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An Act for regulating the Police of Towns in this Commonwealth, and to restrain the Practice of Negroes going at large. 1793 27 (1793)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsva0033 and id is 1 raw text is: -[   7   J

Sne. 1.I. TH.E comrniffioners fhall feverallv return to the Executive immedlately after making fale of
'-lh,' lands, an account of all their proceedings, t64ethcr with copies Of all furvcys and divifions of lands made
purfitant to this a.t., and they Ihiabl for their irviccs be entitled.to three per .centun on the amount of their
eldpeCtive.1dles, together with the expences of the.furvey4, to be paid by the treafurer, oa warrantfrom the
.auditor, out of any money in the public treafury.
SEc. IV. IF an) purchafer Giall fail to mwike the firft payment as dire~cd, the Executive fhall dire&
'thc commillioner again to fell.tht lands of the purchaifr ib failing, after notice a3 aforelaid, aad on the like
'SLC. V. AND be itrl'/ber ena~led, That the  commilriunera fo appointed hidl have power, and are
;hercbv authorifid, t.recovur by motion in their rcfpettive.county..our; from all perfois, their heirs, exe-
tcutors or adminiflraturs, who have collected or reccived any money or tobacco for rent'due the common.
wealth on the above lands, all the money or tobacco by him or thmn.colleed or received, with intcreft therc-
* on from the time of fuch collc&ion or receipt; provided ten days previous notice of fuch illtion lhaUl he .i-
.vcn-to fuch perlion or perlons, their heirs, .exccutors or admiiniltrators: And the .refpeaive zcounty courts
,are herebyauthorifed to grant judgments in mannor.aforcfaid, whereupon execution Ihall ifruc in like Min-
,Ier as oil judgmeuts obtaincd on behalf of the.coinmonwealth, by the Auditor of public accounts.
,SEc. VI. TIIS aft& hall~conimence and bein force, from and after the paling thereof.

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tC R A Y T E R


.1n ACT for rqdulaiing thc'PoLICI -of        7IowNs hi f, ii Go,nnon'wcalth, and to rtftrain tk
-Praificc of  NEGROFLS goig at LARGE.
[Pafled 'Dceniber the ioth, 17 93,]
C I  'I  THEREAS great inconvericncies hF.ve.arifen in many, if not all the ,towns Withim.thih  Preamble.
IV.C'Zo?    ,  VV,   commonwealth, from the praiice of hiring negroes and mulattoes, who pruteud to bc
.frecdom,.but are in faCt flaves : For remedy whereof,
Free negro-Se ana-'
SEC. 1I. BE     it enafl:d yibe'General1eJA4b-, That from:and after the palling of thi3 .a, every   wilattoem relid-
free negro or mulatto, who relides in, or is employed to labour within the limits of any city, borouph or ingor employez
town, ghall be regiftcrcd and numbered in a book to be kept. for that purpofe by thr clerk of the fA city, in certain towns
borough or town, which regifter ihall .fpecify his or herage, name,. colour.and liature, by whom   and. n  kc. to be regif.
what court the faid nQgro or mulatto was emancipated.; or. that fuch negro or mulatto was born free. A     tred and 'nuni-
copy of the fail regiflcr, fignedby the clerk, and attefted by one alderman or -town magiffratc, lhall be an- 'bered;
nuallv delive d to 'the ilid negro or mulatto,.fur which cqopy thIw.clerkia44l rmcviva twenty-five cents, to  annually fur.
be paidIby the perfun receiving the fame.                                                                     e      a
-ertificate tnere-
'SEc.  11.   ANY perfon harbouring orempo'ing ary tegroor-mulatto, who .ha     not a certified ,copy  of.
of. the Itid reglfler, thall forfeit and pay for each olffence five dollar to the owner of luch negro or mulatt, Penalty for em-
.and if there. be no owner, to the in former, to be recovered by warrant before any ilderman or magiftrate, ploying them
and hall be moreoverliable to an adian for damages at the Cuit of the party grieved.                    without.
SEc..IV. ..AND'be iifurier tzafled, That in caf'.any negro or mulatto, who.refidcs in or is.employ-     magiffrates 'to
ed to labour, in any city, borough or town, lhall.meglcl to procure fuch.certificate, it flhall'be lawful tor commit thofe
any alderman or magifirate, tocommt-tojail fuch negro or mwatto, thee to remain tillfuch copy is pro- who negleit to
cduced and the jailor's fees paid.                                                                         procure luch
SEc. V. AND for the preventionof 'free nogrocs and mulattoes .going-at largein'thc 'foveral counties Free negroes ani
,-of this commonwealth, Be itfuriher ena -led, that no free negro or mulatto lhall be allowed to go at large imlattoe in the
or hire himiff or herfelf to labour in any .county, without having his or her certificate' regiftered in the country not to
clerk's office of the. county wherein he or fhe refides, and having acertifiedcopy of the laid certificate. 'For go at large or
regitering ,and granting fuch.certificate, the clerk halil be allowed twenty-fiv, cents.                  hire themfelves
without being
regilered, icc.
SEc. VI. 'ANY perfon employing or harbouriag any negro or mulatto, coming within the purview        of 'Penalty for em-
-this a&, fhall forfeit'.snd pay for each offence life dollars, to the 'ufe of the informer, to be recovereI by a plOYIng them
warrant before a jufLice of the peace; and &hall be moreover. liable, to an xtion --for damages at the fuit of the 'withdt.
,party grieved.
SEC. VII. EVERY        fiuch-frce negro or mulatto, fiall once 'in everythree.years, obtain A now .rtl, Totnew their
:lficate, under the fame rulesanmhrtgulauons, asatc.prefcribed. for obtaining thefirLi.                   .certificates once
in three years.
SEC. V111. AND imcafe any negro or-mulatto, whoefikfs in or is.crployed to.abour in.an,' coun. Or may je:om-
ty, Ihall negleft to procmre fuch certificate, it fhall be lawful for any magiftrate in thefsid county to .com- mittedto jail.
Imit to jail luch negro or mulatto'thetc to .remin till fuch certificate is produced and 'the jailoi's fees

-Sm, CI.  THIS af Will . conmvrM   andbe in force, ftomandter the firfc day of January RexL

.ftisi  aft.

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