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An Act laying Taxes for the Support of Government. 1799 4 (1799)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsva0056 and id is 1 raw text is: (4)
.end in cafe any ticket fllali contain two or more nat.s of perrflns refiding in the .flem6
dliftri, the fir of fuch names only (hall lie confidered as duly vted for; and in IlA
manner, if two or more perfons fbll be of the twenty.one firfi upon the poll, who (halI
refide in the fame diflri6l, he who Ihall have the greateft number of volts hall only be
duly cle6fed.  The faid Commiflioners thall, within three days after clofing the 'poil
as aforefaid, make out three copies of a return in tl)e following form : , We, A B. &c.
:4 Commiffloners for holding the eleflion of Eleiors for a Prefident and Vice. rcfident
 of the United States, for the county, city, or horough (a. the caf'l may be) of
go        do hereby certify, that an ele.ion was heldclon the firfl Mondav of November
 for the faid county, city, or borough, (as the care may lie) purfuant to law, and that
 the number of votes herein fpecified, oppolite to the names of the fevcral perfons foil-
41 lowing, was given for fuch perfons as Ele6lors for the Rate of Virginia, of a Prefident
 and Vice Prefident of the United States, namely, (here fuch lift of perfons ard vot.s
 is to follow). Given under our hands and feals, this       dIV of          0r
rhoufand eight hundred      .  Which returns, written in words* and not in fieurer,.
fball be fealed and fubfcrihed by the Commiflioners holdi:g the el..ii ni, One of lie
faid returns (hall he delivered to rome perfl'n among the twe ty one whn thall have there.
in the greateft number of votes, another Ihall be filed in tie clerk'r office cf t!ie courty
or coipuration ele6ing, and the third flall he tranfni'ted to tht Gvernor and Cai'icil,
nl ot which (hall be do.ne within fifteen days after the fame flall le ma,4e our ; aid tie
G:overnor and Council (hall proceed to nfccr:.-in fr,rn the f-.id retturns, ile twenty-one
perlfns having the greateft: number of votes thioughout this flate, and to advertife th-ir
names in fuch gazettes as they may think proper.
Prov*fion in  SEc. 11. IE on account of death, ficknefs, or other caufe, only nne of th f iid Cn,11-
care o( c)m. miffiorers (hall attend at the time and plate fir linding the faidele~tinn. he is hereby
uillioners  izniwered to affociate with himfelf as a Commiflioner, the High Shlil-. or any Ma..
death, &c.  gil'rate of the county or corporation cleing, who being qualiied as bcf6re dire1ed, ( hall
hc as competent to a& as if he had been aupointed by the Governor. wilh the ndvice of
Council. It lhall be the duty of the Shcr;fF of every county, and of the S.eij.ant of
cvery corporation, entitled to elek, to attend the faid C ,mnifiiorers during the fraid elec-
tion, a.nd to remove force thould any be Offered. And if any Sheriff lhall fail in his dety
as aforefaid, or if any Commiflioner (hall refufe to take th.-- poll, heing required fi to do4
by a candidate or petfon qualified to vote, or (hall take it contrary to this a ., or (f1all
make or tign a falfe return, or (hall falfify the poll or tickets, h erafure or asherati-n. lie
or they fo otFeuding, flhall for every fuch offence, forfeit and pav the runi of three hun.
dired dollars, to be recovored with coils in an aclin of debt, before any court of record.
by any peron who will fue for the farr.e. After the faid return (hall be made, it fliali be
the dury of tde (aid Commiflioners to feal up all the tickets or votes by them received in
manner herein dire6ted, and endorfe their names upon the cover as aforefaid, which hail
be prfceived by one of the raid Commiflinners, and (hall, if demanded under an noder
from the Governor, with the advice of Council, within lix moths of the raid clenion.
be f %rthwith delivered under the penalty before preferibcd, in other cafes of m'fcnndua% ;
but it the faid tickets or votes (hall not be fu demanded within fix months, the Corn,
miflioner holding tile fame (hall no longer be confidercd vs an fwerahle for them. The
Governor, with the advice of the Council, is hereby impowerei to defray by order on
the Treafury, all reafonable expenfes-which may attend the execution of th's -6, and
alfo the expenfe which may be incurred in tr4nfmiting the Gaid returns to tie Executive
wherever it hiali appear that it was neceffiry to employ a fpecial  ieflT'eagcr for that
Mode of deci.  SEC. III.  IND be it further enafled, That the twenty.one perfons having the great-
ding the elec. eft number of votes under this a6t, fball be the Electors of a Prefident and Vire-Preli.
tion.       dent of the United States, for and on behalf of this ftate : Provided, they attend fot that
purpofe at the time and place direked by law. But if it fhail happen from death, ick-
nefq, or any other caufe, or by reafon of two or more perfons having an equal number
of votes fo that neither appears to be cle~ed, that twenty-one Ele6tors (in not attend on
the day and at the place appointed before the hour of ten, qualified to vote fw)r a Prefident
and Vice-Prefident of the United States, on behalf of this flate, it hall be lawful for the
Senate and Houfe of Delegates of this Conmonwealth, and they are hereby impowered
and required to appoint forthwith by joint ballot, any perfon or perfons neceffary to fill
up an, fuch vacancy or vacancies, until the number of twenty-one Eledlors, for the
purpofe afotefaid is completed, which Elelor or  eLrs Co apponted, fliall be entitleJ
to vote lot a Prefident and Vice-Prefident of the United States, in the fame manner as
it he or they had been chofen in manner herein before prefCribEd.
Repealing     SEC. IV. SO much of the firft recited aat or of any other aa, as comes vithmin the
daufe.      purview of this aat, (hall be, and the fame is hereby repealed.
SEC. V. THIS a& (hall commence and be in force from and after the pafflng thereof.
An ACT laying axes for the Support of Government.
[Paed, January 23 1, 18oo.]
orde BEit enafled by the General A[imrby, That the public taxes for the year
Tia :~On lands   one thoufand feven hundred and ninety-nine, fball be as follows, tor
w . it:-On land% for every hundred dollars value, agreeably to the equalizing law, forty.
Ci~14t Cclt. ; for every flave above the age of twelve years, except fuch as liavc brci oi

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