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An Act for appropriating the Public Revenue. 1797 9 (1797)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsva0051 and id is 1 raw text is: :Io uperirtend the elekibns   .over& o'f the poor, eler* coitt where uch railure kniy-hap.
pes (hall be, and it is hereby empowered and required to. make fuch appointment at any ftb.
-quent court, or to fill the vacancy in the office of an overfeer or overeers of the poor at any
courtit ter the tame (hall happens
'hc. If. THIS a (hall commence and be in force from and after the paffing thereof,

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An ACT     nerinag the flde of the Commonweaha to Lans w h how ells fouled mor atha
Wirtv 2ears.
(PaTed, January the e4th, 1798.]
HEREAS it hath 'been reprefented to the General AfTembly, that many perfons pof. f
filin lands ini this commonwealth, have been vexed and'harraffed by the location of
warrants on the fime, as if they wet Rill. walte and unippropriated, although the prefent pof.
fc(Thrs thereof, and thofe under whom they claim, have held the (aidlands in quiet and peace.
able enjoyment, and have paid quit rents therefor under the former government, and all taxeS
impofi d under the authority of the commonwealth, for more than thirty years : And whereas
it is unreafonable to prenume, that perfons who have been thus long po, eed under the cir-
.cum'taticcs at'orefaid ihould not have obtained patents for the fame, efpecially as it has hap.
pened from the war and other caures, that patents aaually granted, have been lofl or deftroyed,
41id repeated alienatiuns hayc beet mado of the faid lands.:

SECT I oN I. BE it Me efore ena fled, That no entry or location on any lands in this common.
,wealth, wMaiii have been lItuled thirty years prior to tkie date oi fuch entry or location, and up-
on which quit-resat or taxes can be proved to have been paid at any time within the (aid thirty
years, 1haii be icreed vali.; and ally title whachl the commonwealth may be fuppofed to have
theruto, is hereby rctiuquilied.
Sac. 11. THIS a& (hall not extend to any cafe of an entry or location regularly made ac.
cording to law, previous to the palling J thi. act. Providedaiajy, That nothing herein con.
tained thall be fu confirued as to affct the right if this commonwealth in or to any lands or te.
nenients, the right whereot may or Ihall ltavc beconme forfeited by non payment of the common.
wealth's taxes ; nor thali any thing hetein c, retained be fo coanftrued as to alter or change the
conli u~tion ot the ad for limitation of real adjinus,

Inteles a le.
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An ACT for ppropria:ixg the Pablic Revw.
[Parfed, January the 24th, 1798.]
SECTION L    'E it eniled by vth G9ne'l A4,/;wbly. That all taxes and arrearage- of taxes, x. Taxe conut.
JD   cept the arrearages of the ccitihcate tax, and all branches of revenue which lit.a ural
(ball irife to the commonwealth between the iaI day of 0ecember, one thoufand feven hun.
died and ninety reven, and the firfi day of January, one thoufand (even hundred and ninety.
nine, iali confliutc a general fund, and bc appropriated to the (pport of civil government
and for the contingent charges thereof; and (hall alto be charged with the payment of all un.
fatisfied watrants, charged on the laid taxes and arrearages of taxes, by the ad of the laft (effi.
on of Allintbly, intitul6l, d4a a& flr apprdpriati~g te pb/lie rtoxv , at warrants which thall be A r ea
hereafter iffued for expenfes attending criminal prolecutions ; for flaves condemned and exe- tbmas
cuted ; for the flate's fhares in the Patowmac and Appamattox companies; for the hofpital
for the cure and maintenance of perfons of unfound mind; to the directors ot the public build.
lugs for finilhing the capitol, for a (urn not t. xceeding four thoufand dollars, which ihali be paid
to the laid direors on warrant or warrants from the auditor of public accounts, ifted on the
treaturer under the dircioti of the executive ; for the expenfes attending the arfenal at the
Point of Fork ; for carrying into eftfe,', the aa, Fr ,abliing arfinah anda manfactery of
arms ; for the penitentiary houfe, fi-ra furn n.)t exceeding twenty five ,hourand. dollars beyond
what was appropriated by the ael, To amend the penal.z !f at:, commomwaltA $ and for the at ims
dire6ced by law to be imported; for all pcnfinns allowed by this commonwealth ; for falaries
allowed by law to certain officers of the militia - of warra its which lball be iffued by the au-
ditor of public accounts, in the year one thouland (even hundred and ninety-eight, tor intercit
on any debt due bV this commonweahh ; andl for the payment of all fums direded to be paid
by the prefent General Affembly, for which no provition has been made.
SEc. I. AND if the funds herein appropriated to the payment of the officers of the civil Dtficlenc in
government, and of warrants ifulned by the executive for the contingent purpofes thereof, on celin fuwl'
account of the Rate's fiares in the Patowmac and Appamattax companies; for the hofpital for how fuql0d
the cure and maintenance of perfons of unfound mind; for penfions due by this common.
wealth ; and for falaries allowed by law to certain officers of the militia, thould not be pro-
dudive early enough for thofe purpofes, it 1hall be lawful for the executive to dired the trea.

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