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An Act to amend the act, intituled, An act to amend and reduce into one, the several acts Concerning Slaves, Free Negroes, and Mulattoes. 1796 12 (1796)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsva0046 and id is 1 raw text is: [ 12 71

as and parts of afis rdating to the appoinhmen: and duili  ,i , Ihall be, and the fame is here.
by repealed.

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SFc. It. BE it f/urthr enaed, That all fheriffs now in office or who ihal hereafter come
into office, and hlalI on or before the time appointed by law, pay into the treafwuy the full
amount of the public rcven,:e due fron the counties in which they now act, or herilter may
act as fteriffs, lbhall at the time of making filch paynents refpcctivclv, be entitled to an additi.
onal compenfation of two and an half per centum on the amount of tie taxes by them accountcl
for and paid into the treafury, over anti above the commiflion hcrctothre allowed by law in fuch
SrC. [it. I  VD be ilfitther mta,'7td, ThAt all (1e1i;ft who have paid into the treafury the full
amount of the taxes due from their rcfpective counties, for the year one thouland faven'hundred
and ninety five, on or before the time prcfcribed by law, fhall alfo receive in addition to the
rommiffion heretofore allowed by law, a commiflion of two and an half per renim upon the
amount of the taxes by them 1o paid Into the treafiry ; and the auditor of puhhlc accounts is here.
by directed to itfue to the raid thei i s in all fuch cafes, warrants on the treafurer for the amount
of all fuch commifflons to which thel may he refpectively entitled inder this act i any law to
the contrary or feeming to the contrary notwithflanding.
Stc. IV. THIS act Ihall he ill force from and after the palling thereof.
CII APJ' E. R     IX.
An ACT to alter the Time tf t/te annmal Af.eting ?f s.r Ginera! jcmbly.
IPaffcd December the 24th, 1796.]
B     .  , i ,,,d, 1hat the meeting of the general aflbinbly (haii hereafter hIe on the fil rfl: Mthn.
day iri I)ereinher, in every )ear ; any law to the contrary tliicuf not-witlittandinZ.
CItAPTER          X.
fit ACT   to jufptnd t!'e ope a. :v of t/e ac!, inauhd, an act for co71cting and tuji/,, a.' t,ie
,rb f  tht Lvgillatutre, coin-erni,, Limb. 
I .arcd i)c'cmbecr the 27th, i796.1
E it ematet by the (einril dfT7nbr, That t..e operat ion of the a q pa fi'ed on tile
I  B   toutdiaV of I)eceinbr, ol;e thouflani feevcn huhidl Ld and niiety five, iltitu
led, ' An at fir ralhtiw'., aud ibifti/in. aY the acu of the le-ifl,,tzie c ct&ei fning 'it':, be luf(
pended uttil the fitl mo1ay in [)etendl cr it Xt.
SFc. II. TllS at ihall commence aad b- in faicc from and after th;c Fi;flTn, ,L...f.
C II A P T    ' R   XI.
.4a ACT t. amend :., act, int'iu,,d. .1; act ti am,d a,'v ,,'/ue into o, i/c ]ir.; L.:   n.
in,, ,sla 'r, Fl ee Nefo, ,A , d l,,iirf.,
' Pafltl I)cD e:,  r the 2 ,1.  796.1
S         .  t E   it  ?rIFcr,!.  :luh t it  tliall and  way  I.t  la tul fOr any  (itiiru ,t f tho f   U iitd
jjio  States, iciding, i or owning land% with in thi Ilatc, ,ho Ias ca i'r , ( r In q
c.-rrv any fl:ive or flavcs h+-ri within tis (late, into any uthcr Slate, and who iii hv.t 1.1,1 4r
hird or lhidl not hereafter fill tr hire o ut fu h flaes, t,) bring him, lcr, or them, ai.ck ai,,ai
into Virginia without incurring ally tcnahy thcr.ur, nur Ihall Iush flav or flavtse be entild t
icqd,.,mn oil that accuuut.
PRO;l0I)D a/h.vav, That if ay fuch flar- or flaRves he entitled to ficedoin under the ltw of
that Slate, t.) vh'cth he fhle or thl'v may have lieen or flhU hercafter bi rzma,vcd,  Lih titht iLali
rewill ; ally thiing il this ait not'withlhulng.

Cor,.,+nir.e,.t   r.ic% 11.    'FiJI , an  n iaflibe in torce from   tl,n '  pafing thereft.
f  h is  .t.,

rtamL tl.
counties to ,T
point oamin.
enrsfor the pur.
pI, h$ftiQ men
Oat 7q( uch
com-ni (tfoews.

CH1-A PT ER       XII.
x f i j   A C 'L '  e + , , , t k e d ,  ~   : 1 :   f % . :
latl'd ecelmber tile 1Oth, 179.]
W  1     i ;R1 .  E A S ,  t i l e   a.1 ,  i l t i t u l e d ,     , a a   !o r   ,   ' a . ' n , t t o , t1 ,  - a l a '   ,  P'm ei , , 4,
S14e               of/1prat 114 , tk %.v1, hath i'i m1V parts bctll twuid .kf kd:ivc, anI it is necc.l,4I y
that thfe facne lhould be aiucnckd :
SFCTIO    1 .  RE it r,ast.' !y ti (.,,e+, .Gwer maly, Tht rhu courti of tilc feveral couni'i,
wherein pildic,wjre1hctlP's I;i; the inl'1,Atim of tohac'to havy, b cc or may  z clttablililedl, fhal
annually, in the moidlhs it ,Ut, t4 Acl re,uh r, appoint ow,- or inoe commituihoticis, of t i11:.
city and integrity, whtofe duty it shall 11 to pilovi : that proper tonvenieice.i nnd repairs be pr).
vided and       at the ftcral %% archufe  inl 1het, c ount ; that proper II.ales anl wcights be i ,.
vided, kept iii repir, aud CXaluinied ,',itl conparec; with tt filandard wei'lht . f' the county onc[
in fix months at Iell ; that they vilit in th tame I-, ice of time easb wareloufe at letil once, an.!
fee that the tohbrco tierein k pr, Opetly fltored awy antd fcured, and that the iat'lectlors in all
things diligently ufitharge tlcv dty i and it they ihall difcuver it any infpeclor any negligenceo
or hreach of his dut;, they Pll celtifv the finmi to tie eecutive if it lit! of fuch a natutl.' as to
remove fuch ii'Vetr f6 (s'l of~fice ; atld ill all other cafes, ficht negleet or hreach of duty/hall I'!
certified to ite  ut whit t11 i,lited f(ich %ifi~er, .s hereupon tihev ilial procced againl him
according to law: P  ,/,,I, :That iilthe wa, ehoules in the Iown of Peterlhurg. otie lierhi,)l (hall
lie appointed by the tort of each of the counttie of Prinu tie.orge, )inwlddie, and Vhilcr.
tield ; that to 'le wiro:ulle' ill Rik hitld  in .1 \maht-cr, one pe' !1, (hall be appoiutcl by fle

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