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An Act to amend the act entitled an act to amend an act to reduce into one the several acts concerning slaves, free negroes and mulattoes. 1801 16 (1801)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsva0066 and id is 1 raw text is: x z6 J
aforeraidl, all lnrgical and medical aid which miny be required of him, who {ball be, and is hereby
allowed' for his 1ervices to be req-1tred, and medicines furnifhed under this aa, at the rate of fjur
hundied dollArs per annum, to be paid quarterly out of the public treafluy, on warrant to be ilfued
by the Auditor of Public A.ccunts.
Commencing claufe     Sec. a. THIS a8I (hall be in force from the palling thereof.
..  ..      .    -  - -  - -  -    - -  - -  -    - -  - -  -

Penalty upon -mif-
ters of vefels fo,'
permitting ilimes to
come on board,.,r far
dcalitg with them.
.Common bail to be
given by malters of
veffels in aaions a-
gi rift them fordcal-
ing with Ilaves.
'Additional penalty
for dealing with
flaves on the fab.

C H.A P T E It XXi.
An ACT      to anend the act rentitutd an act to amend an act to reduce into one
tbc seeral acts concernbig slaves, fi'ee negrocs and mulattoes.
[Pasjed .anuar ;9, i8o,]
Sc  1I      E it enacted by tbe General Assembly, That any mafter or  kipper of a veffd, who (hall
e1.   permit any llave to come on board his velfel without the  tve or coniatnt of tile maiter
or overlreer, given in writing, or ihall buy, I.t,1 or receive of, to, or from a flavt, any ctminlodity
whatibever, without the leatVe or confent of the mafler or overfeer given in writing as afordf id, 1.:1l
forfeit and pay fir very flchoffence, in addition to the penalties now immuaolld by law, the futu of
twenty dollars, to be recovered by warrant fromi any magiltratc of the cOnty or corporation, by-
any perfon who will protlecute for ,the lame ; up.n fervice of whicih warrant. the oil-nder h,I I.
taken and remain in cullody until judnknt; ant in cafe of convidior, 1ihail be.by fech ma ,:Iha e
committed to the jul aof his county or corporation, there to remain' until payment of the pea;Ity
aforefi4 :, Provided as ways, That in cale-the Azipper of any veffel be a lave, he Ih:ll. receive fi'r
every fuch oilkncee.thirty-unle lAlhes um his bare back, to be infli'ed by order of aiy iaiflratj of
a county or corporation.
Sec. a. AND be it furtber enacted, That where an alion on the cafe (hall be lrug.lt a-amift any
maf tr or lk.pper as atorefaid, for dealing with any llave, under the fixteenih feedbi of t a  o
AlTembly enttuled -An a to rec.uce into one the feveral ats concerning flaves, free nrgroes and
mulatto's,; fuch mrat r or fkpper fIhall be required to give upF.arance bail ; provded the plaintiff
hall make aRiditvit htbfre a magilirate of the ,caulje of. fuch acion, to be traufmited to the clerk
of the cour.t wherein the fiit thali be proftcuted.
* ,SEc. 3. AND be i:/firther enacted, That any perf'on who (hill on. tihe f bhbath (ay, buy, fell or
receive, of. to or from a flave. ,alny connudity whatfoever, without the leave or codent rt the maf.
ter or overfeer of fuch flave gien in writing, or fha.l bu, f1, or receive of, tolr from ally free
neg-ro or mulatto, any conuauodizy whatluever, on the day atorefaid, fhull in addition :othe penalties,
now impofed by law. forfeit and pay the ilun of ten dollars, to be recovered by warant from any
magitdrate of the county jr corporation, by any perion who will profecute tor the fale.

jgommencing clatfe   Sec. 4. THIS a4 Ih1al commence and be in force frora and after the palling therer.
C  il A   P -T   . E,.R  XX iI.
,dn ACT to amend the att passed fir the es tablishnment of a Mutud Insurance
Gonppanv against Fire on Goods and. Fur''niturein this stat,.
[Pas esd January 3, 8oa.]


On motions for pre.
Iniums, Ic. copies
of original docu-
mentsto be received
as Oyi4Rcce
Commencing claufe
Salaries efablifhed.

Commencing claufre

.SEC. T. W   T1EREAS in confequence of an a&.paffed-the eighth day of Derember 17951 A
Mutual Inturance company againf- Fire on Goods antl Furniture-in the late of Vir
giniahas been organized, and it appears that. t woulil he impra&icable for the agent thereof, to\
attend at the diffrecnt courts with the records, ,riginul declarations, or other original documentst
appertainiug to the laid company;
Sec. 2. BE it therefre..a enacted, That- the 'faid-c,3mpany flil have full power to recover any pre.
mium, interells or quotas, .which may from time to time be due from any of the l'ubfi.ribers, members
or agents of the laid company, on motion of the Cal.{ier-Generai or Principal Agent of the laid
company,. before.thc court of the county, the court of thi corporation, or tile c(.urt of the, diftri&
wherein fuch delinquent4ihy refide, ten days notice of fuch motion being previoufly given, and that
an accouit copied as for as relates to fuch delinquent, from the records of the .faid company, an'
alfo any other copies from the records or from any original dedaration or other document, on which
the claim is founded, (flall be received as evidence :.Prwidvdi That fuch account and copies be cer-
tified upon oath by the Principal Agent or Calhier General, declaring that they are true copies
from the records or, original documents filed in the office of the laid company, and  that he or they
believe the fumu or'rums mentioned in fuch account are due from the delinquent to the iid comlpany,
and fiuh account or copies fliall be figned by the profident.or any two diredors, with t,he real of the
office annexed.                                     ,
St-c. 3. l'HIS ad (hall coimmence and be in force from and after the pafing thereof.  .

C H AP T ER               XXIII.
An ACT to fix the salaries o/ the 7udgy . in Ghancey.
iPassed ,anuary 30, a1 8ot                             h
S. ?. ')E it enacted by the General Aisembly, .hat each of the Chancellors appointed nnder the
i.  ad entituled, Anatl concerning the high court of chancery paffed the precfent ftf.
o, fliall be entitled to hav'e and receive a alary of;fifteen hundred dollars per annum, to be paid
quarter.yearly out of any money in the public treafury.
Sec. a.  HIii , lhall commence and be in force from and after the paiing thereof.

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