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An Act to prevent the Migration of Free Negroes and Mulattoes into this Commonwealth. 1793 28 (1793)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsva0034 and id is 1 raw text is: [ 28


A ACT-to prevent thle M W5RATION of FREE            NEGROES.and MULATTO .S hito this Com-
[Paffed Dcccnaber the zth, 1793 .]
SECTION 1         E it enatt7ed, That it flill not be lawful for any free ncgro or meidttoto migrate into
B     thiscomirnonwcaith, andi cvery frec negro or m.latto who fhall conie into ti s conimoi-
* wralth contrary to this a t, ihall and may be apprehendedand carried by any citizen ,before lomc juli ice il
the p'tqcc of the county where he hail be taken ; which juflice is hereby ;,uthrifed to ex:auine, -ind and
SrLinove every fuch free negro or mulatto out of this c(rmmonwealth, into that latc or illand front whence it
fhall appear he or fhe laft came ; and for this purpole, th iheriff or OtlaLr o6icea, and uthicr purloo,o
nay by iuch juflice be employed within the.conmmonwealth, upon the lame terms as are by law diret'ttd ilk
.the rnanov al of criminals from one county to anuther. And every free hiy, ro or mulatto who fhal.comne as-
be brought into this common%% calth by water from any country, |iate or ilidnd, may and Ihail be exported to
the place fruin whence le or lhe came, or was brought, and the .chi rges attendilg ihe ltie fiall be paid by
tle importer; to be r4covL ted by Illotlun il t   naEL   of' the ConC.ltw;1xatalth, upon ten da)s Vreyviuu4 notic v
,thereof in any coutt of rLcurd.
S.c. 1I. EVERY matterof a velfel, or other perron who flallbring into this commonwvtalth Ly ,water.
or by land, in any veife, boat, ld cat riage, or otlierwil., any free negro Or mtLt, thail forfeit ai d poy
for every Inch pcrlon fo brouglt, thepenalty of one hundred potnds lawfitl monty ; One la.f to tile Cli.
mon wealth, and the oth r hail t the-  crfun who lhidl iaf6irm thereof; to be rLcovcrtIa hiv alion l It Li or
informsation in any court uf rt.cord, aid ,the dcienaidnt in every uinch cafe fhall Lbc.rula;d to'give ipecial bail.

E1ieption.        Sic. I !I. TII S a6h fhall not extend to inafters of veffcls'bringisg into this ftate aiy :free negro or mu,
lotto employed on board and belongingro luch veflut, and who ihall there%% itla depart, oter to..n y 'Lrluio tra-
s cing into this flate, having any free tiegro or tittotto as a 1ervant.

Slaves brought
froi Africa or
tlhe Wel -lndi a
iflands to be fent
out of theflate.

S.oc. IV.   AN    b.it  furtber en,',7ed., Thatin cafe ay lrive fall ic brought or.come iiio-this~fi,.tlfr-,il
Africa or the Vett-lndia itlands, dirt tiv or indirc-tly, upon information tlm.retit givi to ai;y jtn lC of
the peace, it Ihall be his duty to cal'fe Inch lave to be apprehended initdiately and troraid'ritt d out ot this
commonwealth, and the expence attending fiuch trani'ortation, Ihill lie p~ideby the l acxo  tinpartng filcii
flare, recoverable in the nane of.the jufice   tg ftch fla:e to be tranbiyrt,        acr;t ,.ft e U. inlgie
ilagiltratc.                            alic  tiog I                         ,

Conmenccment      SEl. V. Ti HIS a&-liall.commence and'be'in forc., f'oin and after-tl firfl dwy of jaunry ntxt-
of.this ad.



