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An Act to amend the act, intituled An act, to reduce into one the several acts, concerning slaves, free negroes and mulattoes 1800 37 (1800)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsva0063 and id is 1 raw text is: ( 37-)
o tit of any public money in thei- hapds, to the faid commnllloners, who fliall gra:nt
a receiptl or receipts therefor ; wlii lahall be received by the auditor of pul~lic
aeCount.s, on fettlement-with the fltid iherilti.  Which noney, fo to be received
I1' tll~faid cohniffioners, flrall be applied by them in coipletingthe Iaid road,
in lik~e manner as other public monies appropriated by law for that purpofe.
Scc. 2.. Andbe it further enacled, Hiat luglPhelps and Robert Kinchelve,
of the coufit3-of Wood beiAddedas comrmiflioners of faid road, who having taken
aIn oath, and given bond, as reqtired by law,,thall have the fame powers as thofe
heretofore appointed.
Sec; ;3. '1 hida ac1 Ihall be in force fromthc pallng thereof.

Ena,,ir clanuse.

An ACT ronrcerning the several a(tr o Assembly; respeWng the turnpike roa.'s
Jirom , ni3ger's ,estal'.v and A'#l,!',.gaps, on the blue ridge to Alexandria.
[Paffcd, January 19th, 1801.]
Sec.' DE it ena.7'd b, /h, General iSw'nbh.i That'the freeholders of the conn.
1.    ties of Loudotun, 1 airfax, Berkeley, Frederick 'and Shenandoah,thall be Conz.'uis
and they are hereby autholried at the next cnluing ele6lion fbr members to re. ho e/ tp
prefent their refpeifive counties in the houfieof Delegatesof this commonwealth,
to choofe and elea for each of their counties, one fit perlbn to ferve as a coin-
mifloner ; and the faid conimniffioners or-a majority of them, thall :.flenlle and
me et together at Leelburg in the county of Loudoun on the fecond Monday in Duty oJ
\Iay next, .or as foon thereafter as may be, in order to devile a mode bv which  • 
the turnike roads leading from Snigger's, \ellal'sand Aiby's Gaps of'the Blueste.
Ridge'mountain to Alexandria,may be repaired, and continued in a htate of coin.
pleat repair; and allo to devife fome mode by which the debts fhow due by the
commiflioners of the atforefaid roads to individuals for ferviccs rendered may be Courts I
djfcharged ; and that the fitif commiflioners or a majority of tben do report to comMis.s
the counties of Loudoun and Fairfax, at their refpecfive courts to be held i carry in
June, whether Turnpikes ought to be erected on the faid roads, and now many, reconunc
and where the faine oight to be fixed, and the terms upon which the fame ought .first co
to be el ablilfied ; and if tlhey fhalljudge.that one or more Turinpikcs ought to-be err.
e1labliflid the raid courts lhall thereupon appoint two perflons to act as commif.
fioners upon the faid roads who fliall forthwith proceed to carry into effect the Report t
recomnmendation of the firil mentioned commiflioners: And allo that the faid to the nc
commiflionerh lh elected or a m;jority of them do report the ir opinion to the le- on of as
gillature of this commonwealth at the next feflion of that body : Provided, that pr;v ISo.
no riding carriage of any defctiption whatever, pafling up or down the country,
to or from the town of Alexandria along the prel'ent liage road leading from
Alexandria to Colcheller, or along any of the roads between the faid flage road
and Potomac river, Ihall be fubject to the payment ofany toll whatever ; nor Ihall
the riding carriage or any other wheel carriage of any .perfon be fubject to the
payment of an) toll, whofe plantation or plantations are fo fituatcd that in palling
to or from the town of Alexandria they have no occalhon to travel more than one
half mile along the Turnpike road,before the), come to any Turnpike gate which
may be eflablillied; and to prevent impofition every perion. before he ilhall be
entitled to the lalt mentioned exemption Ihall obtain a certificate from two jufli-
ces of the peace of his or her county that his or her plantation is fituated  s be-
fore mtntioned; which certificate the juftices of the peace of the counties in
which the perfons making the application refide, are hereby empowered anit
required to grant either from their own knowledge or upon fatisfactory proof
made to them that the perfon or perfons fo. applying are legally entitled thereto.;
and for the better information of the keepers of the turnpikes, the perlon or
perfons obtaining fuch certificates of exemption Ilhall lodge them with the keep-
er. of that turnpike at ihich he or Ile is to be exempted who Ihall make a fair
and dillin&1 lift of all fuch certificates in a book to be koit lor that purpofe, and
Ihall then return the certificates to the perons to whom they were granted.
Sec. 2. Andbe itfurther enacted, That the county'court of Fauquier lhalll be
and is hereby empowered, and required to order the nmale labourint tithables, re- The cot)
liding within two miles of the road leading from Aiby's gap to Alexandria, to of Fauqi
work on the faid road, in the fame manner as thofe appointed by the county repairai
--court of Loudoun.
Sec. 3. And be it further ena,'ed, That fo much of the a6t, intituled  An
aa, for keeping certain road. in repair, as refpeffs the aforefaid Alexandria A'epealin.
turnpike roads, and thei different laws amendatory thereof, ihall be, and the fame
are hereby repealed ; and the fairl roads thall hereafter be kept in repair in the
'fame manner that other public roads are now kept in repair.
Provided, That no tithable Ihall be obliged to work on any of the aforefaid protisl.
turnpike roads more than lix days in any one y'car.
Sec. 4. This aa flhall commence ant be in force from and after the pafling EnaJ~in

,An ACT to atend the AnT, intituled . An aRl, to reduee into one the several acts,
concerning slae., jree negroes and intlattoes.
[Paffed, January 21ll, 1801.]
Sec.T   E it enaRhd by the  ;eieral As'vmbly, That if amy perfon lhall permit
1. B   his or her fla've, or an, tlave hil'ed byhin or her,'to go at large or hire
.himfelf, or hirfelf out. it fll b, Lovful for any perfon, and 'it thall moreover be

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mitted tq hire
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