feViral ;tl t6n.rrig mni~ls,;'aiil das, hncl' other ohitruitic-ns of
water courfes ; ant whoff oirendeth hereii, Ih all be'decmed'guilty of a nuifaice  Eve ry
free man of full ag fooffdndling, or .fle paient,. 'aicry or'owne' of ev •.y chiild, apreti-
tice, fervant or flave fo offetiding, wit Ii lis of br-knowledge, (hall forfeit and* pay
one hunilred dollars 'for eery offdnce. And whier6 any of the obllrufidns afo'relatI, fiall
be erected o fixed, or cauferd to We erect~dot fied a: iforetaid;.thepe-.foti or Prtons fo
offending, fhall forfeit and pay fifty dollars for every Iw.lve li'ourd the famd 1h.1l be con-
Sec. 2. And le itfintM& naled, That' where anyldam, hedlge, trap,:weir, feine, drag
orother lloppage (hall b' etectdd or fixed, or caufed to be erecte4 or hxed as aforefaid,
oll'thefaid.•river or any of its 'niigahle branches, h, anypcrFoti r peafons homfoevur,
ard-aoy other perfon or pet fons fhat.i purchafe oiprocute, ihe ufe, bcinetit or enjoyment
thereof, fib, tle or'they, fdpurchainjg 'or prccurifte; the iife  bcneht oir enjy,nent.
thereof, fhall be deeinedequatly guilty with the pcrlon or'perfons who erected-or fixedor
caufed to be erected or fixed the faid ohlructions or any of them, and (hall he .'ubji'qt to
the fame penalties for every twclve hours contiatuance of thie faid obltruihons' or'an, of
thcm,-as the perfon or perfons who erected or fixed the fame oi caufed the fame to b,
eretid or fixed.

Any nblruio'ns . in
James Rive con-L
der. d a nuifancldre,,
cctt for mAlhs &c.

Who raf1ll be
dc;eo. guilty
ths ai6.


Purcharersfubjea to
like penalote, as or:,
ginal owners.

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