An ACTfor REGULATING in/and Navzgation on PATOwMIAC                      RtvrR, ai'zt'.-,' T'k 1tt,..
E'Pamlcd Deccmb r the gth, :.7(3.]
   it enaed 4 the .Gcner,71 Afemb!y, That c. cry pcrtlon or pir1fons keepi:g a hot f,r
Owners of boats 'Scc.Tlo?  I.  .i   the purpofle of tranlorting fior hirt, upon theit part, oF tie ri tr .Plw,: abos ij: e
t otaiuAi licttIais  water, from one jIaCe to aoothlat, tibacc., .lioer, vvheat, corn or any other articles p.otl:.eti froll tile earil,
from the c.cuuiy  or gaoods, wares, tacrhiandile , or nr'ntifaturs (af any kind, fllah apply to tit:  a r t.viL COLint , in
curets.         which lie or they relidc, for a lictnis., tado Ii, and tilt lai;id ciart ik i.ttby uai thorileti t gaont tile lnluc, (c! -
.ribing therein the nanie of.th ow:netror.owirlers t!hercf, .tid thL pice of their rl dt o .ae  ,  t,, so'l .)er,
and taking hbnd from him or them   with approved ii curity, in the penaity (if one Lundrd dcilaii, r tto
feurity.       Le, ping the laid.boat.in the manntr and.coditiai preicribed by law, at izif titles w I~en it lh.li b. l i1Uyed
as aforelaid, fur hire in traniportatiun of. any of the articles aforcliiid.

Penalty fAr
tl1aiiportiiig for
hire,, robacco,
kc. withuut a
I1ow the licin-
fi d Jxmos ihall
be fitto up.
Purchafers df
fueh bo:ts to re-
tras-the lraiks
and take out

S.c. I.   IT hiall not he 1-%% fill far any perfon to carry, qr !'uffer to 4,e carried m ith his priviry, fur mo-
noy or othcr vailble coInidi.ratiul), in aty~boat, wholly oi partly.ietonging to him, froin-ue place to ant.-
thor, tpon the river .iforrei.i, or ary branch thereof, ihove tide water, any tobacco, flmr, wleat, corn, t.r
.ai y ot   'r *artici'h pr  duc  fran the cari, ur aais good.., s'are, aatchaknidima, or manutactor.., without
having a lieenfc fd~r Liae' fhidb6at accirding tia law ; ,hmau whafoever ihall ah .:contrry hereto, ihail forfeit and
pay the it,.'of tweaitv dollars for ctl'y fuCh ureliCe, to bc r~cuVeld Ily attion of debt, or information in
any court o t r':cord ; ane Inaaatv to the ufLt af tle informer, and thether to tl)e ,tal of the c,niiovwcilth ,
and. moreover ,aali bce liabte to an attion 611 tlae:talc'to any prlon lojield tiwrcby.
Src. III. EVERY       b;:at intenled to ba emploed as aforefaid, fitall be well ctih'd with firong plank,
.anditaifliciently haigh ta'pri:vcnr the vater In th: b,ttoni ftroin damaging any yart of the carg;, and 64aa be
,,furntlhtl with a harpaulin  coser, firtthed over hoops in the manner of waggu  covert, fiaflicient for de-
fending, the weatht-ard alb -with a hand-pump, and thall have -a plaisk..fiatway upon each fide of the
b, a:, either on tie outer Or inl'aie thereof, as the owner liall find molt; convenient, and fli be numbered,
and.jin lin'c hall be granted in any cafe, Uniiel it be -roven to the court, that tle bo~t is ceiled, lttd.
.fuarnijld audnunbered, as h'rtin Ibefor,; dirt.•-Let.
.Sgc. IV. WIJENFVER a boat. licenfitd as aforefaitd, fbhllbe fold or trantferred., the licenfe fhall be
rctturas-.within tsso monthis thereafter, to the court from  whetnce it iteud, arid the !inme ihall be cancelled,
and a new kcnlc.grantkd to the jpitachaftr or tranhfurree in .he niatt.cr and oulptn the t:tn)s hertin bifire

flow they may
be apprehended
and fent out of
Penalty fir
bringi ng them
into the ||ate.

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