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An Act to appropriate the Public Revenue. 1798 6 (1798)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsva0054 and id is 1 raw text is: (6)

''.t, exempt, this commonwealth, or to any county, town, college, hout'es for divine worfhip'
ed from tax.  or feminary of learning.
Licenfestomer  Szc. 11. And be it further enatqed, That from and after the firfl: day of May next,
chanti felling upon any perfon's producing to the commiffirner of the revenue, for the conntyl
goods, whole. diftri& or corporation, a receipt for the urn of forty dollars paid.to the fheriff or
le or retail,    aIch commiloner hall grant to fuch perfon a lic.enfe to fell nerchan-
dize of foreign growth or manufa6ture, by vholef'ale and retail,, for and during the
term of twelve months; or if the laid receipt (hail be for fiftee ni dollars, fuch per-
fon fhall in like manner receive a licenfe to retail fuch goods for the lame time.
Penalty on And if any perfon fhall fell fuch merchandize, either by wholefrile or retail, on land-
ealing with. or on board any vellel, withoutrhavingobtaIoincd fuch licenfe, luch perfon fhall fcir-
cent, ria eb. feit and pay five hundre dollars, to. be recovered by the commiffioner in-any court
tained.    of record, on ten days previous notice, and to be paid to the fheriff, for the ufe of
the Commonwealth; of which licenfes and fines, the cimmiffioner flhall annually
in their books, return a lift to the auditor o! public accounts, on or before the fif-
teenth day of September,. fpecifying names, which fhall be good evidence, where-
Provifo.    upon to charge the fheriff or collector:  Pro'ided nevertbelefs, that not above one.
tax thall be paid, an account of fo felling at one and the fame flore, and provided
alto, that nothing contained in this, or any other adt, ihall be io conflrued1 as to
impofe a tax on planters or farmers, for felling falt to their neighbours, purchafeda
as a return load for their produce, carried in their waggons or otherwife to market.
Concerning  Sic. I1. And e itfurtberenafled, That the a4 concerning hawkers and pedlersi
Hawkers and
Pedlers.   fhall be fo con ftrued, as to make it neceflary for each hawker and peder to obtain,
a licenfe.
Allownce to  Sac. IV. For every licenfe granted by a commifflnei under this a&t, he thall be
forilruingfu ch entitled to twenty-five cents, which (hall be-paid t, him out of the public treafury,
licen,', & how on wairrant of the auditor of piblic iccounts, after his lilt of licenfes thall be return-
paid.       ed to the auditor as atorefaid.
Cleks 6f     SEC. V. Clerks of courts fhall annu4lly return to the auditor, on or before the
rurn atIreol fifteenth day ot September, a lift of all hawkers and pedlers licenfes, granted by
Pedleis licen. their refpeftive courts, and every clerk negleding this duty, fhall forfeit fifty dol-
les to the Au.-lart to be recoveted in the general court, by motion, on ten days previous notice.
ditor.      .r  t
voticesonmo-  SFc. VI. And for the more effe&ual colieion of the raid taxes, and others which
tons againfl may become due to the Commonwealth, ke itfur/ber enaeled, that no notice- lhail
Sheifis, and
other offiers hereafter be neceffary to any therif , colletor, clet k or infpecdor, for the purpofe
herein mend- of recovering a judgment for any taxes, fine or public dues of any kind, but that
ed, unnecelra- the fame may berecovered by the auditor, on morion without notice, provided fuch
motion be made within twelve months after fuch taxes, fine or public dues (hall
become payable, or lhall be incurred.
Lift of indo.  SEc. VII. No flerift or other colle~tor fhall at any time, be allowed to return any
vents, byfhie. o
ent, to e he lift ofinfolvents, or have any credit therefor, after twelve months/(hall have expir-
turn. d within ed, from the p.-riod of the taxes becoming payable, by fuch fheriff or colleor, to
tweve onths which fuch lilt relates.
Commiffien   Stc. VIII A commiflion of five per cent. and no more, (hallibe allowed to (heriffa
a~lowedtereol and collcctors for the colledion of the taxes on licenfes to be granted to merchants
e   under this adt, and on licenfes to be granrid to hawkers and pedlers, under an a&-
intituled an act, concerning hawkers and pedlers, any law to the contrary not-
C, umirnoner Sac. IX. A lift of all licenfes granted to merchants; (hall be returned by the com-
to return lift miflioncr granting the fame, to the county or corporation courts, for their exami-
of Ilcenfea to  .        ,tnj                          corporation   .
county or cor. nation;I after which the faid lift (hall be delivered to the (heriffs or collecors, who
poration   thall annually on or before the firft day of ()&ober next, after the receipt thereof,
courts, for
their exami. account for an4 pay the (ame into the public treafury.
Commence.   SEc. X. This adt (hall commence and be in force from      and after the pafling
A,.i t,    thereof.

Taxes confli.
tuting a gent.
ral fund,

-... 11                         I    L
AN AC',: to appropriat. ib' Public Reen'e.
(PASSID, January 23, 1799-.
SECTIO '   f  E it ealled by the General .4jme y, That all taxes and arrearages of
*  taxes, (except the arrearage of taxes, which become due prior to
the, year, one thoufand/fcven hundred and nin9ty-fix,) and all branches of revenue
which (hall arife to the :commonwealth, between the laft -day of December, one
thoufand fcven hundred and nincty.eight, and the firft day of January, one thou-
f/and eight hundred, thall confbitute a-genral fund, and be appropriated to the fup.
port o! thc civil government, and for tho contingent expenfcs thereof; and (hall
alfo be charged with the payment of all unfatisfied warrants, charged on the faid
taxes and arrearages of taxes, by the act of. the laft feffion of allembly, intituled
An a1 for appropriating the public revenue  of warrants whichihall hereafter
be ilWcd for expcnis attending criminal - profecutions, guards, and flares, con.

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