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An Act to amend the Act, intituled, An Act for the Appointment of Harbour Masters, and declaring their Duty. 1797 24 (1797)

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frtre, X V, AIND be itfarthr rp'a'ed, .17ht 1he f-pd prcfident ana diredors, 'or a majnri-
Ity of them, are lereby authorifed to agre with the proprietors, for lic purchafo of t qugntity o
lai not exceeding one ac.; ,pt or near the place of receipt of tolls aforefaid, for the ptiuo(ao
,of eteingneceffiry buildings.; and in cafe of di agreement or .pny of the difabilities iforefaid,
cr the proprietor being out of the flute, then fuch land may be valued, condemned, and pail
fur 0 afbrefaid, for the pturpofe aforefaid; and the (aid company thall, upon .pay)eit of the
valhation of the ,iid land le feized thereof in fee fimplo, A; aforefaid.
Sit. XV. AND whereas fome of the places through which it miy be necefflary to con.
:dud the faid catials, may be convenient for creting mills, foiges, and other water works, and
the peit fos pcfliffors of fuch fituations may defign to improve the fame, and it is the intention
of this aa not to interfere with privatc property, but for the purp.fe of improvi. and perfed-
ing the laid navigation: .R it, exafled, that the water or any part thereof conveyed through any
canal cut O eade by the laid company, ihali not he ufed for any purpof but navigation, un-
kfs the conrcnt of the proprietors of the land through which the faine Ilall be led, be firft had,
and the laid prefident and directors, or a majority of them, are hereby empowered and direct-
ed, if it can be conveniently done, to anfwer both the purpofes of navigation and water-works
aforefaid, to enter into reafonable agreements with the proprietors of fich fituation concerning
the ju(G proportion of the expences of making large canals or cuts, capable of carrying fuch
quantitits of water as may be fuficient for die purpofes of navyitiop, i1d alfo for any fuch
water-works as afrcfaid.
SEC. XVI. AND be it farther enard, That it hall and may be lawful for every of the
laid proprietors to transfer his thare or lihares, by deed, executed before two witnefles, and re-
gifered. after proof of the execution thereof in the company's books, and not otherwife, cx.
cept by devife, which devife Ihall he exhibited to the prefident and direct,,rs, and regiflercd in the
conli any's books, before the devil'ee or devifees thall be entitled to draw any part of the profits
fr ,ns the laid tolls. Frovided, That no transfer whatfoever hill be made, except for one or
more whole Ihare or fihaes, and not for part of fuch (hares; and that no fhate Mall at any' time
be fud, conveyed, transferred or held in truft, for the ufe and bhnefit, or in the name of ano-
ther, whercbj the laid pT:efident and directors or proprietors of the (aid company, or any of
them, fhall or may be challenged or made to anfwer, concerning any fuch truff, but that every
perfon appearing as aforefaid, to be a proprietor, (hall, as to the others of the faid company, I a
to every intent taken abfolutely as fuch, but as between any truflee and the perfoin for %,hofc
benefit any truft lhall be created, the common remedy may be purfued.
Sac. XVIL     AND be itfurther m aned, That if the laid capital and the other aids already
granted by this act, fhall prove infufficient, it (hall and may be lawful for the faid company,
from time to time, to encreafe the faid capital by tie addition of fo many more wh.e ilare.,
as ihall be judged necefflary by the laid proprietors, or a majority of them, holding at leaft four
hundled hares, prefent at any general meeting of the (aid company; and the (aid prefidcnt and
directors, or a majority of them, ate hereby empowered and required, after giving at Icaft one
montlil nctice thereo in the Winchefter Gazette, aforefaid, to open books at the before men-
tioned places, fur receiving and entering fuch additional fubfcriptions, in which the proprietors
of the faid company, for the time being, fhall and are hereby declared to have the preference
of all othcrs for the firft thirty days after the laid books balf be opened, as afirefaid, of taking
and iii f rihing for fo many whole (hares as any of them (hall choofe : And the laid prefident
and diictors are hereby required to obferve in all other refpects the Came rules therein, as are
by this act preferibed, for receiving and adjufling the firl Fubfctiptions, and in like manner to
rewti n, under the hands of any four or more of-them, an exact ift of fuch additional fubfcri.
,ers, with the furns by them refpectively fubfcribed, into the difirict court afortfaid, as aforetaid,
to be tilt re recorded, and all proprietors of fuch additional fums hlial and are hwreby declared
to be from thencefurwari incorporated into the laid company.
SEC. XVIII. JAND e t hereiby dclaredandeensd, That the tolls herein before allowed, to
be demanded and reccived at the place or places to be affixed as aforefaid, ate granted, and ihalt
he paid on condition only, that the laid Shenandoah Company fhall make the river well capa-
ble of being navigated in dry feafons by veffels drawing one foot water, from the higheft na,
vigabl, plates on the north and foth branches of the laid river, to the place aforefaiti.
SEc. XIX. AND be it hereby providedand maled, That in cafe the laid company (hall not
begitt the (aid work within nine calendar months after the company fhall be formed, or if the
navigation ihall not be made and improved as aforefaid, in the manner herein before rnci-ti.
oed, within three years after the laid company (hall be formed, that then the laid company
(ball not be entitled to any benefit, privilege or advantage undor this aal.

Coamuencement  SFc. XX, THIS act (hall commence and be in force from and after de paffage thereof.

Powers of har-
bout ritivea as
tabay craft.

A ACT so and the A., inuiitdaed, An 18fir the Appdcnmext !f Harkor Aitcrs, and delar..
ig their Duiy.
[Paffed, January the 19th, 1798.1
SECTI       IUE ite nad bythe Geneatf.embly, That the harbour mailers appointed, orto
SL      he appointed under the 'tt, inttuled, A  M for the ppintment of harbour
majers, and derlaifg their duty, (hall have and exercife full power and authority to regulate the
anchoring of the river and bay crafts, that lhall come within their refpeive jurifdialions,

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