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An Act for appropriating the Public Revenue. 1795 13 (1795)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsva0041 and id is 1 raw text is: -ceurt by whom the commiffioner was appointed, whofe judgment as to the yearly rent or value
flall he final. The faid commiflioners or either of them to afcertain the rent paid on houfes or
lots a.tually leafed, may call ot' the tenant orproprictor to dcclare upon oath or folemn affirma-
tion, what is the amount of cat paid for the fame,; and every perfon fo called upon and refuting
to declare, (hall t.rfcit and pay thcfum rof three hundrel dollars, to be recovered by motion ow
ten days previous notice, to be made by tho commiffioners. of the revenue or either of them; for
every four-wheeled riding carriage, except phwtons and flage-waggons, fix Cihillings per wheel j
for all phatons ond ta ge-%vuggons, four, hillings ter wheel ; for every other riding carriagO.with
two wheels, two 1hillings per wheel : Prov idr, rhat no tax Ihall be collcaed on land, lots,
houfes, or other property belonging to this commonwealth, or to any county, town, college$
houfes for divine wo-rthip, or femainary of learning.
Src, IT. AVtD be itfutther thacted, That the following tax on law procefa fhall he paid; on  on procers au4,
each writ or declaration in ejeament, irafilruting a  uit in the diftrit court, or fubpcena in the appeals.
high court of chancery, the Ifui of one dollar; on each appeal to the high courc of chancery,
t!\o dullars; on each writ of eTror, luperfedcas, and habeas corpus cum caufa, or certiorati,
ifrued front the general court, a diflri court, or high court of chancery, one dollar ; on each
appeal from any county couit, or eurc of huflings, to a dillriet court, one dollar : The faid O  cetificaft5
taxes ihall by the rfpec.tive clerks be taxed in the bN1 of cofls; on each cettificate under the feat tinder county
of any county or corporatitn court, there ihall he paid A tax of one dollar. No writ, fubpcona, courtlCel.
or any writ of error, fi'perfedeas, certiorari, or habeas corpus cum caufa, thall- be iffued, or de.
claratiun in ejettmcnt filed by any cltvit. unhufs ile taxes hereby impcfed thereon be firfl .paid
down. In all appeals no traifcript uf ihe recor, Ilhall be delivered to the appellant by the clerk
of the.cout, or torwarded by him ro a fuperior court before the tax thereon be paid. Nor (hall
any certificates under the feal of any county or cOTporation court be granted, until the tax thereoit
fliail have been firil paid to the cleik keeping fuch feal. T here Ihall be 'paid forty-two cents for 6w transF is of
every transfer of a furveyor's certificate tr laol, to he colledaed by th-c regqler of the land-office  ,,:cycrs;-,*, fi.
b.foic the iffuing of the patent. For every atteflation, protellation, and all other inilrurnents of c unte,, a th
ptiblihation, fiorn a notary 1'uhlic under his feal of offi e, fifty ccnts, to be collected and accounted f,.I of lun,,ris
6Ir by the fiitl notary public ; and cne d, liar t'Gr cach certificate under the feal of the common. tin (31' i€.,es
wealth, to he collc&d biy the tlerk df the Council iic the delivcry of fuch certificate ; which utlCI 1h: U.A, of
lafl mivriored taxes fhall be acc.untcd for and paid in liket manmer, and with the like commifli- wt.€ e1,moa
ons f,;r collceIng, as is itrcJl il the cafe iA '-r Ld  WxCS i:.odW by this a&.

Snc. Il. THIS atq fl all cerment: z-.:1-be in furce, from and after the palling thereof.
C   11  A   P  T   E   R     VIf.
In ACT f3r , MrerL:i:A, Pil.c Rfvrne,
[PaAid hd 1t)th of I:'ceyMhber, 1795.]
B   E ht oA.T;d kv the G'noral . ','g.., That ail taxes awl a-rearages of taxes, ex-
S:c-ro:x ;.      c.t the ar'ehragm' cf 'hc'certiicArt tax, and all branches of revenue, which
thall a, if to the c;mnmcmnwcnhth, ljerwi en the laft day cf December, one thoufind feven hundred
and nisie ty-Cve, ant the firil day 'f January, one thoufand feven hundred and ninety-feven,
fisail con ffi-t-ue a crcn.r:. fund, arzd ix apprcp'iated to the t'upport of the civil government, and
fi'r ie (oiitinge(.i chargt-i theret, aad Iliall alfi be charged vich the pavment of all unfatisfiedl
warrants chi'gchl on tiw f.L ttes an.l artearages of taxi-s by the aal 6f the lall flijon of Af-
fr!sly, ntituled,  di a01 /Ir a rj i:a  Me public rct-enr, of warrants which thall be hercaf-
tcr Bfucd for expences atteiding , riinal profecatius,; for flaves condemned and executCj ; for
rau f'.tc's thares in the Drifal Ssamp Canal Company ; fo the hofpital for the cure and main.
ten in'c of ierfuis of urllund mind ; ta h-c direilor  Lf the pu'bic buildings ; for the expences
atte,.uing~ thc a~lu:,l at tile Puir:t of R'(.rk ; for all penfions ailowed by this commonwealth
for fadaies allowed by law to certain officeis ofthe militia. of warrants which fhall be iffued by
Ole auditor ef public 'couuts, in the year one thouhand feven hundred and ninety-fix ; for inte-
Id ilon any dz!t hiuc by thi coinioneath; ard fir the payment of all furns dije~1ed to be paid
l.y the prcfrent Gcic-.dr A...r;bly, for .hih no cth    pruvihim !as been made.
Sre. If. AND if te funds herei apr6priatcd to :nh payment of the officerso the civil govern-
mnt, and (f warrants ifued by the Execuaive for the contingent purpofes thereof; on account of
the flae's hala s in the Difiral Swamp Canal Cow-pay ; for the hctljital ftbr the cure and main-
tenance of pet (bns of unffound mind; for pentions due by this colnsionvxealth ; and for falaties a]-
lowed by law to certain ofticers of the militia, ihoulJ not Le produaive carly enough for tholib
.urpofes, it fliall be lawful for the Executive ta direa the tre.-fnier to borrow as much inotityv
is fliall be dficient, out of any other funds, and to replace the fame as fon as poflible.

of this at.
Taxes conflitut-
ilg a &cn l
ApC   riatloa
bDelkc¢cy h's
ccrtain funds)
how (upPtied.

$rc. 11r. ALL aas coming, within the purview of this a-', fhall be and are hereby repcaled. Repeallgc1aUIe.

SEc. IV. THIS a& hall commence and be in force, from and after the paffing thereof.

C   I-F  A  P  T    E, It      I il.
,4n ACTfor colli'g and pulVi/iing all t e-anis .f tie lgiflature concernin lands.
(Pafted the 4th of Docemer,     S-
W       HEREAS it is reprefent.d to the prefent General Atffembly, that an opportunity now ex- Preambh.
ifs of collea'ing ail the aas of the legillaturt, w 'hii'h in any manner relate to the landed
property within the commouwealth : And whereas for the preflervation of a multitude of rightful
titk's toland, it is nece-fary anti exp dient that a cclleicn cf flch las Ihould Oe mal, and printed

of this att.


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