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An Act to amend the Act for Opening and Extending the Navigation of Patowmac River. 1797 5 (1797)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsva0049 and id is 1 raw text is: t thia~s and Go
.6fid thd F~.1- ebitts,' 0 llb'ic fw;*Ad  lie~ hif a  'Alii, 6p  e's~fi1~t h a&$~ ad
*'I;*i',fot theOpir~c-ftd bf ~u~sfin sll %N11ffl hi MUM. fWrw&ntloreatgamtg ~~
pi..  [-r .p i'd, ing jti, ice,  aS well in tli , flrf nd-  mall thelineri-p ttrti   A. 119%
law in this       allcath  iall conllantly ive ts s a&t. charge to theCgrand-  ' h'  3ardis
1141 Ihen,.  ,.
t      st.

1A'f ER It
Adi A CT 'a ameind e iftif.' 4enivg and Ewendig t'eNivPaorifPaAomac'River.'
•z I::F.ed, jd'U.ty' ifie 'ii ii S: 9W
V, R     AS the                                     •              . T,ptaij ruwd mprhtag aAiNV&OWi '
•      uifewaw, 'h,.-is'tt , .., ., rhat tils -'ghaI1 .,t   ,te,.d j The Wi;pfvd.eil flo
, t*,c' uavigatic,,i'alo Vid, I hall It, v'  o   td tle'l* a'wf : tA 'W'dhe'id' nW  eiN' f
*  ht: lunds, alrciwv em ,. '  ed, t -' fh id~wui k  iitiu  'fw i 'ate of id  p'r hie' , 'W  tidIrtt i 6
-onty- confhdel ible, -i'. a t.qu.b to ;*' fiMOsP11iigh'ffi  ie hd ldI1, b66i  Thi'(r~atvieflk.'  at'htfo
by an eary mItlde a fuu llj ...  ,  la;t1hbIi fitc 6h* 1n3ithli by  d
And whereas it is thwJih jult atct um.lfiary in c. tder.i, a thereof, that th, fIuid.corniny.
1hud~ lie |:r,:Alt 4 1 v r, ,I . sie t,il. lli ul.6td' Sy Hli'A ., i ' rr tth cCJi I n
.may thereby fl- aid  c (at I y:.g 1tio Il' L            ' iec '.* lelifi
-ture in this  'tabii ,.nOet:
'SECTI Oi 1. ldr+i! ilic,'O' r#f.:'e  Thit'i, t hall atd*ma' he-ii .. .. t
to demand an-d rcv,'iw- it- m .1. VC1, ,S with thelr cargoes, navilatin the 'faid tier, 'at'the dif- thorled
ferent places htreitiater nleo'ti.td, iuhi.t diis-as. vete by the orP , iiI  it I4ednpobti
'fubjet uI ItiprOvil.' Olt I..% Wi t0i1t)l, l0pela.4d to be received, that is ta ray : vor'near
ttw trwatSth ti.,;,Lt.. Cut.UCj all tidt tolh as were flipuatcd to Ii.r~cct~edarthet~oIrhoftfo
Skuhin i.nti ; I . ast n sitcar Payac's or H.loke's tails, and ai or net tile mout, of Watt's
btatich,r-*i.c (vt .'tl-h   the :tcfpe1i lye'turs'dat verefal!o   O lie 1 e0' 4ivt :Yt  c -f
thofeP.pis. 1' ided, I hIatail veff.s wihlhth]r earges,uigv tii'tg die lald i , Ib'W' i
the Grea, kalls ,antoi, eLittic tNds, whicia l o  m~  iff~  i         -r1tta ip'hll-5e fdj .
tupay.on .ptlliig 't-l.,  at the]l ittic fills, a'Itk  toll' ds'is- ial'by .vffls 'with i!dr?'lVdEs .,
.0t. tie.:ndutli (it Cdglucli-ic ur P;yt's' alis. PetiMdid Ub'r IJI, Thiat de ijdd h 4nf rPfa
,1isall encbie ti. f, p.ying toll %it the Grtrat 'tails, 'by trnItf| trlng'teir'edlfioUitt's f in thu
:Great 'tallh io th; rtcr,bul:O'w, ,&t ti:taphi'flheft ~ia !otdil6tle 'i
thonc;to udu ,*dter., 'tdi lice.
&.c.   ' !PX   Wc rAfrfi/4r r a .t, That a 9f'urliier time o two'years, fr'bm and after, the Further time al.
''piraiinn (f tac time a.rL';h, ail;.tad'by law, thakl be allowed-to~the f61d conipany to-jm', lowvd to come
 ie naui,4iiifn ofthei'lM ivur, ax:coidinlg to'the tii mi of the original iaiv. And that pwe UVytI
•  .           i ,                   ,  !,                and power to
the pr.fi-Ie:ir a,.d .l  :;'i   ,r the tiie lid ng, iihli be authorifed to einpl)y as many negroes ie neroes
from th; lte ie uf Mar1 ldI ia vim Uid work, a's they tifly deei it nit!e'IirV 'For tillIr poi'pofes fob MNI, l11
to eqipl,)y, witliut incu ri :,; t.,e .pnii.l¢y' 4 havi  themiut q lI'affh e •bd y  adt'dr a
hereLatoic paiJ rciatauc -. i1.4..


Sc. l.  THIlSi ' a ll Tub i'tore  'rm  n' afer 1e  aii rof.

d.A  CT: amcitd M~e A1?. ii-A-ffe'e?'tin X1E? ib ir d  Jef ,  ifuded. an (Wi to re'duie Wes
*'ne, /s4 ]ev+el ,fAs conerfi'g Sldvrs, Fici Ncgs, 4nd .lxiado,$.
t ade    ,tni yit';  iit, ,  
    T     r'P EAS it ;; deemcl etTentiht to the pubhlic 'afety, that adequate provifion fihould be Pmble.
Ila,'e v lam .1 o tite iiunllhrie'tof-luch free petlons as may be.kunlvY 'ofadvifing or
.a f';ve, to rl' I o14   make iniiraciun-, o who thall bd gtiliy uf ilioting
with a fl-tvu xie murd,: of any perfon wl atiocevor.

t +'t'trq I. IE it e,'a i  i ,  't-hat every ree prn who ?il ?hal ufter  dvife or co'ri'pire
Uftli a fiav;' In rd,..I, 'ii mam: infurre51i'i, or who shai advi e ut afflc u   luzcti Iayle.i n.tie nur.
der ,,[ a IiI, ig'.104 x Ihaf .cVer, thall l:f a'Ij'ttged a ile[ii, 'aifd tupion convition heieof by due
vouilt ut lav,,  ho!il I'uffcr diith without  .uent of c'ti.
Sz6. It.  IJ~ be itrsc nMLT        talI i pr      io h4 lal be com  iaid befort anly
ib'igillrmtef a ,Ai'y U. curpsiv icin coUt. oS nIiashouing or en'tertaining any fdave withoult the
cont'r't ., hi . hri ,;.I'ter, nisftiAvfr ovecilr, S ,all arflit and pay immediately the fun l itell
dullar  t t.e Ul, ;1lC M4'rc  aUCI,  ImI L  uit iluru to wna; Pjaymeul thureofstQ be qu|itd

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c'onvnizted (if ex.
C lIig fNvcs to
Ia[iredtipn q.a'
i~er. Vh ia
P; my .n r o
pe. ti o ' WW   II .

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