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An Act for appropriating the Public Revenue. 1793 18 (1793)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsva0032 and id is 1 raw text is: certiorari, or habeas cprpus cum caufa, fhall beiffued, or eoaratiq. j ,jcfment. file'!
by any clerk, unlefs the taxes hereby imppWid thereon, he firQpaid_.4pwn. In :all ap,
tpeals, no tranfcript of the record fliall be 4clivered to the appellant,.by the -clerk of the
court, or .trw'arded by him to a fuperior court before the tax, impofe dthere'tt be ;paid ;
nor thall any certificate under the feal of .any county o.r ,coippration court ,be granted,
On iransrers nf uutil the .tax thereon flial have fitifl beeu paid to the clerk ,keping-fuch feal.  There
firveyors cartifi- Ihall be paid forty-two cents for every iransfer of a furveyofs certificate, fnr land, to he
:cates.      colle6led yby the regifter of the landoffiee, before the iftuing of the patent.; for every
1On atteflations atteflation, 1proteflation,..aud al-6ther.inf~rurnents of.puhlication from  a notary public,'
-under the feals under his feal of office, fifty ;ents, to be colleled and ,accunted for by the faid notary
of notaries.
On cetificatts pulbic, and one -dollar-for each certificate under the fenl of the commonwealth, -to be
under the feal of colleYed by the clerk'of the counci before the Lleliv ey of fuch certifiqate ; which laft
the conminon-  mentioned taxes flall be accounted for andpaid, in like manner, and with the like ,con-
wealth.      miflions for collecting, .as is.dire6ted in the cafe of other taxes, impofed by this a&k.
Forn'eras in-  SEC. III.   IND bc itfurther enatled, That -all and every other.atf .or ,uqs, impofing
Pli2g taLt4 re- any tax whatfoever, fhall be, and the tame is hereby repealed, exept fo far.as they may
relate to the tax or.duty.on tobacc, and .to the colleaioin and.recovory of .tlhe tax.es here.
,tofore due.
Src. IV..   AND WHEREA'S it appears, that atthe time of paring the a&, infiu-
.tuled, Aln at br inipofinT a public tax jor the year one thoufand tjen hundLd.,  and nin'tqy-t,,
it was the intention of thc legiflaturc, -that no tax on a writ of capias ad ro.4pciidendum,
iffuing from the county or other inferior courts, dhould'he .paid, but dutbts have fincc
arifen, whether the fame was cife6Rually .provided for by the faitd act, for removing fuch
No tax to be doubts: Be it eOWuted, that it fhall not be lawful for.the clerks of the faid codttie, (,r
.   Of:l on vrocul other inferior courts, to.demand or receive .any tax on fuch writs, iffued iince the palrc, e
itrucd  fmr  ii)-
firi,recurtfi, ce of the laft recited at.', -And where any .clerk of a county, or odier inferior court, ibad.'t
-the 3d Decm- have received the tax of fifty cents on any capihs by him .lued tInce the third day of lc-
ber, 1792.   cetober, one .thoufand fevein hundrcd and ninet %-twvo, he Ilalt refund the lawe to the
party paying it.  Any law to the coutrary.notwitiflanding.
,Commencement   SEc. V.    THIS a6 flhall commence and be, ii  force, from      and after the pffug
,of thisui.f.  thereof.

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CH AP T                    R     V.
Ai; ACTfr app) oprnatin& the Publi 'Rev'ntu.
[Paffed, December 6th, 17o-3]
SECTIO      T.   it nathed by t  e General ./ffjmblv, That the arrearages of.the revenue
B    j tamxes, which by former ac6ts of .Afiemblv, were made to conititute the
aggi'gate fund, -lai he.folely appr<priated to the pavyment of .all warrants lieretofi,,e
illiekd thereoni, of all warrants to -be iilued by the autitor of pubhc accounts, in thc year
on-- thoulanddhveri hundred and uincv-four, for iliterelt on any debt due by lthis cor-
Iht0nwealth, and of.-l l'ums of momey dire&cd to 'he ipaid by the prefent General Afflem-
:bly, for which no other provilou has been made.; .And all warrants and pthur facilitics
which have been heretofore receivable, in difchu ge of 'the refl'ctiv.e taxes, which c6n_
flitute the aircOreate funld, and all warrants, With the payment of which the aggregate
fuud is chargtd by. this a t, may be paid in difcharge of tht taxes, which conititute the
faid fund.  And the theriffs or collelors of the r,6-enue taxes, which corilhtut, the
taid fund, flau on.payn , ent thereof into .the ,p.ut ic treafiu'rY, have credit for the fame
aecordi ugy,
SEC. II. TH1,E   monies bvhich t.xny be 'paid lnto,.the treafury, in .difcharge of the
taxes, whic'h conlifttute the *faid fund, and alfo the  nuey 'which may he received on
files of t hacco, paid il difeharge of the 'fame, or fo much thereof as flall be necef-.
fary, thadlibe paid by the treafurer, to the holdtrsof warrants ou the faid fund, at cer-
tain peri.jds. And to the end, that all.holders of fuclh'war'raits, may receive in propor-
tion to their relpctive claims,  tie treafurer fihallgive in .tie 'Virginia Gazette, fix weeks
notice of the time when payment'is to be.made, Inl order that 1uchu warrants may be pre-
viouily avegiflered, and the money beldnging to the fhid fund, duly apportioned amongl
Sr:c. 111. AND   b, it fitnther enailed, That all taxes and arrearages of-taxes, cx-
cept thofe conflittiting the a ,regatc find, (hall continue as appropriated by the afore-
fLid aht f the l, it fi:fln of A(f imbly, intitukld, .11n all fir a/tfro~riat he ic  d'lie
,,m,', anid that all brar.lfcc:; of rcenue which thall ariife to th, commonwealth,, be-

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