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An Act to amend an act, intituled [sic], An Act to reduce into one the several acts concerning slaves, free negroes, and mulattoes, and for other purposes. 1795 16 (1795)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsva0042 and id is 1 raw text is: tOn'prsrcntnt~t
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S Ec. It. A4ND  , rit frer eminted, That when a pre'fentment thlnl be made: of any oflrence
by the grand-jury, upon tile knowledge oftwo df their body, the names of thg grand.jury men
givlng the infortuation, ihall b endori'ed at the foot of tle prefentmnct ; and when any prfenit-
mnent, Infortatlon, or indiament, lhaU be made by the grand-jury, of any Gflenci upon tho
teftimony of a witnefs, called upon by the court or the grand jury, to give tellimony concerning
the fame, the..name of fuch witnefs thall ikewife be endorfed thcrcou ; but in none of the cafes
above-mentioned the pcrfon or perfons fo informing, be liable to colla.
-Sec.  1, - ND A*, farrther macted, Thal nothiink in th13 or the above recited ad' lhail be
fo confirued as to difqualify any ordinary kececr, furveyor of a highway, or owner or occupier of
a mill, from ferving as grand-jurors in any ot tile dillrictk courts or gencal court of thi com.
SMc. IV, TIllS aR (hall comrmence and be iu force, from and after the pairing 'reof.

C   N   A   V  T   I. R      X1.
At ACT to amend an act, intituded, An art to rIdgce iWto one t -ral ac.I ais ncrni  f/avor, fue r..:-
gD OnS, ut, wlrulaitet, &xJir .thlr.uurpojs,-
i[%flled the 2th of I)CCcmbCr, h1799.   f
H E REAS ;ret and alarming mift-iics have arife, i ot er Oates ofhh Union, and are
VV likely to atife is% this by voluntary afociations of individuals, who, under cover of elfetting
that juilice towarils perfons unwarrantably lidd in flavery, s hich tile fovereiguty alid duty of fuci .
ty alone ou ,;t to afford ; have in many inflaticca liven the means ot'depriving maficrs of'their pro-
perty in flaves, and In others occafioned them heavy etpentc3 in tedious anti unfounded law fuits:
Fo the end that a plain and eafy mode may bi pointe  out by law for the recovery of freedvmt
,%here it il unjuflly and illegally denied, and that all fuLh pralikces may in wutur be made ufclelu
;dud putiilnhed
fEC. I. BE ;s enacid, That when any Peii it iltall conceive himicf or herfeif ill,-gall vdeiraili.
ed as a flave in the pofliion of another, it ihall .1id may b IM h tl t  r lI t,-rl,n to nake c'all.
plnit thercof either to a magifirutc out of court, or to the court of the dilhiLi, cmility, or corpt,.
ratimn where he or fle Ihali relide, and tsot litsew .  When ti. complaitir fliail be u;.adc to :I
waoillrate of fulch illegal detention, it fhall he the duty of tle  aid tnagillrati ortlihs ith to iuc lii
w.11urant, funmoiuIg tile owneror ptfeor of fudli complainant, to appear befire in. or tleni
other magillrato of the county, to anfwer the complaint to made, .aud tiot hii appearance Ihl.ll
compel him to give bond % itti fccurity, equal at leati to the full value of tftl totmplainamt, condi.
tioned that he thaii ilif tr him or her to ippear at tile next court to be hld for the diflrt%, coun.
ty, Fr corporation whwrtcin he or the re'ides, fftr the purpoft of petitioning tho fiid coii to be allowtJ
t( tile therein infirnta pnp~th, for the recovery df his or her fiedomI and if fuci mailer or 11ld.
er thail fail or deny to give ficutity as afurtfaid, fuCli magillrate Iall order the cornphinant into
tile t.ulody of tile officer fIrving the warrant, tw bc kept by him fafely at the expenfe of luch mailer
or holdr, until the fitting of the firfil court tlht ILail happen after 4 4h judizmcit by him vivent
land pr:ducc h)in or her before fuch court.
Sic. It. WHEN a petkion thall bc alt'ercd to the cowt of any lit1riil, county, or corpra-
tios, by any petfull or phuiis fo complaining, it thall tlate tie naitrial ta,94 ofthe cafe, whicol
bm1:11 proved by alfidas it c.r  thcrwife, to tLe fatisfao!iiou of fuch sourt, the 1ietitr.er thall ,1).
tai cuslf, to be alligntd h' tie 'aidl cuut, shito without fee or rewiald, thda profetuic the fNo
ot fu'h colnpanant : But li;:trc proctfs ihalt' ilie upo the faid pcthion, the counfcl to appj.ini.
c ( all make an e xal tlalcicm'.t to the eciut, c f the circuilnlaicci Of tile cafe,  ilth his opii, it
tlhereupo i, ar.d unlefs froun, lh  circumaanccs and opinion, th: court tiha, fee tralitfll rcalsm
to deny their imcofrrcsscc, they ihall order their tlcrk to lithe proiels agaiutl the owner, to ap.
mrIr 2iutl antwer the cOmlpiaisst, asU11 in the nivail imte, that fuh, :omplainant thai) be in cu!l dt'
of tile thocrilf, ultil the ttsiner ihdl give hondI with Ikcurity. 6ther in court. or with the cle!;
Ml the c~s:', t-k 0uve hilll 4.r her ltolt'onlill 1o alrt' the tutdbiwitt o thie court ; 41ihilik CAN
io toll1AImillilt shall lic !'eiltlvd illto  piJ1lrd i,  tf tho ow;tIr.
SEc. III, AND It $  firflr,'...ad, That if any 'tifixi or p~ti.mv% (ihall be found aitling, at.et.
tig, (ir         an 'rg  ny p  , 01t i Ikte p0.1 uit-4 .f a silit upon a ptnriot as aforeti, mil util
pro:10m or picil'luu., thall tail to tilahitii his or tihi 0;111sn to floitt'l). ILVcry pcifon (a found :.idin,
ahetlling, of m; IalnA  , Ilhall forflit and pay to the owtr c-f fuchl flave, tr to the pt1011 Wh-I
,hall prifecute for the lame. the usn of one hulred dollis, fur every ptlsfon fo eomp ailimng  43
be ie'ovird by aection of dht or infuriatilol il any couti of revoid itihin this comnmoawealth,
amid lnrloseir e liable to al anion on the c;fl fur Jaiuacs atitifi  thcileerrin, to the party micvcd
thcv y.
S,'c. IV. AND sihcrcas it is doubted wvlieulwr a widow who lthall tithia one vear (ram die
de:thm of her hutband, declare, in the manner 1itrftribvd by law, that the will .,t take or acccpt the
lpoviiotm made fur her by her huiband's will, or any pir thereof, and rclnotUlnc all henelit i hIds/he
mil-,ht clan by the II=e will, be vttite'd to one third part of she Iaves NNhcreof her huthand died)
puitred, aid which by his Wiil are dirctled t be cmnamwipated and f~t fix ; -fcor removing fuch
doubts in future, and for a plailn declaration of the law lhrcin : lie it 4, a.u/, That in all tNOt ca.
f,'s the widow Ihall be cntitleJ to one third palt cf the flaves wheto t her liubasd died poflcfd,
14k.twithiandlln they way be naa LEat4  I.  will h4 4.-ti:  d ni-'st  '  !./, that %s lite part of the

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