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An Act to amend the act, intituled, An act reducing into one the several acts concerning the fees of certain officers 1796 10 (1796)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsva0045 and id is 1 raw text is: bit cotrtUwate
under county
On fiurveyors
ccrltifcatis of
ri3 feils arid the
feai of the corn'.

[ I0
'dAlars ; on each Writ of crio, fii/.rfe'ieha,, and /hh e,'a orli  rum caufr, - or rtrlierari iue from ti.
general court, a dilh'i', court, or high court 6 chancery, one dllar .; on each a ppeal from any
county court or court of hulings to a difiriA couit; one'dolla ; the flaid taxes fliall by the relpec.
uive clerks he taxed in the bill of cols; oti cich '::Urtiicato, undkr th teal of ally county.
or corporation court, there Ihall be paid l tax of wwe dulla'.  No writ, AubP,1a?, or any writ of
error, fipepfid'as, certiorari, or habeats coqpla cum cau/a thall be itrued, or declarAtion in eje6nent,
filed by any clerk, unielf the taxes herefy impofed thereon be firfi paid down. In all appeals
no trafifcript of the record iliall be deliverieO to the appellant by the clerk of the court, or for-
warded by him to a fuperior court, beforct the tax thereon be paid, nor fhall any certificates un-
der the feat of any county or corporatioh court he granted, until the tax thereoA (hail have been
titl1 paid to the clerk keeping fuch feal;  There 1hfall he paid forty two cents for every transfer-
of a furveyors certificate for land. to be *collected by the rcgiler of the lafid.office before the ifflu-
ing of the patent. For every attelfation, protefiation, and  all other inflrt||nents of publication
from a notary public under his fcal of office, 'fifty cents, to be collected and accounted for by the
faid notary public, and one dollar for eacZs ceitificatc und'er the feal of the commonwephth, to be
collected by tie clerk of the council before the delivery of fuch certifii:ate, wvhich ladt mentioned
taxes fliall be accounted for and paid in like manner, and With tile like contutiflions for collect-
ing as is directed in the cafr of other taxes impofi'd by thi    tt.

Commencement  SEc. Ill. THIS act fliall commence and be in forc  fin and after the paffing thereof.
of -his a q. . .. .   . -. •• . .•                                  .- .-- .-.                 .
CHAPTER          IV.
.,, AIQT for  prprt'd tng e, Puuic k ,'eue.
S{PAWed           Dcebr tile 2 3d, i9o6.]
•if c            E ;t e    f niihed b tle Gt mcral 4Mbn, That all taxesacd drrearages oftaxes, eicept
.ing gwncttie arrearages of tlie certificate tax, and all biancliks of revenue which fliali
und.        arlfc to the cornimonwealih between the lall day of Deterriber, one thouland leven hundred and
ninety fix, snid the firfl day of tJanarv, one thoufand feven hundred aitd ninety-eight, Ihall c6n-
fiitute a general fund, and be appropriated to the fupport of the civil govcrnmenr, and for the con.
tingent ciarges liereof, and Ihail alto be Chargcd 4ith the pavun.6it of all uni'tisfied warrants
charged on thi  faid taxes and arteal'ages of taxes by the ii of the'lzf leflon of allimbly, intitied,
Appropriation   An ad1 for ippropriatin ' th/u pub/ic ree ,!ie; of wih'ranit which (hali be hereafter ifuled for ex-
thercot.    penccs attending crimimil protccbtions ; for flaves condembed dnd executed ; for the 1in.te fliares
in the James River, Patowmac; Appomittox, aiid the Difrual Swamp Canal Companies; for the
hofpital for the tire and maintenance of perfons of unloiind mind ; to the direilors of the public
buildings for a fum not excecdtig five thoul'and ilollars; fbr the cexences attcnding the 3*1 renal at
One Point of Fork ; for all penfions allowed by this commonwealth ; for faar.hui allowed by law
to certain officers of the militi: ; of %i'arrtnts which Ihall be iflued by the auditbr of pub-
lic accounts in the year one tho6land fevee hundred and ninety-feven toi intereft on aiiy debt
due by this commonwealth; and for the paytientof.all fums dire,1ed tu be paid by the prefent ge.
noral affembly for which no provirion has ben mAde.
Src. 1,. A N D if the funis heren appropriated to the payment ofthe olcers of th civil govern-
ertain funJs,
I - f.,pi;.J,  mienr and of 'ari;ants ifru& hy the executive for tie contingent purpof'cs thereof on account of the
ilate's Ihares in the JamesRiver, Paowmac, Appomattox, and Dinal Swamp Canal Compaies;
for the hotjiital for the cure and mnaitenunce of perf ns of unfound mind ; tr pen ions due by this
commo.nwcalth ; and for falaries allowed by law to certain officers of the militia, fhouhl not be
productive early enough for thofe purpoles, it fliall be h 'u for the e ecuit've to dire-A the trea-
furer to 4orrow as much mtony, as /hall be dclicient, out of any wther funds, aud to replace the'
Il',ne as fo'n as poflibe; 

fle:3.q:g cl:ule
u,'oI-i in €r.'t
Ad•Jitional kes
to Oerks iaf
vourt, for certain
1Nonrcidents to
ghc fecrity.
ons and qualiti-
eitinnq of Militia
odicers to be ic-
coritj without

Si-.:c. Ill.  All asominng N thin (he purview ottdhi aA; Mlill b6 and are hereby repealed.
Sgc. IV. TIS aa flhall commence and be in forCe 00111 aeJ after the pafling thereof.
C11APTER         V.
.i ACT   12 amendt/c adi, irtimed, n' at reducing into bne :ieftiveral aols co.'cering tlefsf cer
t* in oj/7ccs, and dlecl-in  the meode o 'di/chaiging tc /iid ftcr a:d cou.tv h'is,
SPaffed Deceatbcr the 20tlh, 1796.]
SECTION   1flE il ena Td v the Gennral 4ffiiniy, That in addition to the fecs now allowed by
3   law to the Clerks of court's w ithin this commonwealth, they m ay demand and
receive tle following fees for th'y fervices hereia after mentioned:
W  I1 E N   any deed of feoffirent, or bargaiii and fale, or other deed for 6rnveving and
fettling lands and tenentents only, or together with flaves and petfonal efla e, ihall he recoridd ;
fat evey feparate aud dilini1 tra&, piece or parcet of land, other than the fir i flhereia contained
twenty-five cents.
T H E    fees for recording decfis where the grantees redC nOi within thls fate,    haill
be fecured to theclerk before lie fhall be obliged to enter the proof o. -cknowlkdgent of the
Came of recordi  And in all cafes, perfons i.flitutinrg laits in the courts of this commonwealth,
not refident within the flate, requiring fervices of the clerk of any court, ihal ficure the payment
of the fees for fuch fervicesi beluoe the faid clerk thall be obliged to pe iform the faille.
SEc. 11. AND be itfurt/htr enated, That it fhall be confidiered as the duty of the clerks of the
feveral counties within this nommonw4ealth, to enter of record the recommeudations of officers
proper to fill vacancies in te militia, and qualify them without aly fee for the fame.

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